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  1. Hello, I have created a Hyperlink for the Crosstab measure Group cell. However now, the Hyperlink appears for all the cells present under Measure Group. The requirement is to give the Hyperlink to only the cells with a particular value in the Measure. That is, if the Cells under Measure Group have values like 3,4,7. I am trying to set the hyperlink to the cells having the value as 3 only and not to the cells having the other two values. Thank you, Tejeshwar
  2. Hello, I have been workig on crosstab on Ireport Pro 3.5. How can we edit the Height of the Crosstab RowHeader Cell. The Height seems to consistent and i am nt able to modify it using the Grid Lines provided. Thank You, Tejeshwar
  3. Hello, Does anyone have a demo JRXML of a Gantt Chart. I am Trying to create one ans want to know more details about the Gantt Chart. Thank You, Tejeshwar
  4. Hello, When trying to access to the Login page of our JasperServer Install. we are getting an loginerror.html page with the message, "Invalid credentials supplied. Could not login to JasperServer." When checked in the logs, the error message has been given as, 2009-08-19 09:00:56,634 ERROR hrjasp - HRJASP???? 9999 [{0}=Missing VIRTUAL_SESSION_ID] 2009-08-19 09:00:57,227 WARN JILicenseFilter - Licence acceptée. La licence JasperAnalysis Professionnel Commerciale expire le 12/15/10 12:59 AM. 2009-08-19 09:00:57,234 WARN JSCommonController - There was a login error 2009-08-19 09:00:57,278 INFO ResourceBundleThemeSource - Theme created: name 'theme', basename [theme] 2009-08-19 09:00:57,280 INFO ExpressionEvaluationUtils - Found JSP 2.0 ExpressionEvaluator 2009-08-19 09:00:57,287 INFO ExpressionEvaluationUtils - Found Jakarta JSTL ExpressionEvaluatorManager 2009-08-19 09:03:11,277 ERROR hrjasp - HRJASP???? 9999 [{0}=Missing VIRTUAL_SESSION_ID] 2009-08-19 09:03:11,318 WARN JSCommonController - There was a login error 2009-08-19 09:08:09,040 WARN JSCommonController - There was a login error What could be the possible Issue in the install. We have Tomcat as our web server. Thank You, Tejeshwar
  5. Hello, While generating a Cross Tab one of the requirements is to Give different Color codes to different Sets of Cross Tab Cells under the Measure. That is, if we consider Sales as a measure, i want to color the cells with Sales value less than 1000 as one color, then Color Sales between 1000 - 10000 with one color and if sales value is greater than 10000, another color will be assigned. Is there a way to implement this. Assigning different Color codes to different cells based on the data of the cell. Thank You, Tejeshwar
  6. Hello, i was able to implement Column level security in a domain succesfully. however, i am unable to implement row level security in my domain, this is the XML Code is used for Row level: <securityDefinition xmlns="http://www.jaspersoft.com/2007/SL/XMLSchema" version="1.0" itemGroupDefaultAccess="granted"> <resourceAccessGrants> <resourceAccessGrantList id="EMP_INFO_resource_access_grant" label="optionalLabel" resourceId="JoinTree_1"> <resourceAccessGrants> <resourceAccessGrant id="EMP_INFO_row_grant"> <principalExpression><![CDATA[authentication.getPrincipal().getAttributes().any{it.getAttrName() in ['Country'] && it.getAttrValue() in ['USA'] }]]></principalExpression> <filterExpression>HR_ED00.EMPID IN ('ATS0111')</filterExpression> </resourceAccessGrant> </resourceAccessGrants> </resourceAccessGrantList> </resourceAccessGrants> </securityDefinition> i am getting the follwing error in the log Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: exception parsing filter string ' HR_ED00.EMPID IN ('ATS0111')' what is the correct format of Filter Expression to be used in file. the format i am currently using is "<JDBC Table ID>.<Field ID> in ('<string>') please provide with the correct format to use and any additional information on the topic will be really helpful. Thanks, Tejeshwar
  7. Hello, i have uninstalled 3.0 and deleted the folder in Program files and tried installing Jasper Server 3.1. However, at the end of installation i am gettting a pop message showing a "Post Installation Error" couldnt access mysql with the username "Jasperdb @ localhost" and the Server is functioning. is there anything else we have to do before installing the 3.1 jasperserver. please help. Thanks, Tejeshwar
  8. Hello, where to Download the DomainIRPlugin-1.0.jar. i am using Ireport 3.0 and Jasper server pro 3.0. it is automatically available as mentioned in the manual. Thanks.
  9. Hello, where to Download the DomainIRPlugin-1.0.jar. i am using Ireport 3.0 and Jasper server pro 3.0. it is automatically available as mentioned in the manual. Thanks.
  10. Hello, When i am trying to update the SQL Query in an input control and saving it, it is throwing up an exception in a pop up as, org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException : Could not insert any idea why this is happening. Thanks.
  11. Hello is there any way to Reduce the number of Tables in a datasource while creating it in the JasperServer. it is because, i am trying to create a Domain using a certain JDBC datasource, but Tables of the Datasource arenot loading in the launch designer, and this should be because of the large number of tables in the Datasource being used. Thanks.
  12. how can we use a variable which gives the max value of a Field as a Default Value of Parameter in the query
  13. Hi i have been trying to execute a SQL Query in the Default Value Expression of a Parameter in my report using Java coding. but when i try to execute the report, the Portal is showing compilation Errors. is there any specific method to use a SQL query in the Default Value Expression of a parameter Thanks, Tejeshwar
  14. Hello, i have been trying to create a Domain using the an Oracle JDBC database as the datasource. But when i launch the Domain Designer and select the Schema, the tables arent being listed and the portal is not responding. can anyone explain the cause of this. Thanks, Tejeshwar.
  15. Hi, Can the Default page size in the Adhoc Reports section, be set to A4 size as the default value, instead of the Letter size. how can we do this. Thanks.
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