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Everything posted by itchytoes

  1. Hi -- I tried this "trick" where I have two line charts in the same location and in the pdf, both charts appear on page. however, when I print the chart to a printer, only the 2nd chart appears because the 1st one is either hidden below it or not printed at all. Has anyone else tried this trick and seen this happen? Thanks Betty
  2. Hi -- On a lineChart, is there a way to display the value of the valueExpression on the chart itself over the point? Thanks Betty
  3. Hi -- Okay, thanks. I got my report to work with the holes in the data, but I have another question regarding the crosstab. So, I have 2 fields, call them ClusterOrder, and ClusterName, and my "ClusterGroup" columnGroup. When I used the ClusterName as my bucketExpression, I was getting my columns out of order with the holes in the data, but when I changed it to use ClusterOrder as my bucketExpression, my columns are now fine. (I'm not exactly sure why, but I need it to order by ClusterOrder anyway). My question is, how do I get my ClusterName to appear in the <textfield> of the crosstabColumnHeader? If I use $V{ClusterGroup}, I get the ClusterOrder, which is not what I want. I would like the ClusterName displayed. I tried $F{clusterName} but get an error, and I tried creating a measure with clusterName and get null for $V{ClusterName} Thanks Betty
  4. Hi -- I'm trying to understand a little more about crosstab reports. I am trying to get a crosstab report working which has sorted data coming in. If every row has an entry for every column (i.e. there are no "holes" in the data), things work fine. However, if my data rows may be missing data for some columns, it sometimes works and sometimes does not. When it does not work, I can end up with the columnGroup s all out of order. In order for a crosstab to work, do I have to have data for every column? Betty
  5. Hi -- Which JasperReports version are you using? Starting with Jasper 2.0.3, the borders implementation was changed so that one-half a border sits within the box and one half sits outside the box. (I hope I got that right!). Therefore, boxes adjacent to each other will have the correct full width. I had some issues with 2.0.3 because of this newer functionality, as documented here. I've since sorted out all my reports and the borders are all nice. You should be able to have borders that don't double in width. Betty
  6. Hi -- I think I understand what you are trying to do, but I'm not sure. I can think of a couple of ways to do it. Since you appear to always want 24 rows of data, you could read all your data and place the counts into a HashMap that correspond to the various hours, then instead of printing for each <detail>, your don't do your output until the end of the group, and then you print each row with values from your HaspMap. Another possibility, if you are reading data from a database, is to construct your query such that it always returns 24 rows, one for each how. Depending on your DB, this may be result in a slower processing time, but it can be done. For example, you could use unions to return one row for each hour where you select the count for each hour specifically, and return a 0 if there is no count. Betty
  7. Hi -- I filed an artifact to iReport about this. I don't use iReport that often. What I usually do is write the jrxml myself, and I use the global <style> feature. Once in a while, I do use iReport to change my layout a little bit, and I noticed that after I save the report, it generates all the <box> elements for every textField, based on the global style. This is fine, except that when I changed the global style, nothing happened, and it always annoyed me that I have to go and remove the generated <box> elements. Not to mention, with the deprecated border attributes for 2.0.4, I had to manually remove lots of them to get rid of the deprecations. Betty
  8. Hi -- At first glance, your report seems very similar to the StackedBarChartReport included with the jasper samples. Is that true? Unfortunately, I do not know how to use iReport very well, but it seems like your report should be feasible. Betty
  9. Hi -- Yes, you can do quite a bit with MySQL and subqueries. The "flow" of the report depends upon the data presented to the report as detail rows that all follow the same column format, so a series of sql queries would not make sense if they generated output rows of different columns. I've often been able to use union statements to combine results from different queries and map them to the same set of output columns. Also, there's always subreports if you need to present data that is some detail of the master query results. Betty
  10. Hi -Okay, I tried with more data, but it still looks fine to me. I'm at a loss, except to ask if the blank rows are always on particular data values, or is it always in the same row positions? You do have isBlankWhenNull="true" set. Are there null data rows being returned? Maybe the blank value rows behave differently in html than for csv files? Betty
  11. Hi -- I'm the queen of table reports. I do lots and lots of reports with tables in various forms. In some cases, I'm lucky enough that I can get a query result set from the DB in such a way that every column is accounted for, and there may be null values for some columns, and I can deal with that. Sometimes, if you are tricky with the SQL query, you can ensure that this happens. Sometimes, it just does not work and my result set will have rows that don't have data for each column and I cannot fill a crosstab. I've thought about trying to gather that data into some sort of array as I go, and then use a subreport at the end to use the crosstab report, but I haven't done that yet. Instead, I usually fill a HashMap or something as I go through the rows, then at the end of some group, I will output the whole row by displaying the various values in the hashmap. Thus, I don't use a crosstab, but I end up with a table where the HashMap values are the columns, and the keys are the column headers. Sometimes I need a subreport in the title to load up a List with all the possible column headers in the right order. Betty Betty
  12. Hi -- For your <textField> under your <cellContents>, can you include a <printWhenExpression> under the <reportElement> that tests some condition based on your various crosstab variables? Betty
  13. Hi -- I was curious enough to give the jrxml file a try. I created a few rows of dummy data. It looked fine to me, but my report only shows 4 rows. I've attached an html output file. I am using JasperReports2.0.1. So, I guess I cannot duplicate your problem easily. I did not specify a DATE_FORMAT. Betty [file name=tester.html size=3845]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/tester.html[/file]
  14. Hi -- Hmm. What type is that parameter you are passing in? what is the database you are using? If you just pass in a string, do you need to apply a conversion function (like to_date in oracle, or whatever) before you can apply the date functions? Betty
  15. Hi-- I'm hoping the solution is obvious to someone without me having to create a simple test case. I've got a subreport that is a 2-column report. (It generates a legend for the main report). When I run it by itself, I get two columns, but as a subreport, I end up with one column. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks Betty
  16. Hi -- Take a look at the FAQ page on the section about making HTML friendly pages. It's tricky in the sense that all your various cells have to line up correctly. Betty
  17. Hi -- I'm not sure what the default PDF font is, but I've always specified my pdfFontName attribute for the text. Most PDF readers (like acrobat) have the following built-in fonts: Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic Symbol ZapfDingbats Arial is a typeface developed my microsoft that is very similar to Helvetica. So, if you like that font's look, set your pdfFontName="Helvetica" or pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold", the latter for bold Betty
  18. Hi -- Do you know ahead of time if you are running the report for a subsidiary or not such that you can pass in a parameter? If you can pass in a parameter and use a <printWhenExpression> to suppress the header for a certain value. Betty
  19. Hi -- About 7 messages before your post (you probably missed it amidst all the other postings), Teodor said that the Adobe errors are due to a bug in 2.0.3 and will fixed in the next release. There have been a bunch of other postings about subreport issues with 2.0.3 also. Betty
  20. Hi -- Well, at first glance, your numbers make sense to me. Does it work? Betty
  21. Hi -- I generally just write the jrxml files for my reports, but I will sometimes use iReport to make placement adjustments. However, why does iReport always create a <box> element? I use a style attribute to control my display (e.g. borders, etc.), but after I run iReport and save the jrxml file, I end up with <box> for every field and if I want to make a quick change to my style, it has no effect because the <box> specs have taken over. In this one case, when my style has just border="1Point" and borderColor="somecolor", I end up with all borders set to "None" and colors set to #00000, so I lose all my borders. Betty
  22. Hi -- If you look at the sample reports, there's one called ScriptletReport under the scriptlet folder that shows a <textField> displaying something from a scriptlet call to a hello() method. Betty
  23. Hi -- I believe I'm going for the longest number of messages on one post :) Okay, I have tried it out with jasper 2.0.3, and I realize now with the cell borders being drawn 1/2 inside and 1/2 outside, I can always specify all sides of borders for my cells and they meet up correctly on adjoining cells. I no longer have to do the overlapping trick -- I just start at the x and y I want and reduce my size back down by 1. Everything will look nice. Once I do this, my cell borders will look thick using jasper pre-2.0.3, but that's okay -- I will change the jrxml files and the jars at the same time. Betty
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