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  1. I solved part 2. The parameter for the report path is now named "reportUnit".
  2. HI! We had a working authentication filter in JS 3.1. It was doing 2 things: 1. Authenticating a user with our auth system and making the user log into JS without entering login data on the JS login page. It was using the shadow users feature. 2. Authorization of running reports by asking our auth system if the report path is allowed for this user. Both things do not work anymore in 3.7 (I guess also in 3.5, but we skipped 3.5). Our filter implements Filter, InitializingBean and implements: public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) 1. Authentication This code made the user log in and use the ROLE_USER in 3.1, when SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() was NULL: getExternalUserService().maintainInternalUser(userDetails, new GrantedAuthority[0]); getExternalUserService().makeUserLoggedIn(userData.userName); For 3.7 in single organization mode, I had to provide a GrantedAuthority (ROLE_USER) and then it worked. But I do not get it working in multi organization mode, because one of the following filters apparantly says access denied. If I do not call chain.doFilter(request, response), then I get a blank page instead. I tried requesting ROLE_USER and ROLE_USER|organization and I tried to add this role to the user and vice versa and setting the tenantId on role and user and enabling the user and so on. 2. Authorization When SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() was != NULL, then our code did: resource = request.getParameter("resource"); if (resource != null) { if (resource.startsWith("/reports")) { // ask our system But resource is always NULL in 3.7. So, how to get the path of the report in the repository, that is to be executed in this moment? Our filter is defined like this in applicationsContext-security.xml: /**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,${bean.loggingFilter},${bean.userPreferencesFilter},CustomAuthenticationFilter,... <bean class="com.apag.p2plus.p2reports.AuthenticationFilter" id="CustomAuthenticationFilter"> <property name="externalUserService"> <ref bean="userAuthorityService"/> </property> </bean> </beans> Any hints would be greatly appreciated. The 3.5 auth cookbook did not help in our case. Thanks! Regards, Thomas
  3. We are using Barcode4J now in our Jasper reports (via custom scriptlet). It produces good results, if you use the SVG output, however there are issues with Batik on Jasper Server. The image/bitmap output is not so good, but manageable. We would very welcome standard support in Jasper for Barcode4J.
  4. Do you have an example for this? I would need an example for a new report unit and for an existing report unit. Thanks!
  5. HI! We have now decided to design out reports locally, no server interaction until they are finished. Since we work locally, they can be in Subversion. Later, we deploy them to the Server with the WS API. Thomas
  6. HI! We have now decided to design out reports locally, no server interaction until they are finished. Since we work locally, they can be in Subversion. Later, we deploy them to the Server with the WS API. Thomas
  7. HI! Currently, we are using iReport 2.0.4 with our own custom query executor. If we try to open a report in iReport for NB 0.9, we get an exception saying that we need to define a factory for our query executor. How do we do that? In iReport 2.0.4, we just created a file "jasperreports.properties" in the main path. In iReport for NB, we tried adding our JAR with our QE to the classpath and created "jasperreports.properties" in a folder and added that folder to the classpath. But that did not help. We still get the exception when opening our report and it is marked as invalid. Then, if we try to edit the report query, we get a NullPointerException. Thanks! Thomas
  8. HI! OK, thanks for the info. Created artf3030. Thomas
  9. HI! Is it possible to enable the "Always prompt" feature for input parameters with the WS API? Thanks! Thomas
  10. What puzzles me is the Number formatting, which changes according to the locale definition even when "pattern formatting" is used. Updating example report attachment.
  11. HI! We are trying to speed up deploying reports with the WS API. At the moment, when we deploy a master report with 3 sub reports, an image, a reference to a JAR and 2 input controls, we have to: - call WS API to create report unit with main jrxml - call WS API once for adding each sub report - call WS API for adding the image - call WS API for adding the reference - call WS API for each input control Could the number of calls be reduced somehow? Thanks! Thomas
  12. HI! Thanks a lot for the patch. We immediately installed it and it works like a charm. :-) Thomas
  13. HI! Is it possible when directly using web services (with Axis, not with the plugin Java API)? Thomas
  14. HI! When I try to deploy a styles template (.jrtx) to the repository with the web service API, I get a NullPointerException. Since there is no constant for styles templates like ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_IMAGE for images, I used "jrtx" as WsType like this: rd = new ResourceDescriptor(); rd.setWsType("jrtx"); rd.setName(stylesName); rd.setLabel(stylesName); rd.setParentFolder(folder); rd.setUriString(rd.getParentFolder() + "/" + rd.getName()); rd.setIsNew(true); rd.setHasData(true); jasperServer.getWSClient().addOrModifyResource(rd, file); This is what I get: java.lang.Exception: 1 - null at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient.modifyReportUnitResource(WSClient.java:509) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.irplugin.wsclient.WSClient.addOrModifyResource(WSClient.java:449) Using JasperServer iReport plugin 2.10. This is pretty urgent, so I would really appreciate a fast response. Thanks! Thomas
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