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Everything posted by itchytoes

  1. Hi -- I'm still sort of a novice with jasper reports, so I don't know all of the tricks. I myself generate a lot of reports of this style. I find that it is best to return a query with all the persons and their skills (you will get multiple rows for each person), then I process the output on the groupFooter of each each person. In the meantime, I use a variable and a scriptlet to gather up all the skills for that person into a List as they appear with each detail row. I do have to allow for a maximum number of possible columns (in your case skills) in the display, but I can use <printWhenExpression> to control whether or not any data gets displayed or not, depending upon the number of skills I have gathered for each person. There may be easier ways to do this, but this works for me. Betty
  2. Hi -- I have, until now, been generating PDF output only for my reports. Now I am trying to generate an XLS file. For some reason, my forecolor setting does not seem to do anything. I always get black text. The color does appear in pdf out. Setting backcolor works though. Am I omitting something? Thanks Betty
  3. Hi - So, after staring at the quick reference for stretchType, I notice that it says it applies to graphic elements. Does this mean that I cannot stretch textFields relative to the tallest object in a group? Thanks Betty
  4. Hi -- I have one of these reports with vertical lines going down the page separating some columns and I wanted to group the various textFields into an elementGroup. Only one of the textFields can have potentially long text, so I want it to stretchWithOverflow, and then have all of its other elementGroup members stretch also so that the vertical lines will extend in all the columns. I added the elementGroup, but once I added the stretchType="RelativeToTallesObject" to all the members, the textFields no longer appear in the report at all! (The various fields do have printWhenExpressions, but this all worked fine before the stretchType got added). Am I doing something wrong, like omitting some other attribute? I did set all the textFields to isStretchWithOverflow="true" also. Thanks Betty
  5. Hi -- I'm sure I must be doing something slightly wrong, since I always seem to have problems with the various options of a <variable>. I have a MyVar variable that I want to get initialized once at the beginning of the report via the "initMyVar()" scriptlet call. The function is being called, but it gets called many times, and I cannot figure out what to set so that it just gets called once. The <variable> declaration (simplified for this post) is below: <variable name="MyVar" class="java.util.List" resetType="Report" calculation="Nothing"> variableExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.initMyVar($P{MyParam})]]></variableExpression> <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.util.ArrayList()]]><initialValueExpression> </variable> Thanks Betty
  6. Hi -- I found the solution -- I just had to set pdfEncoding="Identity-H" in order to get my characters to appear.
  7. Hi -- I have a <style> with pdfFontName="ARIALUNI.TTF" and isPdfEmbedded="true". The report has no trouble finding and embedding the font, but when I try to use special unicode characters within the <textFieldExpression>, they just show up as blanks in my report. Do I just use the "uxxxx" to output the characters? Thanks Betty
  8. Hi -- I have had good success with generating PDF output for my reports. Most of the reports have data contained in bordered cells. However, these reports don't render well in HTML. I tend to get alternating boxes with content, and just holes in the report for the every other cell. Are there tricks to making reports render well in both HTML and PDF, especially when bordered boxes are used? Thanks Betty
  9. Hi -- Is it possible to make a scriptlet call within the <queryString> (passing in a paremeter) and have it return the string that I want to use within my query?
  10. Hi -- Oops -- I made an error in my posting -- it is a groupFooter that I wanted to put it on, not the pageFooter. In general, how does one use <break>?
  11. Hi -- How does <break> element work? I tried putting one of them inside my <band> of my <pageFooter> but nothing seems to happen. Is it supposed to introduce a page break? What do I set the reportElement attributes to as far as width and height? (I don't use iReport -- I just edit the jrxml file -- I find it easy to do that) Thanks Betty
  12. Hi - I would like to use the results of a query to determine the subreport to use for the rest of the report. Is this posssible, and if so, under what section do I put the selected subreport? Do I just put one detail row with the subreport? Will all footers and headers in the subreport work okay? Thanks Betty
  13. Hi -- I am a little confused on when variable values are set. I have a subreport that is run under the title that returns a variable. A have a second variable whose value is determined from a function computed on this returned variable. This second variable does not seem to have the correct value in the pageHeader, or in the first occurrence of a group. It seems fine after that. When dos the 2nd variable get set? Thanks Betty
  14. Hi -- I am confused as to what backcolor does in <style>. When I output a textField, the backcolor has no effect. In order to have the text sit in a colored cell, I need to output a rectangle. What is the backcolor used for if I just output text? Thanks Betty
  15. Hi -- Can someone point me to the docs or explain what I need to do so that a master report containing subreports will run under jasperserver? Is there a SUBREPORT_DIR or something that I have to use? Also, can reports be written such that the subreports will work either running under jasperserver or on their own? I should also mention that I am having the same problem with images and not finding them. Thanks Betty
  16. Hi -- Can I include an svg file in a report? When I attempt to create the pdf output, I get a "Image read failed". Thanks Betty
  17. Hi -- Okay, I figured out that I had a lastPageFooter element (generated automatically by iReport, I think) which explained why my footer does not appear on the last page. however, I still cannot figure out why it does not appear on the first page.
  18. Hi -- I am relatively new to Jasper Reports. My pageFooter does not appear on my first or last page. What did I leave out? My first page has no data rows -- it just has a title section. The last pagee does have data rows. Thanks Betty
  19. Hi -- My report output looks more or less like a table with just vertical dividing lines and a single-pixel box around the outside. I've been able to use the various leftBorder, rightBorder, and topBorder style attributes to get the top, sides and dividing lines, but I have a problem with the bottom line. I tried putting a <line> in the footer, but that leaves a gap and does not always work because my data rows may end before the page bottom because of groupings. What is the best way to put a line at the bottom of my box so that it always works and my data is surrounded by a box? Thanks Betty Thanks
  20. Hi -- I've started playing with JasperIntelligence. The user guide talks about creating some Report Units. In particular, about the samples/reports/AllAccounts.jrxml. My jasperinstallation installation does not seem to include any sample jrxml files. Where are these reports? Secondly, I decided to trying loading up some samples from the JasperReports project. I loaded the ImagesReport.jrxml from the samples/images folder, but all I get is "The report is empty" when I try to run it. The ImagesReport runs fine using the ant targets. Thanks Betty
  21. Hi -- I have egg on my face now. It turns out that jasperserver.xml under tomcat/conf/... was the problem, but when I changed it, I changed the user and pw but not the port number. Doh! Thanks -- Betty
  22. Hi all -- Okay. I have egg on my face now. When I changed my jasperserver.xml file under tomcat/conf/..., I changed the user and password, but forgot to change the port number. Doh! Thanks Betty
  23. Hi -- Thanks for all your responses, but I'm afraid I still have not got it going yet. I know that mysql is up and running, and I tried the user and passwords and schema names that are in my context.xml using a mysql client and I can connect just fine. I did indeed discover a jasperserver.xml under tomcat/conf/... so I changed that one also to have the correct login info, but this did not make a different. For what it's worth, my jdbc jar file is mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar. My mysql is 5.0.27-community-nt. Could be version of mysql or the jdbc file be a problem? thanks Betty
  24. Hi -- thanks for responding. I tried putting the mysql jdbc jar file in both tomcat/common/lib and tomcat/shared/lib and I made sure that the connection URLs in context.xml connect to localhost:3306 and I still get the exact same error. Is there some other file I need to configure? Thanks Betty
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