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Everything posted by itchytoes

  1. I'm pretty sure some re-compiling is necessary. I've never used that old a version, but I remember there was version update in the 3.x range where I had to re-compile. Also, I think it's best to replace all the other jars to what is in the current jasperReports release.
  2. Hi -- I'm using jasperreports 3.5.2, and I get this compile time warning about 2 components for namespace, as well as splitType attribute warnings. What am I missing or duplicating? (My jrxml file does not have the isSplitAllowed attrbiute anywhere) Here's a snippet of the compile time output: compile: [jrc] Compiling 7 report design files. [jrc] 0 [main] WARN component.ComponentsEnvironment - Found two components for namespace http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components [jrc] 500 [main] WARN xml.JRBandFactory - The 'isSplitAllowed' attribute is deprecated. Use the 'splitType' attribute instead. [jrc] 500 [main] WARN xml.JRBandFactory - The 'isSplitAllowed' attribute is deprecated. Use the 'splitType' attribute instead. [jrc] 562 [main] WARN xml.JRBandFactory - The 'isSplitAllowed' attribute is deprecated. Use the 'splitType' attribute instead. Thanks
  3. Hi -- I tried your test program. I got red display for -100 and black display for 100. I am using jasper reports 3.1.3 though
  4. Hi -- every time I have used an embedded font, I see the "Embedded subset" appear in the properties. I don't see that with your MSung-light font, so I would guess it is not embedded, but I don't know for sure since I'm not a pdf file expert. I also have never seen a "full set embedded" notation on any of the fonts i tried to embed.
  5. Well, in my case, the crosstab did not need a dataSourceExpression. It just gets its data from the s in the subreport. So, to summarize, my main report passes the data to the subreport via the JRMapArrayDataSource, and the subreport contains just one crosstab which uses the data and does not need a dataSourceExpression. Does that sound like what you need? (My jrxml files are kind of complex and hard to cut back to a simple case, or else I'd post an example)
  6. I've put a crosstab within a subreport, and the subreport was passed a JRMapArrayDataSource for it's dataSourceExpression. Is that what you mean? My subreport contained nothing but a dummy group that output the crosstab for its footer. There may be better ways to do this.
  7. Hi -- I don't know quite how to describe my problem. I've got a crosstab , and I am able to make the headerPosition="stretch" work as long as I don't have a totlaPosition for one of the lower column groups. Once I have the totalPosition, which is really just some blank space to act as a divider, my columnGroup header box does not stretch all the way to cover the width. I'm hoping the attached screen shot will show my problem. Has anyone run into this before? Thanks Betty
  8. Hi -- I'm on Windows XP Pro. I'm using ant 1.7.1, and jdk1.6. The quick.reference html file ends up under the dist folder Betty
  9. Hi -- Not quite. Your link points to 3.0.1 quick reference. In my case, I downloaded the zip for 3.1.3, and ran "ant docs" to generate the docs, and the quick.reference-3.1.3.html has no links. It's just all elements listed out in table format Betty
  10. I found the jfreechart docs. If you have a ChartCustomizer, you can set various options via the BarRenderer class. http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/api/javadoc/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/BarRenderer.html call setShadowVisible(false) will remove the shadow Betty
  11. Hi -- I have attachhed two png files --- newchart.png and oldchart.png My report uses a ChartCustomizer, so I should be able to change the mode somewhere with some call. I will ge thte jfreechart API docs and have a look-see. The old image came from jfreechart-1.0.9.jar -- I have been updating jfreechart to higher versions than what is shipped with jasper reports, and it was never a problem before until this lates 1.0.12 of jfreechart. Betty Post Edited by betty chang at 02/11/09 19:39
  12. Hi -- Did something happen with the quick-reference.html such that it no longer has the links on the various entries? It used to be that every entry was a link to something on the page so that you can navigate around, but now it's just all text Betty
  13. Hi -- I have recently upgraded to jasper 3.1.3, along with the associated latest jfreechart that comes with it. My bar charts now have this funky shadow-effect that sort of look s3D, but not really What change happened with the latest stuff that causes this, and how can I make them look their old boring way of just 2D bars? Thanks Betty
  14. Hi -- Can you print your class information at the end of a <group> that is based on your classes, and then use a variable to accumulate the list of instructors as you read them? I'm assuming that if class A has 2 teachers X and Y, that your query will return 2 rows -- one with A,X and another with A,Y . You can accumulate the X and Y together and print it in a groupFooter for class A. Also, depending upon your underlying database, it is possible to do queries that will return all your instructors names together in one string. For example, I believe mysql has group_concat function that might be useful. Betty
  15. Hi -- How can I make a crosstab work when placed in a <groupFooter>? I keep getting the "Error incrementing crosstab dataset". I've tried setting the dataset resetGroup to the same group as the one which contains the crosstab in its footer, but that does not help. Any suggestions? Thanks Betty
  16. Hi -- I think you can output a rectangle out first (with the dimensions of the box you want), then output your conditional textfield. The rectangle will always show.
  17. I was curious about your question, and I tried a few things, but I could not make it happen. I can easily make the second box start AFTER the first box ends, but you want the first line of the 2nd box to overlap the last line of the first box. This does not mean it cannot be done --it just means I don't know how.
  18. You know -- I always have this problem too, although in our case, we just use Linux in production and Windows for development. I've come to accept the fact that I have make my widths big enough or the font small enough or the padding small enough that things work on Linux. I think there are discussions in the FAQ pages about fonts and such, but I've never tried to digest it all. Betty
  19. Oops -- I meant just give the first one a height="1"
  20. Hi -- This is just a shot in the dark. I've never tried calling a subreport with height="0" before. I notice the 2nd one starts at y="1". What happens if you give each of them a height="1"? Betty
  21. Hi all -- I would like to know if this is a bug. I'm playing with the StyledReport.jrxml example in the latest 3.1.0 jasperReports to try out markup="html" I added this textField, and for some reason the <ol><li> style elements work only if there is some text after them. For example, this works: <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["<font size=20"><b>hello</b></font><ol><li>one</li><li>two</li></ol>xyz]]></textFieldExpression> But, if I remove the 'xyz' trailing text, <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["<font size=20"><b>hello</b></font><ol><li>one</li><li>two</li></ol&gt]]></textFieldExpression> I get a runtime Invalid substring range when I run 'ant fill'. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks Betty
  22. I have done a couple of reports where the main datasource is from Oracle and the subreport needs a dataconnection from MySQL, and I did it by opening the MySQL Connection first and then passing that into the main report as a parameter, then passing that in as my <connectionExpression> to the subreport. Betty
  23. Hi -- Can you just put a properties file somewhere accessible by your tomcat app that tells you where the base path of your .jasper files are, and then use that property to access them? Betty
  24. Hi -- I do quite a few reports with large dots as bullet points. I tend to use a separate <textField> or <staticText> for my dots. Then I use the pdfFontName as "ZapfDingbats" for my dots, and I use lower-case "l" as my character. That gives me a really good dot. Same goes for triangles, squares, diamonds, and the scissor.
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