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Everything posted by itchytoes

  1. Oh, I forgot to mention that in addition to destdir="./reportFiles" I have the following: <src> <fileset dir="./"> <include name="reportFiles/*.jrxml"/> </fileset> </src> So, my source folder is also "reportFiles", which is where that second level of folder name comes from, I think
  2. Hi-- Hmm. Is there anyway you can tell if the subreport will have any data before hand and use a <printWhenExpression> on the band with the fields? Or, is it possible to print the fields together withe subreport output all together in the subreport, so that if there is no subreport, nothing gets displayed? Betty
  3. Hi all-- I'm upgrading from 3.5.2 to 3.7.2 and I noticed something different about JRAntCompileTask I have destdir="./reportFiles" in my build.xml and my jasper files all used to land under the ./reportFiles. Now, they all land under a ./reportFiles/reportFiles folder. This sort of breaks my build since I was not expecting an extra folder level to be created. Thanks Betty
  4. Hi -- I tried the ANT_OPTS and set -Xmx512m, and I got fewer errors, but it still did not work completely. So, I edited the javadoc target in the build.xml and changed maxmemory to maxmemory="512m" and that worked. Betty
  5. Hi -- What type is your TimeKeeper parameter? Also, you must remember to use the bang if the parameter is within the query string. i.e. ($P!{TimeKeeper}='ALL' OR tk.tk_id = $P!{TimeKeeper} You should be able to pass in TimeKeeper as a string and it would be okay. Regarding 2. I'm not sure I understand your question. I don't know that you can use a variable in your query, but I have used a <parameter> in my query where the parameter was derived from another parameter by call some java code.
  6. Hi -- I've seen this problem. I develop on a windows machine, but production is running on a Linux machine. In my case, the box allowed for the data is just not quite big enough and somehow the padding wipes out the trailing text. Can you try making your box a little bigger, or decreasing your padding if you are using padding? Or, you can try decreasing your font size
  7. Hi -- I'm trying out 3.7.2 and when I run ant javadoc, I'm getting all these java heap space otu of memory errors. I'm on a windows 7 machine, using java version 1.6.0_17 Has anyone else gotten this error? Thanks Betty
  8. Hi -- Hmm, I've always been able to add a \n to my text string (which is quoted in a <textField> and I get the line feed. How are you putting in the CR?
  9. Can you display your time in a textField as class="java.util.Date" and then set the pattern attribute to your desired format? (e.g. pattern=pattern="MMMMM dd, yyyy")
  10. Thanks for the reply. After trying a few more things, I gave up and wen the subreport route, and that does work.
  11. Hi -- here is my sample simple XML data source: <AAA> <BBB bid ="1"> <CCC cid="10"/> <CCC cid="20"/> </BBB> <BBB bid="2"> <CCC cid="30"/> <CCC cid="40"/> </BBB> </AAA> What I'm trying to do is write a report that groups by the BBB/@bid attributes, with the CCC/@cid attributes under each group. If I start my queryString with the /AAA/BBB xPath, I can set a <field> as ./@bid and I can group by this field and see my @bid values. However, I cannot seem to get a <detail> that will show the @cid fields under each group. When I try a <field> with //CCC/@cid as the xPath, all the details show the "10" value. When I try ./@cid as the xPath, all the details show just the first CCC/@cid under each BBB group. I don't see the 2nd BBB values. I thnik I can do a subreport and pass in the XML_DATA_DOCUMENT and start with a BBB where the @bid is equal to the current @bid I'm at as a parameter, but I have not tried that yet. I'd also like to avoid the subreport thing for this case. Is this sort of grouping possible? Thanks Betty
  12. Hi -- Thanks for the response, even though I was unclear on what I wanted. I can explain in a little more detail now, after playing with some stuff. I discovered that I can cruise through the JasperPrint and the pages and the JRPrintElements after the report has been filled and I can get the X and Y coordinates of where my text will go. This is good, because I would like to make use of those coordinates. So, my question now is, can I obtain those values or compute them as inches? It seems like I just have to take a ruler and measure what my dimensions are on my output PDF sheets of paper, and then use that as a ratio to get my dpi resolution. My report is 820 pageWidth and 1150 pageHeight. That comes out nicely on my 8.5" x 11" page, but it is not 72 dpi. Thanks Betty
  13. Hi -- I have a strange question. I'm not sure how to start looking into to this. I want to have my PDF output scanned by a scanner. I'm also interested in generating some sort of data that will provide information of where various elements in this PDF are located on the page, in terms of inches, or some other "real" dimemsion. Is there a way that I can obtain information about the PDF output as far as where something will be located on the page after the reader (such as Acrobat) loads it up and prints it? (i.e. something that will translate my pixel numbers into actual positional data?) I think I'm grabbing at straws here, but it's worth a try asking Thanks Betty
  14. What element is your <textField> enclosed in? Is it a <detail> element?
  15. Hi -- I have a feeiing this is a stoopid question. I ask anyway because for some reason I cannot get my subreport sitting on the 4th level to actually be called. Is there a limit to the number of levels? (I searched the forum and someone asked years ago, but no answer was given) Thanks Betty
  16. Hi -- Thanks for the suggestion. I believe what I want to do will have to have layout formatting and possibly images. This goes along with an earlier post about wanting to process MathML. I believe you said that I could do a custom markup thing that would handle MathML, but MathML would involve layout issues also. (MathML includes elements like tables to handle matrices). So, I guess my question is, if layout issues are involved, I must implement a custom component, but if it's just text formatting, then I can do a markup thing?
  17. Hi -- I have some xhtml data with MathML included that I want to format and display as part of a Jasper report. Assuming that I'm willing to write some java code for something that can be "plugged in", is there a way that I can do this, and if so, what is the best approach? I can read the data into a w3.org.dom.Document, for example, but I'm not sure what I can do with it beyond that point. Can I generate any PDF stuff and plug it in? Can I write something that processes a custom element in a jrxml file? Betty
  18. Hi -- Is there a tutorial or example somewhere for how to write and deploy my own handler for some other textElement markup? Do you think it would be possible for me to write one that handles MathML tags? Betty
  19. Hi I'm using JRXmlUtils.parse() to generate a Document from XML contient that comes from a URL. The content is all ascii, and certain characters are specified as xxx if they are outside the ascii range. However, by the time the Document is created, those characters have become hex 3F in the text node data. When I call getTextContent() and dump out the byte[] array that represents the characters, I just see the hex 3F. I no longer see the special xxx ascii. Where did they go? or this is a much complicated XML processing issue? Thanks Betty
  20. Hi -- I'm trying to do something an XML datasource. I can get most of things I've tried with XPath working to display my data. However, I wanted to so something like myElemName//text() to get all the text under the 'myElemName' element, and it seems to only show the first text it sees. Is that supposed to work? Betty
  21. The first example that comes to mind is the splitType attribute of <band>. I ran into it because I wanted to remove the isSplitAllowed. I notice that there are 3 choices, and it is optional, but no default is specified. Looking down the page, I sse that the isShowLabels attribute of bar3DPlot is optional, but no default is shown. Thanks
  22. I've not had this problem with the functions inside a scriptlet, but I know I've had this problem with functions called in <printWhenExpression> values inside a <band> in a <detail> element. I would use the functions to set up some variables and return false so that nothing gets printed, but I find that the calls happen a little too often. I never sorted it out -- but I discovered that my problem usually goes away if I just use <variable> and do computations in there. I never did a post about it --- I figured maybe it was just me doing something odd
  23. Hi -- So in this new schema-style documentation, I notice that a lot of attributes say "optional" use, but they don't say what the default behavior is. I think the older version quick reference html files always stated what the defaults were. How do I find out what they are? Thanks
  24. Hi -- Okay, after much trial and error, I sorted by problem out. It turns out that my classpath for compilation includes a folder which has both jasperreports-3.2.5.jar as well as jasperreports-3.2.5-javaflow.jar I don't really know why I did that -- probably because I never figured out what the javaflow.jar does, so I included it! It seems that I don't need it, so if I don't include both jar files, I'm good
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