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  1. Hi -- I'm at wit's end trying to figure out this issue. I am using jasperreports within a Spring framework. I believe I have set up the web.xml to use the ImageServlet I believe I have set the ImageServlet.IMAGES_URI to the correct thing. I have also set up the DEFAULT_JASPER_SESSION_PRINT_ATTRIBUTE in the request session I have searched the web to death on this. I still have alignment images that show as src="nullpx" My charts from jfreechart do not appear at all What have I left out?? Help!! Betty
  2. Hi -- I found this <a href="http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=53028">useful post</a> which explained how to do a chart where my number of series is varying. I do have a couple of questions. It seems to work only if every category has the same number of series. If not all values are there for every series in each category, then it does not work. Is that true? Also, it seems like I cannot set incrementGroup and incrementType for the chart dataset, or else I only get one series. It seems like with a "normal multiple-series" report, like the BarChartReport in the sample, the incrementGroup is set to the group that changes the category. Thanks Betty
  3. Hurray! I sorted out the cause of my problem. I am using tomcat as a web server, and for some reason, the version of java that was run by tomcat was not the same one used in the build. (there are several javas installed on my machine) I sent JAVA_HOME to the desired location in my catalina.sh file and voila -- it works!
  4. Hi -- I have no clue how to sort out this latest issue I have, so I figure I'll try here. I'm using Spring 3.0.2 and jasper reports 3.5.3 (I don't know which version of jasperreports is compatible with that spring version, but I digress....) I have a strange problem where the jaspererport with a barPlot works fine standalone, but iwhen integrated into a webapp with spring, The axis tick labels don't show, the legend text does not show. i.e. -- text on the chart does not show. (I might try a title on the chart next to see if that shows) I cannot figure out why it works on its own -- whether there is some kind of version incompability or something, or somthing to do with the fonts, or what. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks
  5. HURRAY! I sorted it out. I have to use jasperdb/password, but when I type "mysql" I have to type it as -ujasperdb -ppassword I had spaces and it kept doing odd things with prompting me and such
  6. I have no trouble connecting to the the mysql server just running mysql client, but when I type "show databases" I don't see the jasperserver database. I'm just wondering what I'm missing as far as any command line options to connect to the mysql database server Also, what user do I run mysql as? In other words do I need mysql -u option? I've tried root and that does not connect. I'm using the bundled mysql, and I see that login and password is jasperdb/password, but that does not connect either If I leave -u out, it connects, but I don't see the databases. I see the database in the 'datadir' folder as specified in the my.conf file Thanks Betty Post Edited by itchytoes at 05/31/2011 18:13 Post Edited by itchytoes at 05/31/2011 18:21
  7. Hi -- This is probably a silly question, but how do I access the underlying mysql database? I want to be able to back it up and restore. I can type mysql --socket=/home..../jasperserver400/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock and get into mysql, but I don't see any jasperserver database there when I type "show databases" Do I have to be a particular user? Thanks Betty
  8. okay -- that did the trick. I could swear I tried hitting the "Add" button before and nothing happened, but I might have hit it in the wrong sequence. I've noticed that it's sort of odd in that sometimes the entry does not "take"
  9. Hi - I have an input control that is a list derived from a query. Whem I run the report the drop down just shows as blank lines. I can tell there is data there because clicking a blank row does select one of the choices. When I edit the input control, the "Visble Colunns" data for the Parameter keeps showing up as blank, no matter how often I type something and submit it over and over. What am I doing wrong? Thanks Betty
  10. Hi -- Thanks for replying. With your suggestion, I managed to upload a new theme with my changes and make it te active theme and now my new background is shown. I also need to remove the "Welcme to Jaspersoft" text which is not part of the image. I will fuss with that awhile. Of course, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Betty
  11. Hi - I am using the communiity edition. I read through the docs, and I found the themes/default/pageSpecific.css file which refers to the background image file. I thought I could just change that, but that does not do anything,and I see that the jasperserver web page source points to something like /jasperserver/_themes/59F12030/pageSpecific.css and I cannot figure out where that comes from or where it sits in the webapps folder.Is there a link to some docs somewhere that explains just changing this background?Do I have to re-build jasperserver?ThanksBetty[/code]
  12. Hi -- thanks for the reply. You know, I got mine working, but I'm not sure why. I ended up just restarting everything and then it worked. spooky
  13. Hi -- I tested out JasperServer on my own machine, and I can run reports fine, but when I installed on this other production machine, I get this "Loading..." message when I try to run a report, and it never returns. I tested the datasource and it is fine, The report normally runs quickly. I just need a suggestion on how to debug the problem. Is there a particular log4j.properties entrie that I should enable for debugging to see what is going on? Thanks Betty
  14. Okay -- I figured out that Ihave to set my ignoreGraphics property in the applicationContext.xml file for xlsExportParameters to "false" to allow graphics to show. however, my charts on page 2 did not appear unless I set onePagePerSheet to "true". Then I get the page 2 chart also
  15. Hi -- I am using the latest jasperserver 4.0. I have reports that produce charts. When I export to Excel, the charts don't appear. I can test the reports outside of JasperServer and export to XLS and my charts appear just fine. In fact, when I use JasperServer to save the exported Excel file instead of viewing it, the size of the file is much smaller than the one I get when I run the report stand-alone. It has text data, but no charts Am I missing something? Thanks Betty
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