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  1. Ok great, so the AIX platform is supported by Jasper. Thanks for your quick reply and for providing the link. :)
  2. Hi All, I am planning to install Jasper server (community edition) on AIX box. Also, I want to use Apache Tomcat server, and MySQL or DB2 as database. Whether this configuration is supported by jasper? Can anyone help me? I appreciate any info you have to share with me. Thanks in advance, Hernán.
  3. I'm currently working on Jasper Server v3.7.0 Community Edition, and I have the same "cache concern" in order to improve the query execution. The purpose is to run it once per day, and the result cached so that anyone looking at the report on the same day pulls the cached value. Is there any property, java class or any coding change that I can do in order to find a solution on this? Please let me know any comments you have. Thanks. :)
  4. Does anybody have news about if the crosstab report can support the Measure SORT by ASC/DESC? I'm currently using the iReport Community Edition v 3.7.0. Please let me know any comments you have. Thanks :)
  5. Thks you Matt and Gaby for your reply and your explanation for giving me a solution to this! :)
  6. Report Scheduling daily Job (on jasper server v3.7.0 community edition). I was able to set up, and then successfully received a daily report by email by scheduling it. This particular report has as input controls: a "from" and "to" date time value. For example: - from date: "2010-02-28", - to date: "2010-03-07" (a week period). But here is the interesting issue: these two input control values "always" have the same period of time, and the purpose is to have, a day increment, on the input of the period of time, everyday I receive the email with the report attached. So, following the above example, the next input period of time values should be: "2010-03-01 to 2010-03-08", next one "2010-03-02 to 2010-03-09",..., etc. but it didn't work. The period of time always has the same value, and it doesn't change, as it was previously desired :( In iReport tool, I was able to set up the input parameter values, by filling them with a java coding (like entering new Date(), and then the other date before a week) when previously entering no data on the schedule job. The purpose is to have a report received by email with the input date parameters varying according to the current date. This approach only worked when I directly click on the report. But after I scheduled this job, it didn't, because (it seems the input parameters weren't populated for some reason) I successfully received the email, but with an empty attachment report generated. Could someone help me in order to guide me to solve this issue? :) Please let me know any suggestions you may have. Thanks in advance! Hernán.
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