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  1. Hello, Did you check the version of the jdbc driver ? Regards
  2. Hi, did you check if the Mysql JDBC Driver is installed ? It isn't shipped anymore with JasperReportServer 4.2.1 and you need to get it from your own.
  3. Hi, You need to create a second role for all the other users, except the new one, and assign all the reports to this second role, and not to ROLE_USER
  4. What I need is : - All input-controls prompted - None of the input-controls mandatory But whatever I check or unckeck (even mandatory) , the DATE Input-controls are always mandatory and the user has no way to leave them blank. Do you know a way to get around this ? Thanks
  5. Hi, I'm using JasperServer CE 3.7.1 Is it possible to use a parameter when launching an analysis view ? Thanks
  6. Hi, Thanks for your reply. Yes, 'always prompt' is checked, but if I don't check it the input controls aren't displayed at all because none is mandatory and the report works with the default values of the parameters. In my case, all the input controls are not mandatory and only the 'Date' InputControls are required but not the 'number' or 'string' input controls.
  7. Hi, I'm using JasperServer CE 3.7.1 Is it possible to use a parameter when launching an analysis view ? Thanks
  8. Hi, Im using JasperServer 3.7.1 and all my InputControls with type DATE are requested thow I unchecked 'Mandatory' in the input control properties. Any idea ? Thanks
  9. Hi, What is the version of your JasperServer ? I think it should be at least 3.7.6.
  10. Hi, If you have a PARAMETER1 as Collection, you can create a second parameter (not promptable) PARAMETER2 as STRING with expression $P{PARAMETER1} At this point you get a String and you can use java string methods like replace() to get away the brackets
  11. Hi, Maybe you can try to set a default value to your date parameter in the report : new Date() Post Edited by mespub at 02/16/2011 07:11
  12. I'm using JasperServer CE 3.7.1 I have an input-control date with mandatory not checked, but when I launch the report with JasperServer, the date parameter is always required. Is that a bug ? Thanks
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