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How can I reduce execution time in visualize.js


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Hello All,

I have created one report in jasperserver. When I run this report in jasperserver admin panel, it is taking 90 seconds, but when the same report I am executing using visualize.js in my web page it is taking 5 minutes. So how can I reduce execution time in visualize.js ?


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Try using FireBug or Chrome developer tool to see if there is any issues in the transport or network when running trough visualize.js. That may be the cause if the report has some big binaries that need to be loaded like images or other bolobs.

The report execution should be pretty similar form the JasperServer UI and trough visualize.js. You can check the JasperServer Log (/WEB_INF/Logs) for any error messages like out of memory problems or connection timeouts. You can also change the visualize.js log level to debug (&logLevel=debug) the visualize.js logging will be in the Javascript console (see: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-visualizejs-guide/v60/api-reference-visualizejs#Requesting_Visualize_js)

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Are you running Visualize.js page on the same tomcat instance as JasperReports Server (i.e. putting the html file under webappsROOT)?

Also, do you have anything beside Visualize.js in the html page?

When the Visualize.js page is first opened, there is an overhead of downloading the Visualize.js script. Try Refreshing the page to see if it still requires 5 minutes.

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