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  1. marianol's post in Password Hash - JDBC was marked as the answer   
    Is never a good idea to tinker around the Repo DB tables a lot of bad things will happen :)
    You should change the password form the UI. 
  2. marianol's post in Changed db password for user "postgres" - What configs need to be updated to get JasperReports to work again? was marked as the answer   
    You need to change the JNDI connection to the repo, that is defined in <TOMCAT>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/META-INF/context.xml
    There look for the JNDI connection called jdbc/jasperserver and change the password to the new one
        <Resource name="jdbc/jasperserver" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"        maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"        username="postgres" password="postgres"        driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"        accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed = "true"        validationQuery="SELECT 1"        testOnBorrow="true"        url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jasperserver"        factory="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.tomcat.jndi.JSBasicDataSourceFactory"         />
  3. marianol's post in When will Jasper Server Pro 6.2 be available on AWS? was marked as the answer   
    As of this week Jaspersoft 6.2 is available in AWS check the new listings https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/seller-profile/ref=dtl_pcp_sold_by?ie=UTF8&id=2f081133-0d6f-4a3d-bf94-d27abf858f56
  4. marianol's post in AWS Data Source Vs JDBC Connection was marked as the answer   
    Essentially they both use JDBC, the main difference is that the AWS Datasource does autodiscovery of your RDS and Redshift instances, sets the proper Security groups, drivers and creates the connection string (JDBC URI) for you without the need to dig into the EC2Console and get all the data.
  5. marianol's post in 'Repository API' Documentation wrong? - missing libraries 'com.jaspersoft...' was marked as the answer   
    The API Docs that you linked is from JasperReports Server ans should be on the Server source code (not the JR Library which is the one you linked) So under here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-server/releases get the jasperreports-server-cp-x.x.x-src.zip where x.x.x is your version of Jasper Server. 
    If you just need the jars you will find them under WEB-INF/lib or in the JasperServer Manual installer jasperreports-server-cp-x.x.x-bin.zip on that same link.
    Anyway... you may find a lot easier to interact with your Jasperserver via the REST API, trust me it will make your life easier and those APIs don't change (or at least not drastically) form version to version. You will find the REST API docs in the JRS Web Services Guide: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/introduction-0 there look for "REST v2 - Repository Services"
    For reference Jaspersoft Studio interacts with the Server using this same REST API.
  6. marianol's post in Jaspersoft AWS AMI - Exclude sample content was marked as the answer   
    Let me check what is the best way to do this. On the top of my head I would go ahead, and use the buildomatic scripts and regenerate the repo DB as explained in the manual install on the JRS Install guide under Manually Creating the JRS Repository DB. 
  7. marianol's post in Email Delivery is not working in Jasper Server was marked as the answer   
    It looks liek a secutiry certificate issue in the SSL connection to the Google Mail SMTP (which uses smtps protocol). Make sure your configuration is correct.
    i.e. check that /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml looks something like this:
    <property name="javaMailProperties"> <props> <prop key="mail.smtps.auth">true</prop> <prop key="mail.smtps.starttls.enable">true</prop> </props></property>[/code]See this http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-jasperreports-server-send-e-mails-gmail-mail-account and this answer http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/540414/config-jsquartzproperties-use-gmail
    - and this blog post http://www.ricardomalla.com/?p=528- here is more info http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9683679/email-not-sent-in-jasper-report-scheduling with different settings for other providers (like MS Exchange)And also this may help:    
  8. marianol's post in Default repository content was marked as the answer   
    They are just samples of the JPIVOT OLAP interface. Actually most of the content in the repo are samples, you can organize it as you want/need.
    "it seems like all this structure is arbitrary as I can store anything anywhere if I want to, am I correct?"
    Yes you are correct
    The only thing JasperServer actually needs is the /Themes and /Temp folder all the others are up for grabs. You can always install with an empty repo using "js-install-ce.bat minimal " by doing a manual install and using the target "js-ant import-minimal-ce" only. You have all this info in the install guide http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-community-project-installation-guide/v62/installing-war-1
  9. marianol's post in Apache Drill and JasperSoft was marked as the answer   
    On Jaspersoft 6.1.1 we updated the mongoDB JDBC Drivers is that the version you are using? You can download a free trial form here: http://www.jaspersoft.com/four-ways-test-drive-jaspersoft-bi-software get the 30 day download.
    Remember that Jaspersoft has 2 Mongo Conectors a JDBC one that allows you to use Domains and use Mongo build relations between collections (looks like that is the one you need) and a Native connector that allows you to do native mongo queries. See all the info on both here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v611/mongodb-data-sources
    If you want to report on RESTful API's you should try our Community WebServices Datasource that allows you to report on JSON or XML Restful Web Services.
    Regarding Apache Drill, I have seen it use with jaspersoft a while back, I will check the error, from experience the "pool exausted" error normally comes with JDBC driver issues (i.e. driver not fully implements all the JDBC API), I remmeber running into that with old HIVE/Thrift drivers.
    Sometimes fixed by using a JNDI connection (pool managed by tomcat) than a JDBC one. 
  10. marianol's post in I get bad request jasper report rest api was marked as the answer   
    Just in case try passing the parameters as part of the GET request (using REST v2), something like: http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reports/
    /reports/Suga/CustomerList.PDF?CustomerType=372c3f91-d996-436d-b0bc-9356353de406The full doc is here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v610/running-report-1
    I found a .NET REST Client in Githib https://github.com/choudhurynirjhar/JaspersoftRESTClient it does not look like is maintained but can give you a good starting point and you can complete it and contribute to the community.
  11. marianol's post in How to override styles from visualize.js? was marked as the answer   
    That inline style you are talking about is probably coming form the report itself and not form visualize; Is the table or object (or page size) of the report set to 400px?
    If you want your report to scale of fit to the container (either height or width) you can use the report scaling features of Visualize.js; like:
    report = v.report({ resource: "/public/Samples/Reports/AllAccounts", container: "#mydiv", scale: "container",.... }
    look at this JSFiddle as an example: http://jsfiddle.net/marianol/k8sq1hde/
  12. marianol's post in Secured authentication with visualize.js - SSO vs credentials encryption was marked as the answer   
    You can achieve solution #2 using the Jaspersoft Pre Authentication (or Token Based Authentication) this allows you to define a token passed to Jasper with the information needed to create the user object on the fly. The only thing you need to do is create your decription class that will handle the decryption of your token and give jasper what it needs to create the SSO.
    The information about how to setup this is in the Jaspersodt Authentication Cookbook:
  13. marianol's post in Is it possible to reomve the 'style' settings in each field in an HTML report? was marked as the answer   
    Short of customizing the HTML exporter I'm not sure... 
    Here are some things to try (I have not tried) use accessible HTML that may clean up the HTML http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.accessible
    You can also try using one of the old HTML exporters, go to jasperreports.properties file (webapps/jasperserver[-pro]/WEB-INF/classes)
    search for the text below and try them out 
    # switch between new XHTML and the former HTML exportercom.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html2#com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=xhtml#com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.export.html.type=html
  14. marianol's post in Is JasperReports Server able to concatenate several reports into 1 pdf file? was marked as the answer   
    Yes is new in 6.x is called report book. Check the docs here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/report-books
    There is also a sample of this if you install the samples on JasperReport Server is in /Public/Samples/Reports/17. Report Workbook
  15. marianol's post in JasperReports Server 6.1 - UI Disfigured for any Reports. was marked as the answer   
    Check this thread http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/912636/layout-issue-all-dialogs-after-upgrade-60-61
    I uploaded a Repo Export of the default theme of 6.1 theme there.
  16. marianol's post in Cause of many files in Tomcat's temp directory was marked as the answer   
    Hi @hozawa,
    Those files you see are the JR temp files used by the JR Virtualizer if you have a huge anout of files may be because of this: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/large-amount-temp-files-slows-down-jasperreports-server-unusable
    or it just may be that you have a very busy server and the JVM does not do a good job in cleaning the temp files, in that case you can put a cron job that deletes the files on a regular basis.
  17. marianol's post in limit api was marked as the answer   
    Those are controled by the pagination options for the REST v2 Resources
  18. marianol's post in Any problem using JasperStudio-6.1.0 and jasperreports-6.0.0.jar library was marked as the answer   
    You can set JSS in compatibility mode to a specifc JR Library version. You can to change this in the JSS preferences either per file or per project.
  19. marianol's post in How to make a component wait for other component to finish was marked as the answer   
    Indeed is doing the right thing, each component will trigger a OnComponetOk signal whn it finished giving you 2 fires of your tJava component.
    What you are looking for is not "OnComponetOk" but "OnSubJobOk" that will get triggered only once when the first subjob finish.. something like this:

  20. marianol's post in how to refer a text field with formula in another text field was marked as the answer   
    You will need to use Variables for your calculations, and then just print the variables on the text fields. You cannot refer to the "output" of a textfield from another text field since those elements are mainly "printable" elements.
    But you can refer form one variable to the other. Is important to note that the variables are executed in the order you see them in the report outline, do if VAR_1 uses values of MY_VAR then in the outline MY_VAR has to be listed before VAR_1
    As a side note, you should move to JasperSoft Studio which has replaced iReport; iReport is no longer actively developed and will reach EOL at the end of this year.
    See the JSS guide on how to work with variables http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/variables
    and also this likes with is based on iReport http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-report-variables
  21. marianol's post in Visualize.js how to securely connect? was marked as the answer   
    Check the visualize.js Guide there are many methods of authentication http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-visualizejs-guide/v60/api-reference-login-and-logout
    You would normally use some type of token authentication or implement a SSO with your app and JasperServer. For more info on the Authentication methods available in JasperServer check the Authentication Cookbook here http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v601/introduction
    All the samples you will find use plain text for the sake of simplicity and portability, but that is not the best practice on production.
  22. marianol's post in Export maps was marked as the answer   
    Posting the last 2 comments here for reference since it will be easier for somebody else to follow:
    marianol - 1 day 19 hours agoI will look into this.. applicationContext-web-services.xml should be only for the REST API and applicationContext-remote-services.xml should be the one visualize.js uses. I'm not sure what do you refer when you talk about " export options list returned by visualize" which method are you talking about? Can you send me a fiddel with a bare bones sample of what you ate attemting so I can replicate it?srang - 1 day 16 hours agoI think I figured out part of my problem. I assumed that jasper/visualize determined the export options available to a report at the time of report generation by checking with the server. Under this assumption I didn't think that visualize.js would change ever so I curled visualize down when we first upgraded to 6.0 and put it inside the project with the rest of the javascript, so I could minfy them together at deployment. Upon further inpection I found that the "export map" I was looking at configuring in the beans is actually an enum within visualize. What I'm guessing now is that when the server builds and deploys it generates visualize based on the configured beans, which in hind sight makes a lot of sense. I haven't had a chance to test this but I imagine if I pull down visualize from the server now that I've configured the beans, it will have the proper export options. That being said, I really don't know and would love your insight
     You are correct, and visualize does change on each upgrade. We are adding more features in each release. The visualize.js script is tied to the server so you need to use it form there, in 6.0.1 it should be minimized already since that was added in this version.On the other hand I will have to confirm if we do indeed update that enum once the beans change in the server.
  23. marianol's post in JasperSoft Enterprise Trial was marked as the answer   
    All the samples comes in 2 flavors the ones named with "G" use the black/green template the other ones use the while/blue, all those reports are created using Jaspersoft Studio. If you open them in studio you can see how the theme was applied.
    The report Stylesheets of the samples are located in /public/Samples/Resources/Extras/ and There should be one called SampleReportStylesG.jrtx or something similar there.
  24. marianol's post in JasperSoft Studio - How to set the JRE to Use? was marked as the answer   
    The JRE for studio is set in the jaspersoftStudio.ini file in the -vm argument inside that file
    In a Mac the .ini file is in: /Applications/Jaspersoft Studio x.x.x.final/Jaspersoft Studio (Professional).app/Contents/MacOS/Jaspersoft Studio Professional In Windows is inC:Program FilesJaspersoftJaspersoft Studio-x.x.x.final Look at this Question http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/825226/jaspersoft-studio-macos-failed-create-java-virtual-machine is about a different problem but talks about the .ini files and the options you have there to control the JVM
  25. marianol's post in AWS : ELB was marked as the answer   
    Good question !! There is some information on Clustering in the JasperServer Ultimate Guide (HTML) or (Download PDF) check the whole Chapter 10 that tlks about Clustering and HA is not AWS specific but is the same for AWS.
    Essentially JRS relies on the clustering of the Application Server, in this case Tomcat and a load balancer on top (in this case an ELB) your load balancer has to be confugured for sticky sessiones. Read more about session management and replication in JRS in the above guide.
    Then each JRS instace is pointed to the same repository DB so they can talk to each other and present the end user the same repository content.
    The repository DB should have it's own fault tolerance sicne it's shared by all the JRS instances.
    In AWS since the AMI installs JRS for you and install postgres locally as a repository DB you will need to:
    1) replicate/clone a clean repository DB into another instace (RDS maybe??) JRS supports Postgres, MSSQL Server and Oracle as a repo DB
    2) configure all your EC2 instaces to point to the new repo DB see this article http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/procedure-reconfigure-jasperreports-server-after-its-repository-profile-database-changes
    3) configure your ELB and tomcat instaces to work in the cluster here is an article I found which looks pretty good http://www.tanzirmusabbir.com/2013/06/elastic-load-balancing-elb-with-java.html
    3) Configure Jasperserver so it knows is in a cluster and behaves aproperly see App Server Configuration in the guide above. And don't forget to tell the JRS Schedueler that is in a cluster
    If all is good, you should be good to go :)
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