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  1. hozawa's post in How can I print different values in a field based on the values in parameter? was marked as the answer   
    Yes. There are several ways.
    First is to use use Text Field and have if conidtion to choose what to display.
    $P{Parameter1}.equals("a")?"all":$P{Parameter1}.equals("f")?"few":"None"[/code]Second is just to create layered Static Text components and use Print When Expression to choose which Static Text to display.
    Third is to use scriplet to replace the value. If there are many reports requiring the same substitution, this may be the easiest to maintain.
  2. hozawa's post in Create a report that can auto refresh? was marked as the answer   
    JasperReports and Jaspersoft Studio just specifies the report layout. How it is viewed is controlled by the application such as JasperReports Server or other applications using JasperReports to display reports.
    Unfortunately, JasperReports Server does not have a feature to auto-refresh reports. However, it is possible to schedule a report so it would generate a report periodically. ("Recurring" in the following page)
  3. hozawa's post in JasperReports Server - Trouble updating library to 6.5.0 was marked as the answer   
    You probably have to upgrade to JasperReports Server 7.1.x because JasperReports aren't 100% compatible between versions so it probably isn't about just replacing the jar file.
  4. hozawa's post in report generation issue was marked as the answer   
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String parameter = request.getParameter("BOOKING_ID"); JasperPrint jasPrint = null; try { jasPrint = generateJasperReprotPrint(); System.out.println("jasPrint +jasPrint" + jasPrint); String file = "TEST.pdf"; ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream(); response.setContentType("application/pdf"); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasPrint, sos); -- I am getting exception here in dev server but in local server it is working fine . } catch (JRException e | SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }[/code] 
  5. hozawa's post in JasperReports Library 6.8.0 Java Version Requirements was marked as the answer   
    There is a following line in build.xml file. Since target and source still points to "1.8", it implies 1.8 is still supported. In fact, when I'm creating pull requests on JasperReports, I'm using 1.8  because of this.
    <javac destdir="./build/classes" debug="true" optimize="false" target="1.8" source="1.8"
  6. hozawa's post in Configuring JasperReports Server 7.1.1 on AWS for LDAP Authentication was marked as the answer   
    1. Download the TIB_js-jrs-cp_7.1.1_bin.zip file.
    2. Extract the file.
    3. There is a "samples" directory. Move to this directory.
    4. There is a "externalAuth-sample-config" directory. Move to this directory.
  7. hozawa's post in Jasper and iText was marked as the answer   
    Yes. Further info on itext licensing.
    Jaspersoft in earlier 6.x version had a license agreement with iText to bundle itext 5.x, but it ended when Jaspersoft were bought out. So they reverted back to itext 2.1.7 based customized version. iText changed some package and class names in 5.x when they became corporate.
  8. hozawa's post in Excel export was marked as the answer   
    Instead of setting Stretch with Overflow, set the following property in the text field to "true"
    Select the text field. Select "Advanced" tab in the Properties. Expand "Misc" and select "[Properties: 0]" Search for the above property and set it to "true"
  9. hozawa's post in How to feed JSON data to the charts and what types, what about arrays? was marked as the answer   
    Was able to display the chart after following changes.
    Changed the data as below:
    {"Data": [ { "x":1, "y":2 }, { "x":2, "y":3 } ]}[/code]And moved the chart to ehe Summary band and deleted all other bands to make it clearer.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Created with Jaspersoft Studio version 6.6.0.final using JasperReports Library version 6.6.0 --><jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="GraphTest" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" uuid="f981967e-6bf6-47a4-bcca-cd45fc19aab9"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="JSON Test2"/> <queryString language="JSON"> <![CDATA[Data]]> </queryString> <field name="x" class="java.lang.Double"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[x]]></fieldDescription> </field> <field name="y" class="java.lang.Double"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[y]]></fieldDescription> </field> <summary> <band height="320" splitType="Stretch"> <xyAreaChart> <chart evaluationTime="Report"> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="420" height="320" uuid="183bf92e-8769-4a46-be19-912b43eb7991"/> <chartTitle/> <chartSubtitle/> <chartLegend/> </chart> <xyDataset> <xySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA["SERIES 1"]]></seriesExpression> <xValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{x}]]></xValueExpression> <yValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{y}]]></yValueExpression> </xySeries> </xyDataset> <areaPlot> <plot/> <categoryAxisFormat> <axisFormat/> </categoryAxisFormat> <valueAxisFormat> <axisFormat/> </valueAxisFormat> </areaPlot> </xyAreaChart> </band> </summary></jasperReport>[/code] 
  10. hozawa's post in Are there any Plugins for JaserReports Server ? was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately no. However, it's possible to write servlets that uses JasperReports Server's REST APIs to integrate systems.
  11. hozawa's post in CVE-2018-1275 Security Vulnerability was marked as the answer   
    This is resolved in jasperreports-6.8.0
  12. hozawa's post in CVE-2018-12022 Security Vulnerability in JasperReports was marked as the answer   
    This is resolved in jasperreports v6.8.0
  13. hozawa's post in Exclusion Patterns doesn't work was marked as the answer   
    Not sure what you're trying to do. Are you trying to exclude *.jasper files from the java build path?
    If you just want to hide *.jasper file from showing on in Project Explorer, just click on the down-ward pointing triangle icon in the Project Explorer's top right side and select "Filter and Customization" and then check "*.jasper compiled reports".
  14. hozawa's post in Passing data between subreports was marked as the answer   
    >Also, when I created the third report in detail band, the report was shown 13 times(My report had 13 rows). How can I solve that problem?
    Move it to the title or a summary band.
  15. hozawa's post in How can I call hyperlink in a part of textField? was marked as the answer   
    You'll need to break it up into separate fields
    make your text include the '<a href=' and then set Markup to 'html'
    <textField> <reportElement x="400" y="0" width="100" height="30" uuid="24d2d9fb-41ea-44b1-bece-83c0eeb97f91"/> <textElement markup="html"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA["Text <a href=http://www.google.com'>Field</a&gt]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>[/code] 
  16. hozawa's post in Error when scheduling job was marked as the answer   
    This is a component in Talend Open Studio developed by Talend community user. It's still using SOAP instead of REST API.
    Just seems like the component hasn't been updated for the new versions of JasperReports Server.
  17. hozawa's post in How to provide access to report before its execution ? was marked as the answer   
    Assigning privlleges to a report per user or using a role should prevent user from accessing a report.
  18. hozawa's post in Click to set parameter was marked as the answer   
    Dynamically updating subreports is not supported by JasperReports. You'll probably have to create different reports and link them by hyperlinks.
  19. hozawa's post in Update Static Text based on text field was marked as the answer   
    Use regular text field instead of static text component. *static* means you can't change it with value from a database.
    Also, Print When Expression is used to put an expression that is used to determine whether to display the text or not.
    What you want to do is use a regular text component and put your expression in the regular expression field.
  20. hozawa's post in To Change the format of the report was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried changing the "Layout" to be "Horizontal"?
  21. hozawa's post in No row with the given identifier exists: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoInputControl# was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried suggestion in the following page?
  22. hozawa's post in How to create a domain in Jaspersoft Server 7.0.1 was marked as the answer   
    Domain is only available in commercial version of JasperReports Server. If you are using the community version, there's no Domain and Adhoc Reports.
  23. hozawa's post in how to center text in detail? was marked as the answer   
    Just tried it and the text is centered even in pdf.
    Select the text filed, select "Properties" tab and select center icon in the "Text Alignment".
  24. hozawa's post in Changing content of zip causes a permission failed was marked as the answer   
    Shouldn't edit the generated zip file directly. Change the jasperreports server and generate the zip file.
    Instructions are provided in the following page.
  25. hozawa's post in can jaspersoft be used not only a programmer but also everyone ? was marked as the answer   
    Yes. You can use Jaspersoft Studio to design your reports and use JasperReports Server to view reports from web browser.
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