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Drill down in jasper reports


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I need to use drill down option for one of my report. I not even know there is somrthing called drilldown in jasper report. So can anyone please tell me completely what it is, how to implement drilldown in report and some sample files will be really useful for me.


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Drilldown is the process to "navigate" data using reports as interface. In example you can have some values in the report, and clicking on a specific value you get a new report which shows more data about that particular value.

Now it's all about two things: hyperlinks and an application able to serve the drilleddown reports. JasperReports provides support for hyperlinks (all the textfileds, images, charts, chart items and so on can be an hyperlink).

About the application to server the reports, this must be an external application. JasperServer does exactly what you need. Installing JasperServer there is an example of drilldown report.


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You have said that JasperReports provides support for hyperlink. It means it doesn't support drilldown? if i use hyperlink then the second report will come in the same report or it will be opened in a different page. i dont want to be it in a separate report. i need like,






If i click Name it should expand, if i click Designation then it should expand, etc.

Post Edited by mhanspmk at 07/22/2009 11:22

Post Edited by mhanspmk at 07/22/2009 11:30
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ok, this is not exactly what I define a drilldown, anyway this can be performed in the same way as drilldown, pointing at the same report passing some parameters based on which you expand/collapse, using the print when expression, sections of your report.

Reports are not dynamic like web pages, so you would need to re-create the whole report all the times.


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I am looking for exactly the same kind of functionality. I need to embed an interactive html report in a webapp. If I have a list of, let's say, names:




When I click one of these names then it should expand and show a list of data under it:


            Client   A        B       C

            Client   A        B       C




giulio mention that "this can be performed in the same way as drilldown, pointing at the same report passing some parameters based on which you expand/collapse, using the print when expression, sections of your report.".

I'm not sure exactly how this solution would work. Would each expanded list be a subreport that creates the html for that list, inside the html for the main report?

I'll also take a look at the JasperServer sample you mention. But additional pointers would be very welcome!


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 Hi All,


I am working on drill down reports in jasper, as i understood you all discussing in this topic is hyper linking of report and passing parameter to next report on one button click. Please correct me if i am wrong.

I tried with one parameter passing from one report to other report on button click in jasper server and its working fine.

But i have a requirement where i need to pass two three parameter at-a-time on one button click, the parameters are Region, Start date and End date. But when i click on my chart to pass this parameter it will take only one parameter Region and for other two parameter it is asking parameter to enter manually. Can anyone let me know how i can pass more than parameter in jasper server in one button click?


Looking forward for your reply


Thanks in Advance 


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There are sample reports that ship with the Jaspersoft BI commercial edition (the thing called JasperServer Professional in the past) which show drill down from a chart into another report. These reports work equally well in the community edition. Take a look at those.

If you still have questions, please post to the JasperServer forum since it's really more of a JasperServer question (it's both iR and JS... but I'd say it's more closely linked to JS.) Be sure to add details about exactly how you are passing the parameters now. It should be easy to add additional params the same way.


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