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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×

Giulio Toffoli

Jaspersoft Staff
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  1. Giulio Toffoli's post in Jasperreports Web Studio 2.0 preview not working was marked as the answer   
    Hi Max92
    You get an empty report because you did not provide any data to your report. JasperReports requires data to fill the report.
    When no data is provided, you can decide what to do. The default behaviour is to produce an empty report, which is what you get.
    At report level you have an option to set this behaviour:

    You can use All Sections No Detail to print at least the title.
    The "detail band" section is repeated for each record of your data, but when no data is provided, this band will be skipped.

    To provide data, you need to create first a Data Adapter, JasperReports Web Studio supports a variety of data source types. From the repository, click on New and select New Data Adapter.

    I suggest you to start with a simple CSV file, for example.
    Once you have created the Data Adapter, you can use it in your report. To do it, go to the Dataset panel in the report designer and select your data adapter.

    The report will now use the data adapter to fetch the data, what you still need to do is defining a query (for CSV will be empty), and defining the fields you are going to use in the report: click on the Show Query Editor switch to show the Query Editor. For CSV simply click on Read Fields button, and your fields will be added to the list of fields available for the report.

    To get started, I suggest you to watch this Dr. Jasper video:

    Hope this helps
  2. Giulio Toffoli's post in date_source parameter doesn't work if specified in URL. jasperserver8.1.1 was marked as the answer   
    Hi Deadsploid, there is not a way to dynamically specify which data source should be used to run a report in JasperReports Server.
    Not sure where you have found this jdbc_datasource parameter, but it may have been part of a more complex example showing how a JDBC datasource can be configured in such a way where attributes of the user profile that runs the report can be used to drive particular behaviours, i.e. by specifying which database the data source should connect to based on that user profile.
    In general the data source used to run the report (or better a Report Unit), is stored as part of the report unit itself.
    Hope this helps,
  3. Giulio Toffoli's post in The future of iReport Designer was marked as the answer   
    Hi Sally,
    iReport, just like Jaspersoft Studio, is just a designer for JasperReports. I'm not aware of any NetBeans based application which is including iReport (even because this is not allowed by the GPL license, in case of commercial applications). On the other side, iReport is available also as NetBeans plugin to create reports and we don't plan to continue to develop it.
    What NetBeans RCP based applications, like any other java application, can freely use, is the JasperReports library, which is LGPL and not tied in any way to a specific IDE or framework. Don't confuse the ability to use a great reporting library like JasperReports with iReport, which again, is just the software to design your reports. JasperReports is the core of both iReport and Jaspersoft Studio, and is actively developed.
    Reports, even the ones designed for old versions of JasperReports with iReport, can be modified and edited with Jaspersoft Studio, which also supports most new advanced features offered by JasperReports, like support for HTML fonts and extensions to the Google Map component to cite a few.
    Maintain two report designers tand be able to work on the visionary plans we have for Jaspersoft Studio with the need to keep up also iReport is just unpractical, and we prefer to focus on a single designer.
    Jaspersoft Studio has been designed to be much more easy to extend than iReport and its internal architecture allows us to better support the evolution of JasperReports.
    With tons of new features, Jaspersoft Studio should be today your primary report development environment. It is available as stand-alone application if you don't use Eclipse.
    Hope this helps.
  4. Giulio Toffoli's post in how to use a subreport based on different datasource was marked as the answer   
    There are two options:
    1. The subreport is not getting data
    2. The subreport is not found, and JasperReports ignores it
    How to check both the problems:
    Set the report used as subreport to print all bands and not details if there is no data (it is a checkbox in the report properties). Put something in the title band of the subreport. In this way, if the report is found, it is show up, and if does not contain any data, you will see at least the title band.
  5. Giulio Toffoli's post in Backwards Compatibility was marked as the answer   
    In Preferences (or Tools->Options) set the iReport compatibility version. In this way all your jrxmls will be saved keeping the compatibility with the requested version. JasperReports Server. JasperReports library and iReport have a synchronized version number which will help you in picking the correct compatibility version.
  6. Giulio Toffoli's post in Parameter in XPath Query was marked as the answer   
    I think you should be able to filter the query in that way (using the parameter in the query, maybe using the syntax $P!{param}, note the exclamation mark after the $P).
    If this does not work, you can still set a filter expression (in the query dialog there is a button to set it).
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