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  1. Hi, We've recently tried upgrading from JR 3.7 to JR 4.5. In the process we ran into a number of issues related to the way Internet Explorer renders the html produces by the JRXhtmlExplorer. I've added two tracker tickets for this: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=5657 http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=5658 The question I have now is: would it be possible to use the JRXhtmlExporter from 3.7 with JR library 4.5? Meaning replacing the newer exporter with the older. Or would this break a number of things? Thank you! Magnus
  2. You could always take a look at iReport Ultimate Guide. Other than that, google is your friend.
  3. If your table is using an additional dataset, declare the parameters in the dataset. Then pass in the params from the main report to the table element. To do this right click table and select Edit Table Datasource. Declare parameters to be passed in under the Paramters tab. I've attached a file with more info. Hope that helps. Magnus
  4. Hmm, try this: Make sure you have the connection set in the table. Right click table, edit table datasource, use connection expression.
  5. Take a look at attached file. This one uses two table and two datasets. The parameters are being passed from main parameters to parameters in dataset. You will need to declare parameters in the datasets to receive the passed in params. You pass in the parameters in the table. The same goes for other types such as graphs. Subreports will function in a similar way only you do not create another dataset in the main report but rather use the query in the subreport. Hope that helps. Magnus
  6. Yes you could create another set of parametes for the second daterange. You could either go with two different datasets, with for example the table element, or use subreports and pass the parameters to thouse. Magnus
  7. Hi, crosstabs can take a while to get used to. Basically what you want is to set up the name as a row group, test# as column and score as the actual value. If you use the crosstab wizard with those values you should be able to get it up and running. As to documenation the ultimate guides have gotten better over the last few years: http://www.jaspersoft.com/ultimate-guides. Magnus
  8. Hi, I do not think this is possible. At least not using the cross tab features. Since the Year 2 row has not been calculated at the time of the Year2vsYear1 row. You might be able to get it to work moving the Year2vsYear1 to the end: Year1 Year2 Year2vsYear1 You would need to add a column in your query that groups Year1 and year2 and then use that group in the cross tab. You could also pre-calculate the Year2vsYear1 row in your query but then you are probably better off using a subreport or a table instead of a cross tab. I hope this helps, Magnus Post Edited by phantastes at 07/18/2011 15:30
  9. Hi, One workaround could be to create a parameter (yourParameter) that checks if the year parameter is the correct one for the report: '2011'.equals($P{yearParameter}) ? "" : "AND 1=2" Then add this parameter to the query $P!{yourParameter} Now to the no data section add a second parameter that uses the same logic as yourParameter: '2011'.equals($P{yearParameter}) ? "" : "Please pick the correct date range for this report" Obviously you will have to tweak things for your situation. This is just one way to handle this. Hope it helps
  10. Hi, Not sure if this is what you mean but if I understand you correctly it can by adding something like this to the Print When Experssion (of the band, frame or whatever you want to supress): Code:new Boolean($F{yourField}.contains($P{firstParameter}) || $F{yourField}.contains($P{secondParameter}))
  11. Hi, well it's only actual text element that has the Evaluation Time setting in my case. The text field displayes and evaluates fine, the issue is with the Print When expression that ignores the Evaluation TIme setting for the text field. Thanks for the reply though!
  12. Hi! You can set the evaluation time of an element to a group. However it seems that the Print When expression is always evaluated now. This makes it impossible (?) to remove a row based on the values passed back from a subreport. There is a property called "net.sf.jasperreports.style.evaluation.time.enabled", that I'm guessing is handling this issue for style evaluation. Unfortunately there is not a "Print When" check for a style. Does anyone know if there is a way around this? Thank you! Magnus
  13. Hi, Not sure if anyone has had to deal with this but here it is. What I need to do is to not print a subreport with detail data when the user so chooses. The problem is that I get return parameters from the subreport that helps to populate the summary data. Does anyone know if it is possible to return values from the subreport that can be used in main report, but then also supressing the actual printing of the subreport? Thank you! Magnus
  14. I solved this by restyling the XHTML output using jQuery. The short short version: 1. Put your subreport in a frame. Set the net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.id property for the frame. 2. Restyle the document using: var boxHeight = 350; $("#theFrameID").css('overflow','hidden'); $("#theFrameID").css('overflow-y','scroll'); $("#theFrameID").css('height',boxHeight+'px'); That's it. Of course your specific implementation of JasperReports will need to be setup to add the javascript to your xhtml output. You will also need the jQuery library. All the best, Magnus
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