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iReport QA


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Check out the recent posting on drill down reports: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=43651

(This is a response to a_madani question from 06/19/2009..I had hoped that "Quick Reply" would tie this resonse to that post instead of just adding it to the end.  In any case, I hope a_madani figured out the answer long ago or posted it as a general post instead of as a response to this QA Topic! :) )

Post Edited by cbarlow3 at 12/03/2010 00:13
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I want to show to a jasper-server logged-in user only reports he should see,  accoring to a mapping i have in the DB.

so i want to add his username to a 'WHERE' clause in the iReport main query to know if to allow him to see the report.

Is it  possible to get a username that logged in to the jasper server and use it in iReport query to display the relevant report according to the username.

or if there is another way, i would be glad to hear about it.




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I'm newbie to the iReports. Could you please help me in creating recursive reports?


I have a single query which is to be used to drill down several levels. Few has to be drilled down more levels and the other lesser level (simply I have drill down variable levels).


I have developed as follows....

created a report, in that report, using a hyperlink called itself again by passing the parameter.

Problem is....Its working properly sometimes, not working the other times, sometimes working on 1 PC and not on others.

I couldn't figure out what went wrong !

Can anyone help me in figuring out whats the problem?

Post Edited by rkanubaddhi at 04/05/2011 19:59
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I want to print my field values horizontally (by default they are getting printed vertically). I palced placed a field in detail section , now insted of getting them printed :
i want the values to be printed like:
aaa     bbb      ccc      ddd.....
I am using ireport 4.0.0
I am searching so Manny sites but i have no correct solution. 
Please guide me .Where it can write the code 
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I'm using RunJasperReport to generate reports from the command-line.

I would like to add settings so I can set the correct Locale, I assume I have to set that with the '-params'  as a command-line option.

I tried  -params 'localereport:locale:DE-de' 

but I get error message: "Can't find bundle for base name localereport, locale en_US"

BTW: Setting/changing the default locale in  iReport (Preferences / Execution options) works.

Can anybody give me the correct command-line option to set the 'Locale'?
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Hi everybody.  I have a java code which is producing the chart objects:

private static JFreeChart createChart(PieDataset piedataset)

I'm trying to find the way to import generated JFreeChart-Objects into the I-Report.

Has somebody an idia how is it possible?

I know how to import generated images & texts, but i can't find out what to do with the charts...

Of course, we can generate the image using the functionality of JFreeChart-Library, but it's not a solution, because of a bad quality of generated images.

I would appreciate any help.

Thanks a lot.

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