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Changes to the Jaspersoft community edition download ×


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  1. cbarlow3's post in Column Totals (sums) was marked as the answer   
    Create a variable called debtSubtotal (for example) and make it the same data type as $F{debt}.  Set the Calculation to 'Sum', the Reset Type to 'Group' (and pick the appropriate group from the dropdown), set the Variable Expression to $F{debt} and the Initial Value Expression to 0. 
    If you also want a grand total for the report, right click the new debtSubtotal variable in the Report Inspector, choose 'Copy', then right click on 'Variables' and choose 'Paste'.  It will make a copy of the previous variable, now called 'debtSubtotal_1'.  In the Properties pane, change the name to something like debtTotal, and change the Reset type from 'Group' to 'Report'.  Leave everything else the same.
    Now you can drag a copy of your $V{debtSubtotal} into your group footer band (and set the Pattern and the Horizontal Alignment appropriately) and drag a copy of your $V{debtTotal} into your Summary band.
    Hope that helps.
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