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    The Ant-based buildomatic scripts contain support files for setting up and configuring a number of databases and application servers. This section describes the locations and content of some of these files and how to change the content.

    Regenerating Buildomatic Settings

    Whenever you change your default_master.properties file and re-run the js-install scripts (or any other buildomatic target), your generated configuration settings are automatically updated. The generated settings are in this location:


    The settings are automatically regenerated based on the new timestamp found on the properties file.

    If you want to explicitly cause your generated configuration to be regenerated, you can run the following buildomatic targets:

    cd <js-install>/buildomatic

    js-ant clean-config

    js-ant gen-config

    The first target clears the configuration template files in buildomatic/build_conf/default directory. The second re-builds the configuration settings.


    These commands exist as a convenience. Whenever default_master.properties is edited, the resulting configuration templates are regenerated automatically based on the updated time-stamp associated with the edited file.

    Locating Buildomatic-Generated Property Files

    After you set your database and application server property values, you initiate buildomatic which automatically generates the database and application server configuration files needed to prepare for a JasperReports Server installation.

    The generated property files are in this location:


    Some of the key configuration files are:





    maven_settings.xml - (used for source code build)

    More generated property files are:


    Included in the /webapp directory are configuration files, such as:




    These autogenerated files are removed if you run the buildomatic target: clean-config. You can then regenerate the files by running the target: gen-config. (Also, after running clean-config, any subsequent target will regenerate the configuration files.)

    Buildomatic Location for JasperReports Server WAR File

    Buildomatic takes the JasperReports Server WAR file from the root of the <js-install> directory:


    When you run the deploy-webapp-ce target, buildomatic takes the war archive and unpacks it into your application server. Next, the database configuration files needed by the application server are copied to the appropriate locations. For instance, in the case of Tomcat:


    Unpacked and copied to <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/*


    Copied to <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/META-INF/context.xml


    Copied to <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/hibernate.properties


    Copied to <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties


    Copied to <tomcat>/lib

    Buildomatic Location for SQL Scripts

    Buildomatic comes with SQL scripts and other utilities that support a number of databases. These files are in:


    For example, some key files are (same pattern for additional databases):







    You can run these scripts manually by copying them to a location where your database client software is located.

    Buildomatic Location for Database Creation Scripts

    For most databases the buildomatic scripts are able to create the metadata repository database used by JasperReports Server. This is the database where the data defining users, roles, data sources, reports, OLAP views, domains, and other data are stored. This database is normally named jasperserver.

    Buildomatic attempts to create the jasperserver database via JDBC when the create-js-db target is executed.

    The scripts and property files used to create the jasperserver database are here:




    Buildomatic Location for Sample Data Catalog ZIP Files

    Buildomatic includes export files which hold the JasperReports Server sample data (that have examples of new features). This sample data is loaded when you run the buildomatic target import-sample-data-ce, for instance. These export files along with other important export files are located here:


    Here are some key files:





    Hibernate Properties Settings

    Your hibernate.properties settings are in the following directory after buildomatic has been run to automatically generate your configuration files:


    Within the jasperserver WAR file the hibernate.properties file is found at the following location:


    The buildomatic scripts automatically create this configuration file. When you run the buildomatic target deploy-webapp-ce this file is copied to JasperReports Server in your application server.

    Hibernate property values are:


    MySQL 5.1:

    MySQL 5.5:

    Database Connection Configuration Files


    After setting up the buildomatic configuration for your database, the Tomcat context.xml will be automatically created with the appropriate settings for JasperReports Server.

    When the buildomatic target deploy-webapp-ce is run, the context.xml will be automatically copied into the jasperserver WAR set of files.

    You can view the automatically generated context.xml at the following location:


    The final location of the context.xml is:


    In older versions of Tomcat, Tomcat will create a copy of the context.xml file with a changed name that will be read instead of the one found in the jasperserver war file. This is often a source of confusion for Tomcat users who attempt change their database settings. If you change your settings, delete the file in this location:



    After setting up the buildomatic configuration for your database, the JBoss data source definition file will be automatically created with the appropriate settings for JasperReports Server.

    When the buildomatic target deploy-webapp-ce is run, the js-jboss-ds.xml will be automatically copied into the JBoss instance.

    You can view the automatically generated js-jboss-ds.xml at the following location:

    <js-install>/buildomatic/build_conf/default/js-jboss-ds.xml (JBoss 5.1)

    <js-install>/buildomatic/build_conf/default/js-jboss7-ds.xml (JBoss 7.1)

    The final location of the js-jboss-ds.xml is:

    <jboss>/server/default/deploy/js-jboss-ds.xml (JBoss 5.1)


    When JasperReports Server is running under JBoss, there are a couple of INFO log messages and an XML/A connection error that might occur depending on the version of JBoss you are running with.

    For more information, refer to troubleshooting section JBoss Modifications.


    After setting up the buildomatic configuration for your database, the Glassfish data source definition file js-glassfish-ds.xml will be automatically created with the appropriate settings. When the buildomatic target deploy-webapp-ce is run, the file is automatically deployed to the Glassfish instance.

    You can view the automatically generated js-glassfish-ds.xml at the following location:


    To deploy the data source definition manually, you can run a command similar to the following:

               asadmin add-resources "<js-install>/buildomatic/build_conf/default/js-glassfish-ds.xml"[/code]        

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