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  1. Issue descriptionI recently ran into this scenario: user's report has several parameters used in query and in other parts of the report. The report is running fine in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio, but once published to TIBCO JasperReports® Server returns no data. Once we checked the generated query it became obvious that parameter values were all NULLs, even though user entered values when prompted. CauseAll the parameters in the report were name using the following pattern: @MY_PARAMETER_NAME The problem is that when publishing a report to JasperReports® Server, Input control name and label is created for each parameter based on its name. However some special characters like the 'at' symbol @ are forbidden in Input Control IDs. So Jaspersoft® Studio would silently replace the @ with an underscore _, like this: _MY_PARAMETER_NAME The Input Control labels would remain with special characters though, e.g.: @MY_PARAMETER_NAME Which makes it less obvious that there is a difference between parameter name and Input Control ID. SolutionA simple solution for this is to avoid using special characters in parameter names
  2. Issue descriptionOn a fresh JasperReports Server installation by default the log files located under .../WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log file. This location is configured in /WEB-INF/log4j.properties file in the following line: log4j.appender.fileout.File=${jasperserver-pro.root}/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log Sometimes the log file is not created though. There are two common reasons for that. Folder permissionsThe most common cause for a missing jasperserver.log file that a system user does not have sufficient permissions to write into .../WEB-INF/logs folder. The permission have to be configured for the user which is running the Tomcat service (or any other application server where JasperReports Server is deployed) webAppRootKey configurationAnother possible cause is that the webAppRootKey value in .../WEB-INF/web.xml file has been changed from 'jasperserver-pro.root' to something else. This can happen when the file has been modified manually, or when you have a script to perform the deployment, and that script is used a web.xml file template with a different value. The bottom line is that the value of webAppRootKey from web.xml: <context-param> <param-name>webAppRootKey</param-name> <param-value>jasperserver-pro.root</param-value> </context-param> should match the value used to configure the location of jasperserver.log file: log4j.appender.fileout.File=${jasperserver-pro.root}/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log In this case the value is 'jasperserver-pro.root', which is default
  3. How is it different from hiding non-table rowsThe basic principle of hiding a row in a Table component is the same as hiding a row, say, in a Detail band. However, since the Text fields in a Table are nested in cells, there are a couple of additional requirements that need to be met to hide a row successfully. The details are described below. Configuration stepsIn the example below we will hide a Table Group row header when the Country field is NULL. Since the Table data is grouped by Country, we do not want the report to display the header when Country value is set to NULL. Set a Print When Expression on ALL the Text fields in the Table row. If any of the Text fieds do not have the conditional expression the row will not be hidded even when the condition is met for the other fields in the row: Outside the Table component this would in most cases be enough. For Tables, we also have to make sure the following conditions are also met: The cell which needs to be hidden should be completely filled by the nested Text fields, both by width and height. This means that the height of all the Text fields should be exactly the same as the cell height. It also means that if any part of the cell does not have a nested Text field, you have to add an empty field there and set the conditional expression for it too.The second requirement is that the cell has no borders. So if, for example, you are applying a style for the Table cell which sets the borders to anything other than 0 pixels, you'll have to remove the style from the cell. Instead, the style can be applied on the Text field level.This should be it. See an example report attached. It should run against any valid JDBC data source. Other notesIf you are receiving an error like this: Field not found: myFieldName --- net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDesignExpression@c90ba2f it most likely means that you have specified the Print When Expression for a Table cell and not for a Text Field nested inside the cell. The problem here is that report fields and parameters are not visible on the cell level. The simple solution is, again, to add an empty Text field inside the cell, and set the conditional expression there.
  4. Use caseIn a multi series HTML5 chart (aka combination chart) you sometimes want to have control over which markers appear on top. In one particular scenario user had a Bar+Scatter combination chart. The scatter markers were drawn behind the bars when overlapped, and we needed to have the scatter points displayed on top. SolutionThe layer controls is achievable using Highcharts property called zIndex: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.bar.zIndex You will have to assign a zIndex property to each or your chart Measures as a SeriesProperty. Like this: The higher the value of the zIndex, the closer your Measure is to the top. By default the Measures are displayed in order of declaration.
  5. Issue descriptionWhen performing an upgrade using js-upgrade-samedb shell script the process fails, and an error referring to jiazuresqldatasource table is thrown, for example: ERROR: relation "jiazuresqldatasource" does not exist[/code]Cause and solutionThis issue happens when upgrading from an older version of TIBCO JasperReports® Server, like 6.1.*, to one of the latest versions (6.3.* or 6.4.*). In the newer versions, the new database table jiazuresqldatasource was added to jasperserver database, and the samedb upgrade script does not take it into account. You will have to use a different upgrade approarch (like the js-upgrade-newdb shell script) to perform an upgrade from an older version Other notesSame error can also happen when running js-export script from a command line from a newer distribution of JasperReports Server while connected to jasperserver database of an older JasperReports Server installation. In such case you will have to use an older script to perform the export.
  6. Use Case OverviewThis approach is useful in a scenario where you have multiple databases with the same table structure but different schema names, and need to point your TIBCO JasperReports® Server Domain to different Data Sources depending on logged in User, or depending on an Organization which the logged in User belongs to. The SolutionSince JasperReports Server v6.1.0, there is an option of using Attributes in data source definition. An Attribute can be defined at global, Organization or User level and assigned a value (or comma separated list of values). A common use case is to create an Attribute with the same name but different values for each Organization and use it in a Data Source definition. This data source will be used for the Domain, and then will connect to different databases depending on what Attribute value corresponds to current User. More information on defining data sources based on attributes can be found in our JasperReports Server Admin Guide: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v640/attributes-data-source-definitions Our case, however, is a little different, because we have different schema names. Still, it is possible to dynamically specify database schema name in Domain XML file using Attributes. The way to achieve this is as follows: create a Domain using any JDBC or JNDI Data Source, as long as the table structure in database is consistent with other databases export the design of your current domain WITH schema name as prefix: in the Domain schema XML modify the database schema entry by replacing the static value with a reference to a User's attribute. In the example below 'schema_name' is the name of User Attribute which is assigned different schema names for different users: save the changes now open the existing Domain or create a new one from JasperReports Server repository interface select to upload the schema you just modified: Submit the changes. DO NOT open the Domain Designer Now when you are going to open Ad Hoc Designer using this Domain as a data source, the schema should be picked up from the attribute of the current user. A Word of CautionThe drawback of this approach is that manually adding attribute reference to the XML design of a Domain is not supported by the Domain Designer, so you will not be able to modify the Domain from web interface without breaking the schema reference. If you need to modify anything in the Domain, you'll have to update the database schema reference and re-upload the XML again.
  7. Use CaseIn the following scenario, the user's requirements were to configure a Gauge chart max value based on a report variable, and also to draw a plotline based on a static value. So the output would look something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/wjaq4da2/57/ SolutionThe correct approach for this in TIBCO JasperReports® is to pass property values as a function which returns an object with the desired values. The tricky part is, however, that there are several properties to be configured: the max value and the plot line. Both of them are related to yAxis property, and if you pass two separate functions for two instances of this property, one will override the other and as a result one of the two will be ignored. So what you want to do instead is pass a function that returns an object with ALL the values required for yAxis. For example, in our case described above it can be: <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis"> <hc:propertyExpression> <![CDATA["function(){return {plotLines: [{color: 'green', value: 77, dashStyle: 'longdashdot', width: 2}], max: " + $V{myGaugeMaxValue} + "}}()"]]> </hc:propertyExpression> </hc:chartProperty> [/code] In the example above, as a value for yAxis we pass an object with two properties: plotLines property array with one plot line, and max property which will read value from $V{myGaugeMaxValue} variable. Another important note: make sure that function properties are enabled for Highcharts, both in Jaspersoft Studio and in JasperReports Server. The functions are enabled by adding the following property: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed=true[/code]In Jaspersoft Studio the property can be added under Window->Preferences->JasperSoft Studio->Properties. On the Server this property needs to be defined in ../WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties file.
  8. Common (and Recommended) Approach to Securing Domain DataIn most cases you can secure Domain data via a Domain Security file. The data can be filtered based on logged in username, user roles and user attributes. It can also be filtered by columns, and by separate data rows. For detailed information on this please see the corresponding section in TIBCO JasperReports® Server Security Guide: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v640/securing-data-domain The ProblemOne limitation of such approach is that Domain security file does not apply to data returned by a custom query which users put into Derived tables. One of the possible solutions to this limitation is listed below. Alternative approachThis approach allows you filter Domain data based on logged in user name. The steps are: In the Domain, create a calculate field with a groovy expression which will pull the name of current user from the session. Lets name it logged_in_username. The expression should look like this: groovy('authentication.principal.username')[/code]Here is how it might look: Create another Calculated field and place it in the same section of the Join tree where you have the database field with user names. This Calc field will be of type Boolean, and you will compare the value of your database field to logged_in_username. Lets name it user_check, and set the value to: my_table.username == constant_fields_level.logged_in_username[/code]For example: Go to the Pre-filters tab and create filter on the user_check field and return data only if it's true: The reason why we need to create the second user_check field is because logged_in_username is created as a constant and is not an actual field, and therefor cannot be used in a filter. Once you create an Ad Hoc View based on this Domain, the filter will be applied to both Derived tables and the data returned by other Domain fields. Related articles:Using attributes in a domain's derived table Selectively Masking Domain Data
  9. Issue overviewHere is a common scenario: a report was created in JasperReports Server in one environment and it's working fine. After migration to a different enviroment, some of the text displayed in the report is misaligned, incomplete or missing altogether. This usually happens because often times a logical font (like SansSerif) is used for text elements in reports. Logical font serves as an alias for a physical true type font, which is in turn picked up from one of the available fonts on the Operating System. You can learn more about Logical fonts here in Java documentation here: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/2d/text/fonts.html Note: there can be font inconsistencies even when using physical fonts in the report. This can happen because a font that it is available in one operating system isn't available in another. In this case, as fallback solution, the default font is used for the element. It can also happen because a font can be available in different operating systems but it could be slightly different from one to another. For such cases you can also use the solutions below. Recommended solutionThe most reliable solution for cases in which text rendering is sensitive is to use font extensions. A font extension will be an integral part of you report and will migrate from one environment to another along with report, making sure that the same font is used everywhere. It also ensures consistency in different output formats such as PDF. For detailed instructions on how to create and use a Font extension please see the following article: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-font-font-extension Alternate solutionIf creating a font extension is an expensive option (for example, when you already have dozens or hundreds or reports with configured fonts, and re-designing them would take a significant effort), you can manipulate the font which is being picked up from the OS. You will have to: - make sure that exactly the same true type font library is used in all your environments. This will usually mean that you will have to copy it from the environment where the reports were originally created - if you are using a Logical font like SansSerif, you also want to make sure that Java is going to pick up the correct font from the OS. This should be possible to accomplish by specifying the desired font mapping in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/fontconfig.properties file. If the font used in reports is SansSerif as suggested above, look for the properties like the these in the fontconfig file: sansserif.plain.alphabetic=Arial sansserif.bold.alphabetic=Arial Bold [/code]You can find more information in Java documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/intl/fontconfig.html
  10. Issue descriptionThe following error is being thrown when running a report published from Jaspersoft Studio: Error Messagenull (Error UID: 21cddd74-69da-4005-b5e0-1a12852d7004)[/code]Error Tracejava.lang.NullPointerException at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.repo.RepositoryConnection.getInputStream(RepositoryConnection.java:120)at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1048)at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.getInputStream(JRLoader.java:339)at net.sf.jasperreports.repo.DefaultRepositoryService.getInputStream(DefaultRepositoryService.java:99)...[/code]The report works fine in Jaspersoft Studio though. SolutionThe error message does directly point to it, but this type of stack trace can show up when a resource referenced by report (for example an image) in not accessible. The common causes for such resource being unaccessible are: The resource is placed in a different organization (which can also be a parent organization). In this case you need to move the resource to your current org, or to the Public folder The resource has been removed There is also an existing enhancement request submitted on the internal JasperReports Server tracker to make the error message more informative in such cases.
  11. Issue descriptionSome JasperReports Server users ran into an issue where the following bar with buttons are missing from web interface of the application: Possible cause and solutionThis might be caused by the JasperReports Server's default theme not being installed properly during migration/update. The issue can be resolved by exporting the default theme folder from a different instance of the same version of JasperReports Server, and importing it into the JRS instance with missing buttons. When importing the theme folder, make sure to check the 'Update' and 'Include themes' options: No restart is required, but you might have to clear the browser cache to see the changes.
  12. Use case descriptionThere is more than one way to add a threshold line to a chart. For example, the simplest one is just add another measure to your chart and then hide it from legend using the showInLegend advanced property: The solution suggest below is probably the one the gives report developer the most control over the threshold line layout. SolutionYou can add thresholds to the charts as plotlines instead of measures. The Jaspersoft Studio user interface does not provide a good option to add a plotline at the moment. It has to be passed as a function with an array of values, and it's best added directly to XML and looks like this: <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.plotLines"> <hc:propertyExpression> <![CDATA["function(){return [{ color: 'red', value: 2500, dashStyle: 'longdashdot', width: 2}, { color: 'green', value: 7500, dashStyle: 'longdashdot', width: 2} ]}()"]]> </hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty>[/code]See also the attached sample report that demonstrates this. One more thing to keep in mind is that in order to use functions with HTML5 charts you have to enable the following property: com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed=true For JasperReports Server this property has to be added in .../WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties file. Make sure to save the changes and restart the application server for the property to take effect. In Studio this property has to be added under Window->Preferences->Jaspersoft Studio->Properties
  13. Report names are not stored in the JIAuditEvent table (when the Audit feature is enabled on the server). Only the resource_uri is stored for reports, same as for other resources. Furthermore, there is no resource_uri stored in other tables (like JIResource), so there is no straightforward way to join tables and display a report name for Audit. However, you can try to join the JIResource and JIResourceFolder with the foreign key parent_folder, and then for the full report uri by combining the parent folder path with resource name. Then you could join this with JIAuditEvent. For example, you can create a derived table in the existing Audit Domain, e.g. new_table, as the following query: select distinct rf.uri || '/' || r.name as resource_uri, r.label as resource_name from jiresource r, jiresourcefolder rf where r.parent_folder=rf.id; [/code]Then you can join this derived table with JIAuditEvent table by key: new_table.resource_uri=jiauditevent.uri. After the join, you should be able to use the resource_name for your Domain/report.
  14. The relative dates (or relative timestamps) do not allow specifying a time frame less than a day at the moment. What you can try instead is create a parameter with an expression like this: new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-15*60*1000) and then use this parameter in report query. This expression will return a timestamp for current time minus 15 minutes (where 15 is minutes, 60 is seconds and 1000 is milliseconds). You can also create a separate parameter for the number of minutes and use it in the expression, e.g.: new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-$P{minutes}*60*1000) Then you can create an input control for $P{minutes} and users will be able to specify the number of minutes. Also in this case make sure that the $P{minutes} parameter is defined first, and the parameter with the expression above is defined afterwards., because the parameters are initialized by JasperReports engine in the same order they are defined.
  15. Issue descriptionWhen trying to generate an Ad Hoc report user kept receiving 500 Internal Server Error from TIBCO JasperReports® Server. When examining the log files the following error was found repeating multiple times: org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe The timeout limit in the Ad Hoc settings was set to 720 seconds, however th error was thrown after about 2 minutes of running. The query was actually expected to run for several minutes on database side. One intersting note in this scenario was that once the query has finished running, if user refreshed the report on JasperReports Server front end the data was readily available. Cause and solutionThere are many different possible causes for the 'broken pipe' error. In this particular case, in order to provide SSL access to the server, user's IT team configured an Apache web server in front of the Apache Tomcat. Those servers talked over AJP. It appeared that a standard timeout over AJP is 120 seconds (the same time it took for the error to be thrown). The Apache httpd logs were filled with the 500 server errors. After increasing the proxy timeout value to a value higher than the Ad Hoc timeout of 720 seconds the issue disappeared.
  16. Use caseWe occasionally receive questions about how to embed or attach an existing PDF file to a TIBCO JasperReports® report output. Suggested approachTIBCO JasperReports® library does not provide an option to embed an external PDF file into a report. The closest option available out of the box is to add a link to an external PDF file to your report. However you may consider extending the default functionality by implementing a generic element handler. A good place to start with this approach is to take a look at the Generic Element sample available with JasperReports library distribution: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/genericelement/index.html To give a little more context, Generic elements are built-in placeholders to be declared in a report template at report design time, in order to reserve space for special content available only at export time, generated in a specific manner by different exporters. At report filling time generic elements are processed into generic print elements that reserve room for their future content and evaluate report element expressions. Expression results will be stored as parameter values in the generic print element.
  17. Use case descriptionThis article provides general steps in form of guidelines for implementing a custom JAR file and invoking this JAR from a JRXML. The custom java code is required to interact with resources in repository, and we will look into more details for this last step. Suggested approachIn order to implement some custom Java code that would be called from JRXML reports: 1. Create a simple Java class, place it in a JAR and uploade to the repository as described here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v62/file-resources-0#JAR_Files 2. Invoke your java from a JRXML report by adding the JAR as a resource per these instructions and make sure that it works: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-user-guide/v62/uploading-undetected-file-resources 3. Now you are going to have to implement access to resources in JasperReports Server repository. There are some code samples for interacting with repository resources via API in Jasperserver Ultimate Guide (see section ' Repository Resources' on page 63 if you are using PDF version of the guide for detailed info): https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v640/repository-api However, the guide leaves out the details on how to get a reference to the RepositoryService. For example like this: RepositoryService repositoryService = ...; // gets the instance of the // RepositoryService interface So below is one of possible solutions implemented by one of our users. This particular code snippet was written to read an XML file resource in the repository: public static String getDashboardMapping(String prid) throws IOException { String repoPath = "/public/my_resources/common/metadata/dashboard_mapping.xml"; ApplicationContext ctx = StaticApplicationContext.getApplicationContext(); RepositoryService repositoryService = ctx.getBean("repositoryService",RepositoryService.class); // Get the FileResource. This is just metadata about the resource such as name, description, modified date // but it does not contain any content FileResource resource = (FileResource)repositoryService.getResource(JasperServerUtil.getExecutionContext(),repoPath, FileResource.class); // To get file content we need to use fetch the FileResourceData object. FileResourceData fileResourceData = repositoryService.getResourceData(JasperServerUtil.getExecutionContext(),repoPath); // Convert the file contents to a String String content = getStringFromInputStream(fileResourceData.getDataStream()); // Process the file to determine the correct path to return ... }
  18. Issue descriptionIn some rare cases we observed that the Drag and Drop functionality doesn't work in Ad Hoc Designer and Data Chooser. This was observed on Windows 10 OS only, and only in Chrome and Firefox browsers. SolutionThe issue is specific to some Windows 10 devices with touchscreen (like for example Lenovo Thinkpad T470), where browser acts as if the device is in touch screen mode even though it shouldn't. To fix this behavior: In Chrome:Open the Chrome://flags page in the browser.Change the setting for 'Touch Events API' to Disabled.Restart Chrome.In Firefox:Open the About:config page in the browser.Change the "dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled" setting value to 0.Restart Firefox.For more details please refer to documentaion and other resources for corresponding browsers, like for example this article: https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/make-chrome-browser-touch-friendly
  19. Use caseIt is a common use case to extend/customize the out-of-the-box functionality of TIBCO JasperReports® Server, for example implementing custom beans, adding new report exporters etc. Users sometimes run into question how to apply such customization to Jaspersoft for AWS. SolutionFor single instance deploymentsWhen it comes to AWS, you can extend and/or customize JasperReports Server the same way as any on premise deployment. The application is deployed on Tomcat and can be found in /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/jasperserver-pro folder. So for example if you were to add any custom jars you'll have to put them under /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/lib folder, and then configure the corresponding files under /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF. For clustered deploymentsSince in clustered setup the EC2 instances can be spun up and shut down dynamically, you will need to put the customized JasperReports Server files to the S3 bucket, which should have been created as part of your AWS cluster. In S3 you will have to create a folder structure which mimics Tomcat's folder structure, starting from the level of /webapps. So if for example you need to customize the login.jsp file, you'll have to create a structure like this: webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/login and then upload the customized login.jsp there. More information on uploading configs and other customized files to S3 can be found here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-aws-user-guide/v750/using-customized-configuration-file-instances For detailed information on cusomizing JasperReports Server please refer to our Ultimate Guide available here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v640/introduction
  20. Issue descriptionIn regards to general AWS configuration of resources such as TIBCO JasperReports® Server, it is a common requirement to ensure that there is a capable server for each Availablity zone within a specific region. To this end, it is important to: Share the configuration (repositry) across multiple instances, andShare session information between instances.Solution with CloudFormation templatesFor quite some time we offer a simple solution to this by deploying a Jaspersoft for AWS cluster using one of our pre-configured CloudFormation templates. The templates provide various configuration options (manual or automatic repositroy database setup, with or without Multitenancy, deployment in VPC, hourly and Bring Your Own License deployments etc.) for a number different regions. The complete selection of optoins can be found on the Jaspersoft for AWS Launch page: https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launchWhen configurting the clustered instance it lets you select multiples Availability Zones for the region: Solution for deploying from AMI and/or unsupported regionsWe do not have a documented solution for configuring ELB and configuring culster for multiple availability zones when Jaspersoft for AWS is not deployed from one of our CloudFormation templates mentioned above. However a good place to start is the following chapter in our AWS documentation: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-aws-user-guide/v60/launching#installation_726256148_1034399Also you might want to go over the steps suggested by one of our engineers in this thread: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/847594/aws-elb
  21. To put it shortBoth types of these data sources use JDBC. The main difference is that the AWS Datasource does auto-connect of your Amazon RDS and Redshift instances, sets the proper Security groups, drivers and creates the connection string (JDBC URI) for you without the need to dig into the EC2 Console and get all the data. Steps involved in AWS Data Source setupThere are three parts: AWS RDS discovery - functionality to discover RDS/Redshift databases, endpoints, main databases, master user names ).AWS RDS Security Setup/Recovery - fuctionality to automaticaly setup AWS Security layer (which will allow your TIBCO JasperReports® Server instance to connect to RDS), or in case of an IP change for your AWS instance, it will recover the connection with the new IPDataSource Connection setup via JDBC URL, which makes use of AWS RDS discovery to generate JDBC URLPlease keep in mind that the auto-connect feature only works if you have launched the Jaspersoft instance using our Amazon CloudFormation template: https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch You may also want to refer to the auto-connect feature description on this page: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-bi-aws-frequently-asked-questions#auto-connect
  22. Can TIBCO JasperReports® Server for AWS intances connect to S3?Currently there is no direct connector for S3. Data can be stored in various formats in S3 storage (XML, CSV etc.) and there are some things you can do to report on that data, like loading it to Redshift or using Amazon EMR. Please refer to Amazon documentation for more details on this service: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-what-is-emr.html Jaspersoft team is considering creating a connector, but we do not have any good use cases. If you have any use cases and/or suggestions, feel free to submit those in the Answers section of this website: https://community.jaspersoft.com/answers or if you have a Support subscription feel free to contact TIBCO Jaspersoft Support: https://support.tibco.com/s/
  23. SSL is not enabled out of the box for TIBCO JasperReports® Server instances deployed on AWS. Since it's the user who owns and controls the server, it's not possible for Jaspersoft to provide a certificate ahead of time. However in terms of SSL, configuring AWS deployments is essentially the same as configuring deployments on premises. You can enable SSL on Tomcat following the steps from our Security Guide: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v640/enabling-ssl-tomcat or use the steps from Tomcat documentation: https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/ssl-howto.html You can also take it a little further and add an Apache webserver as a proxy to handle the SSL connection: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/installing-and-configuring-apache-httpd-server-ssl
  24. For versions 6.3.* and olderFor older version of TIBCO JasperReports® Server you can install PhantomJS following the steps from this section of our AWS documentation: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-aws-user-guide/v630/installing-phantomjs-aws For versions 6.4 and newerStarting from JasperReports Server v6.4, Phantom JS is already preinstalled along with the server itself. This applies to both JRS deployments on premises and on AWS. You may want to refer the corresponding section the Jaspersoft® for AWS Guide for more details: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-aws-user-guide/v640/phantomjs-aws
  25. IssueWhen trying to create an AWS Data Source on TIBCO JasperReports® Server you are seeing the following error message: Possible cause and solutionA probable cause for this type of error message is that the automatic access rules setup for this JasperReports Server instance is disabled in Cloud Settings. Log in as superuser, then go to Manage -> Server Settings -> Cloud Settings, and make sure the the following property is checked:
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