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Everything posted by stasp

  1. That is true, visualize.js is only available in commercial edition. Sorry if my comment was misleading. However there are options to try out JRS commrecial editions for free: http://www.jaspersoft.com/four-ways-test-drive-jaspersoft-bi-software Also i found that we have "Visualize.js - Getting Started" page on our wiki: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/visualizejs-getting-started - Stas
  2. Hi, There is no way to give you a definite answer without looking at report design (jrxml file) and at XLS output files from JSS and the server. However the most probable cause of the difference is that you have different configuration for jasperreports properties on the server compared to JSS. On the server the properties are configured in <jasperserver-pro>WEB-INFclassesjasperreports.properties file. You are going to need access to Jasperserver in order to modify the file. The complete list of jasperreports properties can be found here: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html Hope this helps - Stas
  3. Hello Vishal, Basically what you need to do is: - install Jasperreports Server (follow TIBCO JRS Installation guide) - create a Dashboard in your new JRS (follow TIBCO JRS User guide) - look through TIBCO JRS Visualize.js guide to get started with the API and see some samples That's basically it. All documentation is available here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation?version=13758 - Stas
  4. Hi, Reports created with Ad Hoc view won't run within Jaspersoft Studio (JSS) for many reasons. Partly due to the dataset, but partly due to the many Server-level references, something like this: <import value="com.jaspersoft.ji.adhoc.service.AdhocEngineServiceImpl"/> That's an example of import statement for a class that comes with the server, but not with iReport or JasperReports Studio. You can make changes to Ad Hoc reports and post it back to the server, but you won't be able to run them in Studio or iReport. You can try running reports from Jasperserver by right-clicking on report unit in Repository explorer in JSS and selecting "Run Report Unit" Hope this clarifies a little. - Stas
  5. ProblemIt may appear tricky to configure logging for solutions like Apache Commons Loggin or Log4J, in Jaspersoft Studio (Professional). SolutionHere below we will see some steps that allows to configure different output files when using Apache Commons Loggin and Log4J. We also specified to have detailed information (log level ALL) when logging is performed by one of the BigData connectors. This is only one of the possible scenario. Different solutions can be taken, just modifying the JVM arguments passed or changing the configuration log files. Locate the Jaspersoft Studio installation folder. For example: C:Program FilesJaspersoftJaspersoft Studio Professional-5.5.0.finalEdit the Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini file and add the following arguments: -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/C:/jsslog/config/log4j-config.properties -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.diagnostics.dest=C:/jsslog/outputs/commonsLoggingDiagOutput.log -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:/jsslog/config/logging-config.properties- log4j.configuration specifies to use the dedicated file for loading Log4J configuration. - org.apache.commons.logging.diagnostics.dest specifies the output file for logging diagnostic messages of the Apache Commons Logging - org.apache.commons.logging.Log specifies which Log implementation to use, in our case the one that wraps the standard JDK logging mechanisms - java.util.logging.config.file specifies to use the dedicated file for loading the Java Logging API configuration Create the log4j-config.properties as follow: log4j.debug = true log4j.appender.fileout = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.fileout.File = C:/jsslog/outputs/studioLOG4J.log log4j.appender.fileout.MaxBackupIndex = 5 log4j.appender.fileout.MaxFileSize = 8192KB log4j.appender.fileout.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.fileout.layout.conversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1},%t:%L - %m%n log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, fileout Create the logging-config.properties # File Handler handlers = java.util.logging.FileHandler # Set the default logging level for the root logger .level = INFO # log level for the connectors com.jaspersoft.connectors.cassandra.level = ALL com.jaspersoft.connectors.hive.level = ALL com.jaspersoft.mongodb.level = ALL # Default formatter java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter # Specify the location and name of the log file java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = C:/jsslog/outputs/studio-common.logAdditional notesAs for some other use case scenarios it can be useful to startup Jaspersoft Studio via command prompt in order to further investigate what is happening. For this reason you should locate the JSS installation folder and rename the existing "eclipsec.exe" file to "Jaspersoft Studio (Professional)c.exe".Then you can start the JSS application using the command "Jaspersoft Studio (Professional)c.exe" -consoleLog. Verify that you have permissions to read/write in the folder specified for config/output files. We did not use the Log4JLogger implementation in the org.apache.commons.logging.Log property because we verified issues similar to those described in here, with a similar error: The log adapter 'org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger' is missing dependencies when loaded via classloader <....> We need to further investigate the problem. Related articleshttp://cyntech.wordpress.com/2009/01/09/how-to-use-commons-logging/http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-logging/troubleshooting.htmlhttp://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-logging/configuration.htmlhttps://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-logging/guide.html
  6. try to copy the connection URL, paste it into browser and try to connect. The URL should look something like this: http:///jasperserver-pro/ If you are sure that the URL is correct and you still cannot connect, there is some network configration standing in the way. It can be firewall or proxy or some other filter.
  7. Hi, This kind of issue usually happens when there is a proxy in the way of connecting Jaseprsoft Studio to Jasperreports Server. Add your Proxy URL to the network connections/proxy bypass list and try connecting again. Hope this helps. - Stas
  8. Try adding a "Print When Expression" property to all report bands (and/or report elements within bands) based on $V{PAGE_COUNT} variable. When page count is odd the expression should return true (and thus the bands should be printed), and when the page count is odd the expression should return false. The expression should be something like this: new Boolean($V{PAGE_COUNT}.intValue() % 2 != 0) Also add a static text to one of report bands and set an opposite "Print When Expression" for it, e.g.: new Boolean($V{PAGE_COUNT}.intValue() % 2 == 0) Hope this helps. - Stas
  9. Issue Description:With new Highcahrts lib (often referred to as HTML5 charts) added to JR adding hyperlink to a chart is pretty much the same as to JFreeCharts (regular Charts) and Fusion charts (Charts Pro). You just open chart properties, go to Hyperlink tab and add whatever you want. However you may also notice that there is no way to add hyperlinks to HTML5 chart items (like bar sections or pie slices), at least not the way it is for other chart libs. Resolution:Creating this kind of hyperlinks in HTML5 charts is a little more tricky than in Charts or Charts Pro. Here is a summary of the process: Identify the series you want to use for your link Create a bucket property for that series (i.e. if you are using a pie chart, the category bucket may have a property called myUrl which contains your url built with the category value). This can be done in Edit Chart Properties->Chart Data->Data Axes->Categories Keep in mind that bucket level properties are the only place where you can create expressions to be used with your link. Otherwise you'll have to either use static values or reference a bucket level property Identify the measure to which you need to add a link (Edit Chart Properties->Chart Data->Data Axes->Measures) In the advanced properties of your measure click on "Hyperlink". This will create for you a couple of properties, just edit them by assigning the proper value (again, here you'll have to either use static values or reference a bucket level property) Report execution hyperlinks:If you want a ReportExecution hyperlink, you'll need to rename one of the measure advanced properties (see item 4. above) to _report and enter the corresponding value, and if you need to pass parameter values you'll need to add them as measure properties too. Attached is a sample report that has chart item ReportExecution hyperlinks. It runs on the JasperReports Server sample database. Ref. Case #00031817 See also: HTML5 Charts in iReport hclinks_0.jrxml
  10. Issue Description:On the bars of the bar chart, sometimes not all values ​​of the bar labels are displayed. This will depend on the displayed data (size of the particular bars) Resolution:This is a known limitation. When bars on charts reach the outer edges of the chart, some of labels get cut off. A possible workaround to avoid labels truncation is to write a chart customizer implementing the JRChartCustomizer interface, similar to the following: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart;import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer;import org.jfree.chart.plot.*;import org.jfree.ui.*;public class PlotInsetCustomizer implements JRChartCustomizer{ public PlotInsetCustomizer() {} public void customize(JFreeChart jfc, JRChart chart){ double top = 15.0; // this is the inset you need to adjust to make sure // that there is enough space to display the truncated label double bottom = 5.0; double left = 5.0; double right = 5.0; XYPlot plot = (XYPlot)jfc.getPlot(); plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(top, bottom, left, right)); //adjust the "top" value to make sure it is big enough to accommodate the missing label }}[/code]There is some information about implementing chart customizers in section 12.4 Properties of Charts if the iReport Ultimate Guide, and also in JasperReports Ultimate guide. References:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizerorg.jfree.chart.plotorg.jfree.uiRef. Case #00028310
  11. Issue:In rare cases after trying to run any report after export/import you may get the following stack trace: -------------------------------- com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.could.not.find.resource.with.uri at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ResourceTypeMappingAction.doPreExecute(ResourceTypeMappingAction.java:63) at org.springframework.webflow.action.AbstractAction.execute(AbstractAction.java:186) at org.springframework.webflow.execution.ActionExecutor.execute(ActionExecutor.java:51) at org.springframework.webflow.action.EvaluateAction.doExecute(EvaluateAction.java:77) at org.springframework.webflow.action.AbstractAction.execute(AbstractAction.java:188) at org.springframework.webflow.execution.AnnotatedAction.execute(AnnotatedAction.java:145) at org.springframework.webflow.execution.ActionExecutor.execute(ActionExecutor.java:51) at org.springframework.webflow.engine.ActionState.doEnter(ActionState.java:101) at org.springframework.webflow.engine.State.enter(State.java:194) at org.springframework.webflow.engine.Flow.start(Flow.java:535) at org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionImpl.start(FlowExecutionImpl.java:366) at org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionImpl.start(FlowExecutionImpl.java:225) at org.springframework.webflow.executor.FlowExecutorImpl.launchExecution(FlowExecutorImpl.java:140) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601) at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:318) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:183) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:150) at org.springframework.security.intercept.method.aopalliance.MethodSecurityInterceptor.invoke (MethodSecurityInterceptor.java:66) -------------------------------- In this case try to enable debugging (log in as superuser, go to Manage->Server settings->Log settings and set SQL query executer to DEBUG) and run a reprot again. If you will see exception as the following: --------------- 2012-10-29 09:23:47,169 DEBUG HibernateRepositoryServiceImpl,http-bio-7654-exec-6:995 - Resource of type com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoResource not found at /organizations/organization_1/Report_Folder/Report_Name.jrxml --------------- then this is probably an issue with Apache was re-encoding the URLs after they were already encoded. So normally URL will end as follows: /organizations/organization_1/Report_Folder/Report_Name.jrxml then after encoding it will look as follows: %2Forganizations%2Forganization_1%2FReport_Folder%2FReport_Name.jrxml which is normal as well. However after extra encoding by Apache it will end with something like %252Forganizations%252Forganization_1%252FReport_Folder%252FReport_Name.jrxml This should give you a hint that extra encoding is happening. Resolution:To get rid of this issue you'll need to configure your app server to not perform an extra encoding of the URLs. Ref. Case #00029359
  12. Issue:When trying to upload a report from iReport Designer to JasperReports Server repository "error: 1 - 0" is thrown and report is not uploaded. Resolution:The issue comes from JasperReports Server side. The simplest workaround to try is to add a directory named "attachments" to WEB-INF on the JasperServer side. When installing using bundled install, this folder exists automatically. However the WAR is missing this folder. If, after adding the folder, you have further issues, follow the steps below: - make sure the current OS user has permissions to write to this folder you added - open /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd and check if the following property is added and un-commented: [/code]As an alternative you can designate a different directory for attachments Ref. Case #00025053 -- 15:35, 5 July 2012 (UTC)
  13. Issue: You may hav noticed that the export option messages use the default locale of the browser and not the JR Server locale as selected at login time (in case the locales are different, of course). [toc] For example: Let's say your default locale is English (includes OS and browser locale). Now log in selecting different locale (German, French, etc.) You should see the menues and messages localized after login. Now run any report and click on "Export" button to see the export options. You would expect the export options to localized like the rest of UI (to the language you selected at login); however it is still in English (which is the browser locale). Resolution:As a workaround you can edit WEB-INF/jsp/modules/viewReport/DefaultJasperViewerState.jsp and replace the following lines String descriptionMessage = messageSource.getMessage(exporter.getDescriptionKey(), null, request.getLocale());[/code]with String descriptionMessage = messageSource.getMessage(exporter.getDescriptionKey(), null, org.springframework.web.servlet.support.RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request));[/code]Ref. Case #00026037 -- 14:59, 5 July 2012 (UTC)
  14. Issue:Requirement: need to add a tooltip to a chart. For example, you have a Pie chart and need each category to display category value in a tooltip when hevering mouse over this category. Resolution:It is possible to define tooltips using hyperlink options without actually specifying hyperlink. It can be done by specifying Section hyperlink for Pie chart in Chart Details window->Details->Pie series. Set hyperlink target to "Self" and hyperlink type to "none". This works in the Internal Preview and HTML Preview in iReport. The report source is the "Foodmart" database that ships with the product. Ref. Case #00026351 -- 15:02, 27 June 2012 (UTC)
  15. Issue Description: Sometimes after creating Ad Hoc report with multi-select filter, saving and running the report you may encoounter an exception like [toc] Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:1. String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote value = java.util.Arrays.asList(new java.lang.String Or you may just find that certain filter values are missing in the list Resolution:This kind of problem is usually caused by a filter value that contains a new line character. You'll need to modify the value in your database and remove the new line character in order to fix the issue. Ref. Case #00026352 -- 14:30, 27 June 2012 (UTC)
  16. IssueWhen adding custom menu items to JasperReports Server repository (following guidelines in JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide) you may encounter such error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'each' of undefined[/code]ResolutionYou need to specify new Main menu with a name pattern as "main_yourItemName_mutton". Also, yourItemName cannot include underscore. So this is what will work: <context name="main_yourItemName_mutton" test="!banUserRole"> but with a different name pattern it'll throw an error, e.g.: <context name="yourItemName_mutton" test="!banUserRole"> and with extra underscore it won't work as well: <context name="main_yourItem_Name_mutton" test="!banUserRole"> Ref. Case #00026453 -- 13:15, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
  17. Unable to get value for field 'x' of class 'java.sql.Timestamp'[toc on_off::hide=1] Issue:When working on a MySQL DB and using fields of type "Datetime", you may in some cases encounter the following error when executing SELECT command: Unable to get value for field 'x' of class 'java.sql.Timestamp' Resolution:It is a known problem of how JDBC driver handles "blank" date/time fields. As a workaround you can explicitly force JDBC driver to map these fields to null. It can be done by adding: zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull to the database connection string. So it will look something like this: jdbc:mysql://$SERVER/$DATABASE?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull Adding this property should work the same for both JasperReports Server and iReport Designer. Ref. Case #00025317 -- 11:37, 27 March 2012 (UTC)
  18. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] When opening reports, created in iReport versions prior to 2.0.3, using later versions of iReport the report layout may be distorted. Cause:In JR 2.0.3 the way borders are drawn was changed so that new types of borders can be introduced and let the border thickness free. Then, in JR 3.0.0, a config property was added so that borders can be drawn like they used to and not force people to "fix" old reports Resolution:Here is a quote from changes.txt "- new configuration property called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.legacy.border.offset" to allow rendering element borders in older reports using the legacy border offset technique that was used in versions prior to the 2.0.3 release." This config property can be set globally or at report level. Ref. Case #00019813 -- 12:33, 22 March 2012 (UTC)
  19. Issue:Regular users (those without ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR) cannot change their own password by default. A superuser or jasperadmin of the organization has to change password for non-admin users. Resolution:If you want to allow non-admin users to change their own passwords, there is a property in /WEB-INF/jasperserver-servlet.xml called allowUserPasswordChange. Change this setting to value="true" and restart the server. <property name="allowUserPasswordChange" value="false"/><!--note: if passwordExpirationInDays is positive, it will overwrite the above allowUserPasswordChange and the password changing UI will be displayed--><property name="passwordExpirationInDays" value="0"/>[/code]You will have access to the password change form below the login form as link "Change Password". Ref. Case #00019737 -- 12:59, 20 March 2012 (UTC)
  20. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] When creating report with Map Pro component and configuring Europe map, you may find out that while report works fine in iReport Designer, after uploading to JasperReports Server the error below pops up when trying to run the report com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.lang.String)(com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps.EntityCodes(((java.lang.String)field_country.getValue()))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=13$ <-------------------------------------------> 2. com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.lang.String)(com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps.EntityCodes(((java.lang.String)field_country.getOldValue()))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=13$ <-------------------------------------------> 3. com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps cannot be resolved to a type value = (java.lang.String)(com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps.EntityCodes(((java.lang.String)field_country.getValue()))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=13$ <-------------------------------------------> 3 errors Resolution:In iReport Designer, Maps Pro includes a sample helper class called EntityCodes in com.jaspersoft.ireport.components.fusion.maps. It converts the name of a European country to the corresponding entity ID in the map of Europe. The problem is that this class was created for iReport Designer, and it's not included in JasperReports Server. The class is located in com-jaspersoft-ireport-components-fusion.jar under /ireportpro/modules folder. To solve the issue copy this jar into /WEB-INF/lib folder and restart the server. Ref. Case #00020975 -- 14:20, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
  21. Issue:When uploading a report with HTML component to JasperReports Server repository and trying to run it you may sometimes get the exception below: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schemadocument 'http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/htmlcomponent.xsd(http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/htmlcomponent.xsd)', because 1)could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) theroot element of the document is not .[/code]Resolution:This happens because HTML component lib is missing from the classpath. To fix the issue add the jasperreports-htmlcomponent-4.1.1.jar to <js-install>/WEB-INF/lib/ folder and restart the server. This library can be found in iReport Designer installation under /ireport/modules/ext/ folder. Ref. Case #00025087 -- 13:46, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
  22. Issue:[toc on_off::hide=1] Charts pro contain a feature which allows user to click on the legend and deselect certain categories. This could be a really nice feature that makes these charts far more interactive. The drawback of this feature is that the chart is not re-drawn after deselecting a category, so what happens is the remaining categories end up suspended in mid air. Resolution:Ideally it would be a great improvement to have the the chart re-drawn to avoid categories stuck in mid-air. But that's how Fusion graphics works. You can see the same behaviour on the Fusion chart gallery: http://www.fusioncharts.com/gallery/Category.asp?Stacked There is nothing we can do with this limitation. What you can do is disable this functionality. To do this set the following property for the charts in jrxml: <fc:chart ... > <fc:chartProperty name="interactiveLegend"> <fc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[false]]></fc:propertyExpression> </fc:chartProperty> ... </fc:chart> In iReport this can be done by doing the following: right-click on the chart->Edit Chart Properties->Show Advanced Options->Add a property named 'interactiveLegend' and set the value to 'false' (all without quotes). Ref. Case #00022591 -- 10:40, 13 March 2012 (UTC)
  23. Issue :Sometimes you may see scheduled jobs running twice. Cause:This issue may occur in non-clustered environment. There is a Quartz property called org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered which is by default set to TRUE. In theory it shouldn't cause any problems, however due to a Quartz issue it may cause scheduled jobs to run twice. You can find the details here: http://jira.terracotta.org/jira/browse/QTZ-280 Resolution:Setting the org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered property in <js-install>/WEB-INF folder to FALSE should resolve the problem in non-clustered environment. In clustered environment the property should be set to TRUE. Ref. Case #00022638 -- 10:11, 13 March 2012 (UTC)
  24. Issue:Sometimes when modifying JS Repository resource (e.g. report jrxml), and trying to replace existing resource with the updated one, you may run into following exception: When we do that we are getting a org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad Envelope tag: html error.[/code]Cause:The issue is most likely due to a defect that we have fxed in our latest JasperReports Server (4.5). JasperReports Server 4.2 has a servlet filter (UploadMultipartFilter) in web.xml that consumes multipart requests, which disrupts Axis (the web service library that is used by iReports). This causes the error. Resolution:To fix this you can either upgrade to our v4.5.1 release or do the following modifications to your configuration files: Located in <jasperserver[-pro]>/WEB-INF/web.xml and comment out the following lines: <!--<filter> <filter-name>multiPartHelperFilter</filter-name> <filter-class> com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.common.UploadMultipartFilter </filter-class></filter><filter-mapping> <filter-name>multiPartHelperFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern></filter-mapping>--> (so adding the "{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C}" before and after the Filter and filter-mapping tags) And then edit WEB-INF/applicationContext-security-web.xml by adding the filter to the chain that maps: ... /**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter ,uploadMultipartFilter ,${bean.loggingFilter} ,${bean.userPreferencesFilter} ,${bean.authenticationProcessingFilter} ,${bean.userPreferencesFilter} ,${bean.basicProcessingFilter} ,requestParameterAuthenticationFilter ,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer ,anonymousProcessingFilter ,exceptionTranslationFilter ,filterInvocationInterceptor ,switchUserProcessingFilter ,iPadSupportFilter ...<bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.common.UploadMultipartFilter" id="uploadMultipartFilter" /> (so you just need to add "uploadMultipartFilter" at the second position of the filter chains for URI /** (normally the last one in the bean filterChainProxy) and to reference that new filter by adding the bean with id uploadMultipartFilter below the bean filterChainProxy. Ref. Case #00022783 -- 12:21, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
  25. Issue:Consider the following scenario: - you create a Domain using the Domain designer using data from your database - then you export the Domain schema file to create new Domains using this file - when trying to create a new domain and import the file you just exported, the process fails with the following messages: [toc]The XML validation failed. Look for errors in the box below.cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'type' must appear on element 'field'.Line:295, Col:39cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'type' must appear on element 'field'.Line:307, Col:39cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'type' must appear on element 'field'.Line:353, Col:39... Cause:This happens when database has BLOB or CLOB columns, which cause the problem. These data types are not valid for Domain schema, and these fields are getting exported without a 'type' attribute by default. Resolution:The BLOB and CLOB column types are by default not mapped to any data type in JasperReports Server configuration. To workaround the problem for BLOB type do the following (same steps apply for CLOB type): find <js-install>/WEB-INF/applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml fileopen the file and find the following property of jdbcMetaConfiguration bean:uncomment the line set the value to java.lang.Stringsave the file and restart the servercheck if the problem with missing type is still thereRef. Case #00024434 -- 11:42, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
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