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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×

Thomas Tibcken

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Community Answers

  1. Hi Kinshuka, I will try to help you on this request, but your question is a bit to generic. Can you please try to explain a bit more in detail what you want to achive. Maybe you can create a sample report that shows the tables with our demo data. Create a Screen Shot and mark where you want to create the split for each page. Please use the File Upload for your Example (not just copy the code). Thank you Thomas
  2. Hi Kavitha, please look at this "how to": Hope this will help. Regards TT
  3. Please look at this articel: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57889915/how-to-adapt-the-report-size-to-screen-size-when-exporting-to-html Regards TT
  4. Hi Shahbaz Ali, thx for providing the example. What you see is the same pixel perfect result for all Formats. Jaspersoft HTML Reports output is not like a responsive HTML Web-Page - it will center the Report and keep all pixel from the template as defined. In your example you use the A4 Page / Unit Pixel ... you would need % of the screen to make it responsive. I will check if there is a propertie for HTML Format to generate a HTML Report with reponsive layout. Regards TT
  5. Hi Shahbaz Ali, can you please tell us more about your environment like version of Jaspersoft, OS of Studio and Server. Can you provide a simple example and upload it as a .jrxml (no copy&paste of code), so we can try to reproduce what you describe. THX TT
  6. Hi Kavitha, can you please tell us more about your environment like version of Jaspersoft, OS of Studio and Server. Do you want to use the Detail Band to create a Table or do you want to use the Table from the Palette? Can you provide a simple example and upload it as a .jrxml (no copy&paste of code), so we can try to find a solution. THX TT
  7. Hi Bhargav, can you please tell us more about your environment like version of Jaspersoft, OS of Studio and Server. In addition please upload an example .jrxml file (not copy and paste of code), so I can try to reproduce on my side? THX TT
  8. Hi, the same question is already in the forum: Please look at the answer of Paul: This issue is usually caused by the proxy server. I would suggest increasing the timeout and you may need to check with your network team about any network settings that may be contributing to this issue. Let us know if the increase of the timeout already solved your Problem. If not please contact your network team. Regards TT
  9. Please make sure you use a unique name... like JSArial and select this font for your reports and restart the server..
  10. Hi, what OS do you use? Look at this discussion:
  11. Hi Saniya, by default Jaspersoft will not support all fonts on your development computer. Please follow the instructions in this best practices to use Arial for you reports. Regards TT
  12. Hi, please look at this topic that contains an simple example: I tried this and it worked! It also works with NOT new Integer(!($F{STATUS}.equals("Completed")) ? 1 : 0) How could it work if there is more than one condition. ($F{STATUS}.equals("Completed") ($F{STATUS}.equals("InProcess") ? Hope that helps. Regards TT
  13. Hi, can you please check the following documentation and follwo the the steps of chapter: Setting Up Eclipse and Your Workspace Please let us know, if you have followed the steps from the Doc and if you will still have Problems with more details. THX TT
  14. Hi, in Jaspersoft Studio you will see an error like this: There is a button for "Details >>" that will show you the full Error. The size of this window can be changed as required; the button may just not be visible. Please let us know if you still not get the full error message. Regards TT
  15. Hi, can you please upload the full .jrxm file and not just copy & past code. The Editor will not keep it as it should be. THX TT
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