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Shubham started following Whether Jasper Report Library 6.21.3 is backward compatible ?
Whether Jasper Report Library 6.21.3 is backward compatible ?
Shubham replied to rachana23's topic in Developers and API
Hello Rachana, JasperReports Library is generally backward compatible, meaning newer versions can often run reports compiled with older versions of the library. However, full backward compatibility is not always guaranteed. Specific changes or deprecations between versions can sometimes cause issues, especially if your reports rely on certain features or APIs that may have changed. Below are few points to consider: - Check the release notes for versions between 6.10.0 and 6.21.3. JasperReports may have deprecated some methods or features that your older reports might use. If your reports are affected, you might need to adjust or refactor them. - Since some of your reports are already running successfully with the new library, it suggests that core backward compatibility is intact for those cases. However, thoroughly test all reports, especially those with complex logic or customizations, to ensure they work as expected with the upgraded library. Thanks. -
Question: Customer usually has a requirement for not creating "jasperadmin" for each new organization they create. So they request on how to restrict this creation of user. Resolution: To restrict creation of "jasperadmin" for every new organization you will need to modify below setting's in "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml". 1) Open file "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml" which is located under folder ..Tomcat 9\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF 2) You will need to remove bean entry for jasperadmin , Remove below code from file. <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewUser"> <property name="username" value="jasperadmin"/> <property name="fullName" value="jasperadmin"/> <property name="password" value="jasperadmin"/> <property name="emailAddress" value=""/> <property name="roles"> <list> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.RoleRef"> <property name="roleName" value="ROLE_USER"/> </bean> <!--<bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewRole">--> <!--<property name="roleName" value="ROLE_#{tenantId}"/>--> <!--</bean>--> </list> </property> </bean> 3) Now save the file, Stop your tomcat server , clear temp and work folder of your tomcat and restart the server.
Question: Customer usually want's to change the default password of joeuser using some configuration files. Resolution: To change the default password of your "joeuser" you will need to modify below setting's in "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml". 1) Open file "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml" which is located under folder ..Tomcat 9\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF 2) Now under below bean you will need to update your required password, For eg in below I have updated the password to "joeuser123" <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewUser"> <property name="username" value="joeuser"/> <property name="fullName" value="joeuser"/> <property name="password" value="joeuser123"/> <property name="emailAddress" value=""/> <property name="roles"> <list> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.RoleRef"> <property name="roleName" value="ROLE_USER"/> </bean> <!--<bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewRole">--> <!--<property name="roleName" value="ROLE_#{tenantId}"/>--> <!--</bean>--> </list> </property> </bean> 3) Now save the file, Stop your tomcat server , clear temp and work folder of your tomcat and restart the server.
Question: Customer usually has a concern : "We changed the default password for jasperadmin in js.config.properties, but when we create a new organization, we were able to still login with the default password using jasperadmin." Resolution: To change the default password of your jasperadmin you will need to modify below setting's in "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml". 1) Open file "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml" which is located under folder ..Tomcat 9\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF 2) Now under below bean you will need to update your required password, For eg in below I have updated the password to "jasperadmin123" <beans profile="engine"> <bean id="tenantDefaultUsers" class="java.util.ArrayList"> <constructor-arg index="0" type="java.util.Collection"> <list> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewUser"> <property name="username" value="jasperadmin"/> <property name="fullName" value="jasperadmin"/> <property name="password" value="jasperadmin123"/> <property name="emailAddress" value=""/> <property name="roles"> <list> 3) Now save the file, Stop your tomcat server , clear temp and work folder of your tomcat and restart the server. ------ This will help you to update jasperadmin password for all newly created organization aswell.
Question: Customer usually has a requirement for not creating "joeuser" for each new organization they create. So they request on how to restrict this creation of user. Resolution: To restrict creation of "joeuser" for every new organization you will need to modify below setting's in "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml". 1) Open file "applicationContext-multiTenancy.xml" which is located under folder ..Tomcat 9\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF 2) You will need to remove bean entry for joeuser , Remove below code from file. <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewUser"> <property name="username" value="joeuser"/> <property name="fullName" value="joeuser"/> <property name="password" value="joeuser"/> <property name="emailAddress" value=""/> <property name="roles"> <list> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.RoleRef"> <property name="roleName" value="ROLE_USER"/> </bean> <!--<bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.configuration.NewRole">--> <!--<property name="roleName" value="ROLE_#{tenantId}"/>--> <!--</bean>--> </list> </property> </bean> 3) Now save the file, Stop your tomcat server , clear temp and work folder of your tomcat and restart the server. ------
Theme issue after upgrading JRS to 9.0.0v
Shubham posted an entry in Troubleshooting
Shubham posted an entry in Troubleshooting
Question: After upgrade, Customer usually get "skip to main content area" button in the header, which is affecting out styles and request id there a way we could disable it, or get more info about it? Resolution: The reason for getting "skip to main content area" on your new 9.0v of JRS might be caused while importing your old export.zip file from 8.0.4 v or any older versions. This issue will be caused if you have selected "Include Themes" option while importing the zip file which then get overwritten with earlier version theme to the latest version. ----- To rectify this theme issue you will need to perform below steps: I am attaching my vanilla 9.0.v JRS version export.zip file , You will need to go to.. Manage >> Server Settings >> Import then Select the zip file attached and use "Legacy Key" as a option and also Tick on "Include Themes" and then click Import. Now check if "skip to main content area" got removed on your JRS version. Sometimes due to browser cache, the new theme will not get reflected directly. To verify you will need to clear the browser cache or try in different browser or check the same under an incognito tab of Chrome. Vanilla_9_JRS_Export (1).zip -
Last week of the year is getting incremented by one.
Shubham posted an entry in Troubleshooting
Shubham posted an entry in Troubleshooting
Problem: Year for the date 31st Dec 2023 is showing as 2024 i.e Instead of showing 12/31/2023 it shows 12/31/2024. Resolution: This date issue is caused due to the usage of Day pattern format "<entry key="day" value="MM/dd/YYYY"/>" in your applicationContext-catFactory.xml which is showing 12/31/2024 instead of 12/31/2023. This is a JVM behavior. “yyyy” represents the calendar year whereas “YYYY” represents the year of the week, used in the ISO year-week calendar in case year end date is in mid week and that week ends in new year resulting in the year value change. Its always better to use "yyyy". So, Please change your Day pattern format from "<entry key="day" value="MM/dd/YYYY"/>" to "<entry key="day" value="MM/dd/yyyy"/>" , Clear temp and work folder of your tomcat and restart the server. Now this should show the correct year for the last date. -
Question: We do not see any option to export report to XLS format from JRS since 8.2v? How to export reports in XLS format Resolution: By default XLS export option is not enabled for 8.2v of JRS. You will need to modify the file viewReportBeans.xml which is present under folder ... jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF \flows\viewReportBeans.xml where it contains a section <util:map id="exporterConfigMap"> listing the different exporters. To enable the xls exporter options, you just have to uncomment the xls and xlsNoPag options. ---------------- <util:map id="exporterConfigMap"> <!-- comment/uncomment any of the lines below if you want related exporters to be excluded/included in the viewer's exporters list Note: separate configuration for iPad 'exportersSupportedByiPad' --> <entry key="pdf" value-ref="pdfExporterConfiguration"/> <!-- <entry key="xls" value-ref="xlsExporterConfiguration"/> <entry key="xlsNoPag" value-ref="xlsNoPaginationExporterConfiguration"/> --------------- After making the changes save the file, Clear temp and work folder of your tomcat and restart the server. You will now be able to view this xls export option.
Issue: A non TCPS based datasource like jdbc:tibcosoftware:oracle://servername;ServiceName=servicename;CatalogOptions=0 works well whereas a TCPS based datasource string like jdbc:tibcosoftware:oracle://servername;ServiceName=servicename fails with error below: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [TibcoSoftware][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read. Resolution: The connection string for Oracle datasource with SSL may differ depending on the Oracle JDBC Driver being used for the datasource connection. If you are using TIBCO Oracle JDBC Driver, then you may refer below connection string and modify the same to suit your requirement: jdbc:tibcosoftware:oracle://servername;ServiceName=servicename;CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2;encryptionMethod=ssl;TrustStore=walletpath;TrustStorePassword=1234;keystore=walletpath;keystorePassword=1234 If native Oracle JDBC Driver is being used in your datasource connection, then refer below connection string and modify the same to suit your requirement: String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=servernam e)(PORT=2484))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=servicename)))"); For the native Oracle JDBC Driver, you can find about the above connection string along with other details for using SSL with native Oracle JDBC Driver from below link: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/wp-oracle-jdbc-thin-ssl-130128.pdf Thanks
Question: When using Line chart in Adhoc view, Customer what's to customize the width of the line/spline chart which is connecting between the two data points . Resolution: To achieve this you will need to add below advanced property in adhoc designer to increase or decrease the width of the line. Name : plotOptions.series.lineWidth Value = 5 You can change the value as per your requirement. Once you add this as a Key -Value pair , This will get auto updated on the screen and no need to restart the server. Thank you
Issue Description: When using Line chart in Adhoc view, Customer what's to customize the color of the line which is connecting between the two data points . By default color of the line is Black color. Resolution: To achieve this you will need to add below advanced property in adhoc designer and add color code as per your requirement. Name : plotOptions.series.lineColor Value = #F8E71C This #F8E71C will change the line color to Yellow from Black, You can change the value as per your color requirement. Once you add this as a Key -Value pair , This will get auto updated on the screen and no need to restart the server. Thank you!