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JasperReports Server Community is gone - what next?


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I'm looking for the community's general opinion here as to what everyone is doing now?

Here, we've been using JasperReports Server Community edition now for a substantial number of years. It's become an integral part of our technology stack and now its officially gone I need to rethink our medium to long term direction. What are the options? As I see it currently...

  1. We could switch to the Commercial edition and start paying. We were paying for a Commercial license previously, but the cost was becoming prohibitive and there were zero benefits so switched to Community edition.
  2. Look at alternatives within the Jasepersoft community we could switch to - are there any?
  3. Look at alternative free/open source solutions that offer similar functionality. What experiences do people have?
  4. Look at alternative paid for solutions. What are people using, are there any good cost effective alternatives out there?

Just looking to get a feeling as to what direction people are thinking about.

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21 hours ago, andrew_50 said:

I asked Tibco/Jaspersoft about pricing, but they don't seem to care to reply.
Luckily I have the installers for the last free/community versions still.

Same as me..  I asked for an offer, but there was no response

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Hello @andrew.hayes, I  have a biased opinion however, I want to best support you as you seek alternative options to JasperReports Server community edition. There are a lot of value-add benefits to our commerical edition including professional support, legal  indemnification, and advanced functionality like  report & dashboard scheduling, interactive visualizations, and ad hoc capabilities. Our team would love the opportunity to learn more about your use case and how our commerical edition can help drive greater adoption, higher perceived value, and return on your investment.  Or, I encourage you to see for yourself with our free trial. If you have any questions or want to connect, please send me a message via the community or contact us


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Just thought I'd keep this post updated with my progress.

  1. Commercial edition: I have been contacted by 2 account executives and will follow this up in the next 2 weeks.
  2. Alternatives within the Jaspersoft community: Having spent some time this week reading around this area I've realised that the Reports engine is still available as a Java library. We're not a Java house so embedding this into our application will not be trivial - but it's at least a potential solution that we will be investigating.
  3. Look at alternative free/open-source solutions: One such solution out there I have discovered is called "ReportServer". This offers the ability to integrate with JasperReports engine. They have a community version along with paid versions that extend the functionality, it seems definitely worth investigating.
  4. Look at alternative paid for solutions: Given the amount of time we've put into writing Jasper reports, changing base engines is something I'm trying to avoid - but if we end up having to pay it's something we may consider.

Feeling somewhat better today than Tuesday.

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Dear TIBCO decision-makers, Jaspersoft employees, Theodor.

The decision and measures to pull the plug on the Jasperreports open source world practically overnight came as a surprise. I can't look behind the decisions, I can only guess at the reasons.

Jasperreports, Jaspersoft Studio, iReport, Jasperserver. A success story of the open source philosophy, which I have been accompanying, supporting and propagated as part of the community for over 15 years.

Jaspersoft's strengths compared to other BI software vendors are its open-source nature, integrability, and flexibility to switch between free and commercial models as needed.

Even though it is said that Jasperreports and Jaspersoft Studio will remain open source, I am not sure that the decision-makers at TIBCO are aware of the consequences of their decision, as well as the surprising way in which it is implemented. All the customers I talk to now ask the same question: Is it the right decision to use or continue to use Jasperreports (with or without Jasperreports Server)? Can one rely on it at all?

I'm really not sure if you're completely aware of the level of loss of trust in Jasperreports, Jaspersoft, and TIBCO that you've caused with your decision? The damage you are doing to the open source world and not least to your own software is significant!

My feeling is that in the future there will be far fewer customers switching to a commercial license of the Jasperreports server or even dealing with Jasperreports. I also seriously wonder if an expert can still advise this with a clear conscience?

As someone who has been accompanying, applying and recommending Jasperreports for such a long time, I can only say how sad it is for me to see the life's work of Theodor and his colleagues disappear in this way.

I would be very surprised if this approach and new situation gives the software the certainly desired boost and flushes the intended finances into TIBCO's coffers. But I keep my fingers crossed and wish the very best!

A very disappointed, long-time Jasperreports advocate.

Thomas Zimmer (Germany)



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On 2/5/2024 at 5:59 PM, Thomas Zimmer said:

A very disappointed, long-time Jasperreports advocate.

Me too. 8 years working flawlessly and now when we try to do a new server installation we go and find nothing is open source and we cannot find previous versions listed anywhere.

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On 2/1/2024 at 9:53 PM, lars.bruening_1 said:

Same as me..  I asked for an offer, but there was no response

Yeah, same here.

Not very reassuring. Time to move on i guess.

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@andrew_50 Thank you for posting, our team is in contact and will be following up with you today. Please let us know if there is anything else we can be of help with. We have many purchasing options available from professional licensing through Jaspersoft or hourly options through several cloud service providers.

Edited by Michelle R
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@Michelle R

Dear community.

I have to say, that this day its extremely, extremely sad for me....
I have register here in May 2013, that was short after i have started my new job.

I was looking then for reporting server for very small group of people. Some statistic reports from few sources ,
user managment, scheduler, etc...

I have checked probably all possibility back then, all open source or free, as it was small project, no budget almost...

I have installed all of those softs, tried, evaluate. Including Tibco 🙂 - which was separate back then,  Tableau - which was way... younger in development comparing to others, and Jaspersoft - which was also "alone" back then, and few others....

I choose Jasper.

It was AMAZING time for me, this project was and still is amazing. Still works since 2013....

But today..., i dont know how to respond...
Why you delete repos..., it is open source...
Why you left us all....
It not suppose to be like this...

You don`t even give me a chance to download last version so i can be just sure im safe, and have time to resolve...
I know i was not an active user i was not participating in community, that's true...

Only reason of this is ... it was working so perfect...
Im afraid of thinking about others, who stays on ice now...

What have i do now...
What with this extra small enviroments, like 15 people...

what should we do now...

You have been The Best, back then and all time long till now...
Why you left us in such way....


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Is there a way to download old Jasper Server CE editions anywhere?  I found some broken download links. Or has someone old installers somewhere on their drives, so he/she would share with us poor people :)



Too bad this community edition is gone. 




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same here for Germany!

Price for the Commercial Editions starts at 22.000€, or with same limitations we got an offer for "cheap" 12.000€.

Needless to say, that this is too much for most of the "small" clients and companys like us.

That's why we're now looking for a good alternative.

What i find: Jasper4Oracle Server (https://www.team-pb.de/development/jasperreports-der-jasper4oracle-server/)

Looks good and the price is under 3.000€. But it makesonly sens for the peoble that using JaserServer with Oracle/APEX.

But we are looking forward, maybe the Community build his own CommunityEdition apart from Jaspersoft.

On 2/2/2024 at 4:29 PM, andrew.hayes said:

Look at alternative free/open-source solutions: One such solution out there I have discovered is called "ReportServer". This offers the ability to integrate with JasperReports engine. They have a community version along with paid versions that extend the functionality, it seems definitely worth investigating.

Can you give me some more infos or a Link to this "ReportServer"?




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First of all, thanks for the job. I have been here since 2017.

Okay, so no longer a community at all but I wonder if my demand remains unchanged compared to the current commercial version. I just want the community features, and the guarantee from the community then how much per year?


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