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Everything posted by vchiem

  1. Although I do not completely understand your requirement here but this link may provide some usefulness in understanding how datasource attributes work. So attribute values can be explicitly defined at either the user profile, organization or server level or inherited. How they are referenced depends on how the attributes are configured in the data source definition http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/setting-data-source-attributes-generates-error-attribute-host-not-defined-user-profile
  2. Issue: I want to be able to control the maximum number of rows that can be exported to a sheet in Excel. How can I achieve this using Jaspersoft Studio ? Solution: 1> In Project Explorer, right click on the report template (jrxml) -> Properties. Or click on Project -> Properties from the menu.2> Click on Configure Workspace settings and click Add button3> Enter the following : Property: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.max.rows.per.sheet Value: <The number of max rows you want in each sheet> 4> Save and export the report to Excel to see the output. Note: You can also set net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet to either true or false should you wish to export one page per sheet or multiple pages to a sheet.
  3. For existing tables, I suppose you mean tables that are already part of the Selected Tables pane in the Tables tab and Joins tab. I have added new test columns to an existing table in an existing domain and simply by clicking on "Edit with Domain Designer" and expand the table, the new columns appear immediately in the table that selected in the Selected Table and its reflected in the Joins tab. I am using JRS 6.3 though. I wonder whether this is attributed the difference in JRS versions. Try doing a quick test on sample Foodmart database... Create a domain via use domain designer and use existing table, then add a column to the database table structure and then close out designer and reopen designer to see the new column reflected in the Tables and Joins tab.
  4. Issue:There are 2 issues encountered whilst trying to preview the sample report, JsonCustomersReport.jrxml, under JasperReportsSamplesjsondatasource: Previewing the JsonCustomersReport.jrxml produces a report with null data. Previewing the JsonCustomersReport.jrxml generates error "Unable to get value for JSON field "OrderDate" of class java.util.Date". Solution:The data adapter is showing up as "One Empty Record" for the Json sample report to show null. It is necessary to create a JSON data adapter (eg "JSONData") with a File/URL pointing to "..jsondatasourcedatanorthwind.json" as the data source. This data source can then be used for the sample json reports. This property can be referenced in the Advanced tab -> Properties property or in the Source tab: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.json.source" value="data/northwind.json"/><property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="JSONData"/>[/code]The OrderDate class type is set to java.util.Date by default for the subreport JsonOrdersReport.jrxml. In order to resolve the error:Open JsonOrdersReport.jrxml and in the Design tab. Expand Fields and click on field OrderDate. Modify the OrderDate class type from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date. Save and re-compile the report to regenerate the .jasper file.
  5. This is what I found. The data adapter is showing up as "One Empty Record" for the Json sample report to show null. Try picking "Sample DB" as the data adapter in the Preview tab before previewing. It seems Studio requires a data adapter connection despite the source of data is from JSON data file. This data connection is linked to the report template, JsonCustomerReport, which has a "com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" property. Or you can create a new JSON Data Adapter in Studio Repository explorer and point this to ..JasperReportsSamplesjsondatasourcedatanorthwind.json and select "Use the report JSON expresson when filling the report". Note: you may (or may not) encounter an error with the OrderDate whilst previewing. If so, try changing the OrderDate type from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date in the Dataset and Query Dialog of the JsonOrderReport subreport and save and recompile to regenerate the .jasper.
  6. You can try this approach instead: js-ant.bat import -DimportFile="path to and including zip" Also note that the paths for the URIs differ depending on the edition you are using and this can impact how you call your export and import. There is a note in the 6.3 Server Admin guide as follows : All URIs are repository paths originating at the root. The repository paths shown in this chapter assume you're using a commercial edition of the server. In the community edition, paths don't include organizations, for example: /organizations/organization_1/reports/interactive/CustomersReport Commercial editions: /organizations/organization_1/reports/interactive/CustomersReport Community project: /reports/interactive/CustomersReport So its best to check the server admin guide for your version.
  7. I believe this related to the following defect. It was reported for JRS 6.1 and 6.2 JS-32162: Access is denied when creating a Domain-based Ad Hoc view on Execute Only datasource A fix is scheduled for an upcoming release targeted at the end of the year. The workaround is what you have already done. nothing else is required...set read-only permission to the datasource
  8. Have you tried this instead ? js-ant.bat import -DimportFile="path to and including zip"
  9. Issue:When following the steps in the Installation guide to install the WAR file, we extracted the distribution file to the following path: C:JaspersoftJasperReports Server 6.4.0TIB_js-jrs_6.4.0_bin and the <js-install> location will then be: C:JaspersoftJasperReports Server 6.4.0TIB_js-jrs_6.4.0_binjasperreports-server-pro-6.4.0-bin As this is a very long path, we shortened the <js-install> path by extracting the WAR file to: C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-pro-6.4.0-bin However, after running js-install.bat, the following error was encountered: C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-pro-6.4.0-binbuildomaticbinimport-export.xml:203: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_131jrebinjava.exe": CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too longat java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1048)... and this caused the install to fail. This problem did not occur for TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.3.0 when the <js-install> was C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-6.3.0-bin Solution:Windows has a 32k character limit for processes that are created and the error can arise when this limitation is reached. This can also be a problem in earlier JasperServer versions depending on where users extract the files and the length of the <js-install> path. The problem is exacerbated in TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.0 due to the additional 'nested' paths in the WAR distribution archive file and due to increased number of jar files. As there are more jar files included, the length of the classpath argument which references these jar files gets bigger and during the js-install.bat it errors out when the Windows character limit is reached. The classpath references $JRS_INSTALL/buildomatic/conf_source/iePro/lib so hitting this issue depends on the length of $JRS_INSTALL (<js-install>) and the number of jar files in this directory. Until this is addressed, the current workaround to overcoming this problem is to further shorten the extraction path such as extracting the contents to the root path : C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.4.0-bin The defect reference for this issue is:JS-24719: Installation fails on Windows if JRS install path is long
  10. Issue:After installing TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.0 and starting the Tomcat application server, the following errors were observed in the logging console: log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.commandOutlog4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "commandOut". Solution:The errors does not prevent the appserver from starting up successfully and it can be ignored. However, the following setting in the log4j.properties (under ..webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INF) can be commented out to prevent these lines from being generated : log4j.logger.com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.command=error, commandOut This has been reported to engineering as a defect with the following reference: JS-33367: 6.4.0 log msg on startup - Could not find value for key log4j.appender.commandOut
  11. Issue: In TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.3, when using Internet Explorer 11, crosstab and table header toolbar buttons are not visible. The user can only see an outlined box. Due to this issue, users are unable to click on the Formatting, Filter, and Sort icons to display results. This issue does not occur with other browser types such as Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Solution: The issue can arise in situations where there is infrastructure security hardening implemented on the network. As part of the security hardening, the "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" was included in the HTTP configuration which blocks the image from displaying without a mime-type set. The issue has been fixed in a later release with modifications to the jasperreports_extension.properties file. The workaround is to modify the jasperreports_extension.properties file located under WEB-INFclasses (or in a location that's part of your application's classpath) and add the following lines: net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory.content.type.mapping=net.sf.jasperreports.web.util.ContentTypeMappingExtensionsRegistryFactory net.sf.jasperreports.extension.content.type.mapping.png=image/png net.sf.jasperreports.extension.content.type.mapping.gif=image/gif Related article: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/9511
  12. Issue:After checking the option "Show Filter Dashlet as pop-up window" in the dashboard properties and viewing the dashboard, the Filter Group Pop-up window cannot be resized to reduce on the blank space. This can become an issue if the dashboard is integrated into another application as the Filter Group pop-up window height underlays the entire dashboard screen and hence becomes unusable. If there is only one input control in the filter, this may not be visible to the user and nor is the Apply button at the bottom without having to scroll down the dashboard. Solution:In JasperReports Server 6.3.0 (and 6.2.0), the current design for the Filter Group pop-up window sets a fixed height and cannot be manually resized by the user. Because of the fixed height, the window does not auto-resize itself even if there is only one input control. When more input controls are added beyond the fixed height then a vertical scroll bar on the pop-up window will be visible. There is a request for enhancement to make the Filter Group Popup window auto-resize and centered to reduce on the blank space within the fixed window. This enhancement is covered under: JS-33343: Allow dashboard popup filter group window to auto resize less than the fixed height For non-embedded standalone dashboards that are designed and viewed directly in JR Server this is not so much an issue as the pop-up window height should not cover the entire window when the browser zoom size setting is set to the default or reduced. Until such enhancements are made, the filter dashlet can be manually resized at design time without checking on the pop-up option.
  13. Issue:The following attributes were entered when creating a new data source : Host: {attribute('host','User')}Port: {attribute('port','Tenant')}Database: {attribute('dbname','Server')}URL: jdbc:postgresql://{attribute('host','User')}:{attribute('port','Tenant')}/{attribute('dbname','Server')}User Name: {attribute('userName')}Password: {attribute('password')} After clicking on the Test Connection button, the following error was generated: Substitution error in resource /organizations/organization_1/datasources/AttrDSTest, field 'url'. Attribute 'host' is not defined in the User Profile.[/code] These attribute parameters have already been defined under Manage -> Server Settings -> Server Attributes and they also appear under the User's profile as Inherited attributes. What is the reason for the error and how can this be resolved ? Solution:There are two ways to reference attribute values, Categorical and Hierarchical. Categorical references does not take into account inherited attributes at the specified level. By setting {attribute('host','User')} or {attribute('port','Tenant')} or {attribute('dbname','Server')} means it is referencing the attribute values at the respective categorical level. Therefore, by defining {attribute('host','User')}, the 'host' attribute value must be explicitly set at the User level. Doing this will override the 'host' attribute inheritance from true to false and resolve the error. Like-wise, the port attribute value must be explicitly set at the Organization level. By default, the attribute parameters at the User and Tenant level are inherited from the Server attributes and can be referenced by using Hierarchical value reference:{attribute('host')}{attribute('port')} The server searches for an attribute with the given name in the following order, stopping and returning the first value that it finds:At the user levelAt the organization level including parent organizationsAt the server level. Note that the following will also resolve the error:{attribute('host', 'Server')}{attribute('port', 'Server')}but this is a categorical reference to the server attributes. Another thing to be mindful of is when a categorical reference is set as attribute('dbname','Tenant')} and the 'dbname' was explicitly set at the organization level, the Test Connection can fail with similar error if tested under a 'superuser' account:Substitution error in resource /public/Data_Sources/AttrDSTest, field 'url'. Attribute 'dbname' is not defined in the Tenant Profile. In order to test the attribute datasource, log out and log in to the organization level as a user, for example jasperadmin, before carrying out the Test Connection.
  14. Issue:When running a domain-based Ad Hoc View report, the report displays a blank page after generating the following error: The query for the report has been canceled because it returned more than 400,000 rows. You will have to modify the report to reduce the number of rows returned.[/code] The Ad Hoc Dataset Row Limit was set to 400,000 under Manage -> Server Settings -> Ad Hoc Settings but Pre-Filtering was set so that the results returned is significantly less than the limit, such as 60 rows. Furthermore, the related Ad Hoc View displays the 60 rows fine in table format. Solution:The checkbox "Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports" was not checked. After checking this, the Ad Hoc report can then be viewed successfully without error. When optimize queries are turned on, the SQL statement is generated on the fly. For example, whenever a field is added/ removed, a new SQL statement is generated which only includes selected fields and tables. However, If the optimize queries feature is turned off, one big SQL statement will be generated to pull in all fields from your selected tables and then do the data filter in memory. Referencing the TIBCO JASPERREPORTS® SERVER ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE : When checked, Ad Hoc rewrites the query to calculate filter, group, sort, and aggregate columns when using Domains or Domain Topics. Otherwise, the queries run unaltered and calculated fields, filtering, grouping, sorting, and aggregation take place in memory.
  15. Issue:In JasperReports Studio 6.2.0, after setting the parameter, $P{DEPT_ID}, in "Default Value Expression" and previewing the report, the following exception was generated: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report design....Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Expression ID not found for expression <<$P{DEPT_ID}>>[/code] Solution: For parameters passed down from the main report to the crosstab report, the "Value Expression" object should be set to $P{DEPT_ID} and the "Default Value Expression" left blank. In JasperReports Studio 6.2.0, there is no setting for "Value Expression" available in the report designer. The workaround is to manually set this in the Source code. In the Source tab, modify from: crosstabParameter name="DEPT_ID" class="java.lang.Integer"[/code]to: $P{DEPT_ID}[/code] JasperReports Studio 6.2.1 contains UI improvements to Crosstab and one of the changes included "Value Expression".
  16. Issue:Upon starting up the Tomcat application server by running statup.bat, the following warning message appears: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=32m; support was removed in 8.0 What is the reason for this and how to resolve this warning message ? Solution:The TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.3 Installation guide contains references to setting PermSize and MaxPermSize such as : set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=32m[/code]But when using JDK 8, PermSize and MaxPermSize are no longer required. If used on the command line a warning will be emitted for each: Java HotSpot Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=32m; support was removed in 8.0 Java HotSpot Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0 This change has been done under https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6964458.
  17. Question:How do I export a custom theme from one TIBCO JasperReports® Server and import into another instance using command line script ? Answer:To export a specific theme: js-ant.bat export -DexportFile=jasper_dark.zip -DexportArgs="--uris /themes/jasper_dark"[/code]To import the exported theme: js-ant.bat import -DimportFile=jasper_dark.zip[/code]The js-ant.bat (or js-ant for unix) resides under the <js-install>buildomatic directory. The example used here is jasper_dark which is a delivered theme. It can be replaced with the path and name of the custom theme instead.
  18. Issue:After installing the WAR file to Oracle database using js-install.bat, the following exception was generated in the js-install-pro_2017-05-03_11-29_39093.log : [toc]Exception in log for foodmart:[advanced-sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE agg_g_ms_pcat_sales_fact_1997 SET the_year = add_months(the_year,180)[advanced-sql] java.sql.SQLException: [TibcoSoftwareInc][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle] ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER[/code]Solution:The exception can be safely ignored. The js-install.bat executes the supermart-update.sql script (under buildomaticinstall_resourcessqloracle) which contains an invalid SQL statement: UPDATE agg_g_ms_pcat_sales_fact_1997 SET the_year = add_months(the_year,180)[/code]"the_year" has a NUMBER datatype but add_months will return a DATE datatype and hence the Oracle error. The sql is an invalid duplicate statement as the supermart-update.sql script also contains the correct SQL : UPDATE agg_g_ms_pcat_sales_fact_1997 SET the_year = the_year + 15;[/code]This issue was reported to engineering as JS-33248.
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