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Everything posted by vchiem

  1. If you already have .metadata folder (with plugins) under MatthewHanna1, (and hence workspace) then it might be easier to temporarily copy this to Users/MatthewHanna/JaspersoftWorkspace/.metadata to allow Studio to launch and then use the "File -> Switch Workspace" option to switch to MatthewHanna1. From my tests, it looks like all it needs to launch is the plugin folder (with contents) under .metadata folder.
  2. The capabilities of the various editions are listed here : https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions in case you require capabilities beyond the community edition that meets your business needs.
  3. Issue:After developing a HTML5 Chart in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio, the report previews successfully. But after publishing the report to the TIBCO JasperReports® Server and running the report, an "uncaught javascript error" message is thrown. The browser console generated the following trace: TypeError: n.labelFormatter.call is not a function at F.addLabel (highcharts.js:2) at new F (highcharts.js:1) at highcharts.js:3 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at de (highcharts.js:1) at gt.Axis.getOffset (highcharts.js:3) at highcharts.js:4 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at de (highcharts.js:1) at gt.Chart.getAxisMargins (highcharts.js:4)[/code]Solution:The cause of the error was isolated to the following labelFormatter property in the JRXML file: <hc:chartProperty name="labels.formatter" value="function() { if(this.value == 1.5) return 'Good'; else if(this.value == 5.5) return 'Poor'; }"/>[/code]The solution / workaround is to use an Expression for the yAxis.labels.formatter under the section <hc:chartSetting name="default"> such as: <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.labels.formatter"> <hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA["function() { if(this.value == 1.5) return 'Good'; else if(this.value == 5.5) return 'Poor';}"]]> </hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty>[/code]This can be entered directly in the Source tab or through the Chart object by : Double clicking on the Chart object and go to 'Chart Formatting' Click on button 'Show Advanced Properties' Navigate to yAxis,labels,formatter Click on the 'Use an expression' checkbox Enter in the function value, such as: "function() { if(this.value == 1.5) return 'Good '; else if(this.value == 5.5) return 'Poor';}" Note: For Studio or JasperReports server to be able to support HTML5 functions, the com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed property must be added and set to true in : Note 2: If the requirement is to have more than one yAxis where the labels.formatter be used then under each yAxis section, the same expression can be entered directly in the Source tab using the following syntax <hc:chartProperty name="labels.formatter"> Note 3: The yAxis.labels.formatter is to format the yAxis label. In the given example above, if the value of the yAxis is 1.5, then label it as 'Good' instead and if the value is 5.5 then label it as 'Poor' instead.
  4. try either of these two settings in the report : net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text = true or net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.size.page.to.content = true
  5. Check this: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-default-values-scheduler-notification-tab
  6. Check this: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/849744/how-define-inputcontrol-rest-each-parameter-report There is an example in the REST API guide in section "12.1 Running a Report"
  7. You can create a 'shared' query in the repository and for each report published, edit it and select the option "Select a Query from the Repository". https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-user-guide/v62/defining-query Hope this is what you are after.
  8. Best to follow the upgrade guide steps for a smooth upgrade. See CHAPTER 4 UPGRADING FROM 4.5 - 6.2 TO 6.4 of the JASPERREPORTS® SERVER UPGRADE GUIDE
  9. try setting: com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.csv.paginated=false in classes/jasperreports.properties and restart JR server
  10. Can try setting: com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.xls.paginated=false in classes/jasperreports.properties and restart the JR server.
  11. There is the Microsoft Excel data adapter (xls, xlsx) which allows you to use excel document as data source. If you are not seeing this as an option when creating data adapter then it is due to the version of Studio / iReport .
  12. It may be related to the themes where the old theme is still being used. Check this : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/scheduler-ui-not-showing-buttons-create-new-job
  13. Issue:High Charts has two properties: yAxis.tickinterval (https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis.tickInterval) yAxis.offset (https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis.offset) How do we set this in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio for HTML5 Chart ? Solution:HTML5 Chart has advanced formatting where you can set the two properties. Double-click on the HTML5 Chart and go to Chart Formatting -> Show Advanced Properties. The tickPixelInterval and offset properties resides under the yAxis folder. The sample code below, sets the yAxis tick interval to 50 and the offset to 10. This would display the Chart where the distance from the plot area to the yAxis is 10 pixels and the interval units on the yAxis tick marks is 50. <hc:chart xmlns:hc="http://jaspersoft.com/highcharts" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jaspersoft.com/highcharts http://jaspersoft.com/schema/highcharts.xsd" type="Line"> <hc:chartSetting name="default"> <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.offset" value="10"/> <hc:chartProperty name="legend.enabled_customSimpleMode" value="true"/> <hc:chartProperty name="legend.enabled"> <hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[false]]></hc:propertyExpression> </hc:chartProperty> <hc:chartProperty name="title.text" value="Expenses By State Chart"/> <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.tickPixelInterval" value="50"/> </hc:chartSetting>[/code]The resulting chart would look like:
  14. This is not a video but rather comprehensive information on database tester. Hope you find it helpful. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-database-tester-measure-connection-and-query-execution-times
  15. You are correct. Its a bug (JSS-1532) but it has been fixed in Studio 6.4.
  16. Issue:In an Ad Hoc View, the following calculated measures were created : Coffee Sales = CaseWhen(Contains("Product Name", 'coffee') == true, "Store Sales 2013", 0) Coffee Sales over $5 = IF("Coffee Sales" > 5, 'Y', 'N') The second calculated measure "Coffee Sales over $5" is referencing the first calculated measure "Coffee Sales" in the formula. When exporting the Ad Hoc view, the following error was generated: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: $F{_detail_level__MaxSales} at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillSubreport.prepare(JRFillSubreport.java:886) at net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.fill.FillTableSubreport.prepareSubreport(FillTableSubreport.java:172) at net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.fill.FillTable.prepare(FillTable.java:419) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillComponentElement.prepare(JRFillComponentElement.java:150) ... Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: $F{_detail_level__MaxSales} ... Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal at Solution: This issue was reported as a defect reference JS-32744. The same steps worked fine when tested in TIBCO JasperReports® Server versions 6.3.2 and 6.4.2. The workaround to this would be to avoid calculated measure referencing. With the above example, the workaround was: Coffee Sales over $5 = IF(CaseWhen(Contains("Product Name", 'coffee') == true, "Store Sales 2013", 0) > 5, 'Y', 'N') Related Articles: JS-32744: Unable to use calculated measure in ad hoc formula
  17. Issue:In the Ad Hoc Designer, the following javascript error was generated in the browser console when sorting on the Ad Hoc table columns: [toc]commons.main.js:17 GET http://vcserver:8080/jasperserver-pro/adhoc/table.html?action=resort&so=[{%22name%22:%22FOODMART_PRODUCT.GROSS_WEIGHT%22,%22isAsc%22:true}]&clientKey=9823604591536 400 (Bad Request)...commons.main.js:17 SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at Object.parse (<anonymous>) at String.parseJSON [as evalJSON] (prototype.js:792) at evalJSONResponseHandler (commons.main.js:17) at AjaxRequester.options.responseHandler (commons.main.js:2) at handleResponse (commons.main.js:2) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (commons.main.js:17)[/code]Note that there are no issues with crosstab sorting. Solution:The issue applies to TIBCO JasperReports® Server using Tomcat as the application server. There were known problems with TIBCO JasperReports Server version 6.3.0 running Tomcat 8.0.39 in relation to escape characters. It is related to the change of escaping rules in newer versions of Tomcat. In the error sample given, the ":" seems to be a problem and needs to be escaped. The reserved characters are: ! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? % # [ ] and also "|" The fix was incorporated in the following versions of JasperReports Server: TIBCO JasperReports Server versions 6.2.3, 6.3.2 or 6.4.0 Related Articles:JRS-11910: Tomcat 8.0.39 Table Ad Hoc View: Sorting doesn't workJRS-12670: Ad Hoc table sorting does not work. JS error SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON inputJS-33548: JRS 6.3.0 Json Calls Has "GET null null" 400 ErrorJS-32920: Ad Hoc designer: Sorting doesn't work for Table (Oracle DB repository)
  18. Issue:We have a JRXML report which when ran on the TIBCO JasperReports® Server, outputs thousands of rows. We have a requirement to output the report to PDF in multiple pages but for the onscreen display in HTML it must be a single page. How can this be achieved? Solution:You can have the onscreen html output showing no pagination by setting the "Ignore Pagination" in the report template and to have the PDF showing multiple pages, there is this property you can uncomment and set to true (default is false) : com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.pdf.paginated=true This property can be set in the ../classes/jasperreports.properties file and a restart of the TIBCO JasperReports® Server is required for the change to take effect.
  19. You can request for older versions through Tibco eDelivery but you need to have an eDelivery account. Please check the FAQ on : Where can I find earlier software versions?How do I request a TIBCO eDelivery Site account?https://edelivery.tibco.com/storefront/eval/tibco-jasperreports-professional/prod11717.html
  20. Issue:When opening an Ad Hoc view, a blank screen shows up for a long time before the Ad Hoc view begins to load. This is adding a lot more time to generate the Ad Hoc view. In the Chrome browser developer console (F12), it was observed that the "Please Wait..Loading" dialog does not show until this GET request completes: /jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=adhocFlow&_eventId=initForExistingReport&_flowExecutionKey=e6s1&viewReport= Solution:The issue was reported as a defect and this was fixed in the following versions: - TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.3.2 - TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.0 There appears to be a corelation between the amount of data being read to the delay of the blank screen. The more data the Ad Hoc view has, the longer the blank screen prolongs. The fix was to show the "Loading" dialog display immediately after Ad Hoc View is opened so that users can see the progress. Related Articles: JS-33011: Ad Hoc view: "Loading" dialog should appear immediately JS-32861: Blank screen in between when opening an Ad Hoc View
  21. Issue: When using TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio 6.3.1 to create a connection to SQL Server 2016, the schema tables cannot be retrieved. When trying to select a schema from the list, DEV2 schema from database 'bns' does not appear as shown below: However, with the same database connection and under the "Queries" folder, we are able to create a query to retrieve results for the schema. For example, creating a query with "select * from DEV2.TABCUR;" returns results successfully using the SQL Builder. Solution:The following can be considered as a workaround / alternative approach. Steps: In the "Update Database Connection - Step 2/2" input screen, ensure the following are in place:1. The DataBase name is case sensitive. DataBase: bns2. The instance name (under 'Additional parameters' and under the 'String of Connection') must be specified. For example:Additional parameters: instance=bns String of Connection: jdbc:jtds:sqlserer://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1433/bns;instance=bns3. The Schema name must be explicitly specified. For example:Schema: DEV24. Db Version be changed to "Open source JTDS"[/code] Related article: This is related to Talend defect reference ticket: TDQ-14392/TUP-18804 Connection to SQL Server not retrieving Schemas
  22. Issue:We have a JRXML report that has a table containing lengthy data (approximately 2000 characters) in one cell / field. This report gets published to the TIBCO JasperReports® Server and exported to CSV format. After opening the CSV file format (using Excel application), we noticed that the data gets split into two rows. How can we avoid this split so that the whole data is contained in one row ? Solution:There is a setting com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.csv.paginated that can be set to false in the jasperreports.properties file. Steps:Edit the file WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties Uncomment the property com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.csv.paginated and set to false: com.jaspersoft.jrs.export.csv.paginated=false Restart the application server for the change to take effect. The expected outcome is that the exported CSV file now contains one row.
  23. Issue:When exporting an Ad Hoc View or Report to Excel, the Excel output displays the timezone in the system timezone and not in the users logged in timezone. Solution: For export to Excel, you would need to set this property to true: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.use.timezone This property determines whether date values are to be translated to the timezone that was used to fill the report. The property only has effect when net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type is also set to true. By default, date values are exported to Excel using the default timezone of the system. More information can be found on this page: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.use.timezone
  24. Issue:There are two tables with a common key field, CUSTOMER_ID: 1. customer_credit - contains only 2 records where the sum of the CREDIT field is 150 2. customer_sale - contains related data These two tables are right joined together by CUSTOMER_ID as follows: [toc]SELECT customer_credit."CUSTOMER_ID", customer_credit."CUSTOMER_NAME", customer_credit."CREDIT",customer_sale."YEAR" || '-' || lpad(customer_sale."MONTH"::text,2,'0') as "SALE_MONTH",customer_sale."SALE_AMOUNT" FROMpublic."customer_credit" RIGHT JOIN public."customer_sale" ONcustomer_credit."CUSTOMER_ID" = customer_sale."CUSTOMER_ID"ORDER BY customer_credit."CUSTOMER_ID",customer_credit."CUSTOMER_NAME", customer_sale."YEAR", customer_sale."MONTH"[/code]The result of this join produces a dataset where the sum of the CREDIT field is 600. This is the main dataset query behind the Crosstab report. After creating a Crosstab, the aggregation for CREDIT is incorrect as illustrated below: This is because the TOTAL CREDIT (shown as 600) is derived from the SUM of the CREDIT field based on the dataset query. What needs to be done to accurately calculate the TOTAL CREDIT so that the value reflects 150 instead of 600 ? Solution:The only solution is to create a report group on CUSTOMER, and feed to the crosstab measure $F{CREDIT} for the first record in the group and 0 for all other records. Note that this takes advantage that the query orders the records by CUSTOMER_ID (and CUSTOMER_NAME). Steps: In the crosstab outline tab, create group CUSTOMER with Expression $F{CUSTOMER_ID}: For TOTAL_CREDIT Measure, set the Expression to :"$V{CUSTOMER_COUNT} == 1 ? $F{CREDIT} : 0" and ensure Calculation is SUM. Note that the CUSTOMER_COUNT variable will be automatically created after creating the CUSTOMER group. This is the end result: See attached JRXML and other scripts to sample this report. Attached are: JRXML file containing simple crosstabpostgrescreatesql.txt containing sql statement to to create and populate the two tablesreport_query_postgres.sql which is the query behind the report
  25. Issue:Running an upgrade to JasperReports Server 6.3.2 using the following command: js-upgrade-newdb.bat <path>js-3.7.1-export.zip generates the following build error: Running JasperReports Server upgrade script at 2017-09-28_19-34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [default] Running upgrade-minimal-pro Ant task ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Buildfile: C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticbuild.xml [echo] Filtering properties (cleaning out blank spaces) [echo] chkIfPackageManagedTomcat: check if package managed tomcatBUILD FAILEDC:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticbuild.xml:61: The following error occurred while executing this line:C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticbinsetup.xml:818: The following error occurred while executing this line:C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticbinsetup.xml:582: The following error occurred while executing this line:C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticbinsetup.xml:805: C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticlib does not exist.[/code]Solution: The failure is coming from this section of the setup.xml: <chkIfPackageManagedTomcat /> <if> <isset property="tomcatPackageManaged"/> <then> <property name="appServerJdbcDir" value="${CATALINA_HOME}/lib"/> </then> <else> <property name="appServerJdbcDir" value="${fixedAppServerDir}/lib"/> </else> </if>[/code]which resulted in error: C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticbinsetup.xml:805: C:jasperreports-server-pro-6.3.2-binbuildomaticlib does not exist. The solution is to check the default_master.properties file for the correct path setting of parameter appServerDir.
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