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Everything posted by vchiem

  1. I dont think it's possible from the UI but there is a total report execution time field for the report in the jireportmonitoringfact table. Enabling the auditing feature for the capture may be needed for this (see Admin guide). The table also logs date and time per run so it would be possible to query the report run over a certain period.
  2. I will start this thread with the config reference : http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet Property that specifies whether each report page should be written in a different XLS sheet. Its value is used as default for the isOnePagePerSheet() Excel export configuration setting. API: PROPERTY_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET Default: false Scope: Global | Context | Report Since: 2.0.1
  3. Issue:For a certain report there is exactly one scheduled job and this job is not editable from the UI anymore. When clicking on the edit for the job, it brings up a "New Schedule" page instead. First image: Second image: Note: When requesting the job description via RESTv2 API, it looked well-formed. After deleting the schedule via the UI and recreating it (both via UI and via RESTv2 API), the view of the newly created trigger remains broken (even with different values for parameters and a different trigger). Solution:The problem was caused by an exception in the context of RelativeDateRanges (xsi-type: relativeDateRangeWrapper) and the expression "MONTH-1". XML-snippet of the problem cause: <entry> <key>WORKING_HOURS_END_1</key> <value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="relativeDateRangeWrapper"> <expression>MONTH-1</expression> </value></entry>[/code]After removing the whole date parameter for which this expression is targeted from the schedule, we were then able to view the schedule via the UI and add the relative date expression for the exact same parameter again without breaking the schedule. ref: 01655216
  4. ProblemWhen creating new Ad Hoc Views in the Ad Hoc Editor, the data option dropdown box always shows as "Sample Data". How can this default be changed to either "No Data" or "Full Data" ? Solution 1. On the TIBCO JasperReports® Server, navigate to the <jasperserver-pro>/WEB-INF/ directory and open the file applicationContext-adhoc.xml for editing. 2. Add the following property to the adhocUnifiedStateTemplate bean definition: No Data: <property name="dataSize" value="nodata"/> [/code]or Full Data: <property name="dataSize" value="full"/> [/code] Example : <bean id="adhocUnifiedStateTemplate" class="com.jaspersoft.ji.adhoc.AdhocUnifiedState" scope="prototype"> ... <property name="intelligentChartState" ref="iChartStateDelegateTemplate"/> <property name="adHocViewMigrationConverter" ref="adHocViewMigrationConverter"/> <property name="dataSourceLinker" ref="dataSourceLinker"/> <property name="dataSize" value="nodata"/> </bean>[/code] 3. Restart the TIBCO JasperReports® Server. Related resources https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/958416/adhoc-view-change-default-nodata-option
  5. Issue:When exporting a dashboard as PDF it worked fine but when scheduling the same dashboard it produced a blank PDF with only the text "The specified dashboard wasn't found" in it. There were no errors generated in the jasperserver log file but noticed the key difference is the time it takes from the entry 'New Session Created' to the entry 'About to shutdown'. [iNFO - 2018-09-12T05:09:26.397Z] SessionManagerReqHand - _postNewSessionCommand - New Session Created: 05157e90-b64a-11e8-9d46-fdf46e4ed099 [iNFO - 2018-09-12T05:12:05.219Z] ShutdownReqHand - _handle - About to shutdown[/code]Solution:It was found that there was a misconfiguration in the file js.config.properties (located under ../jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF) where the property deploy.base.local.url was set to an address that was blocked by a web application firewall. It is necessary set the property as follows and restart the TIBCO JasperReports® server: or if going through HTTPS: ref: 01634693
  6. Issue:When trying to run jsinstall to install TIBCO JasperReports® Server to an SSL Enabled SQL Server database, the following error was encountered : [toc][advanced-sql] Failed to connect*: [TibcoSoftware][sqlServer JDBC Driver]The SQL Server login requires an SSL connection.* [echo] Connection failed: [echo] SQLState: 08001 [echo] Vendor specific error code: 0 [echo] Message: [[TibcoSoftware][sqlServer JDBC Driver]The SQL Server login requires an SSL connection.] [/code] What are the steps involved in a successful installation ? Solution:Download and install the native sql server jdbc driver and place the jar file in the following directory: ../buildomatic/conf_source/db/sqlserver/jdbc Note1: We used sqljdbc42.jar (compatible with SQL Server 2016) Note2: Move the TIsqlserver-5.14.1.jar (TIBCO provided sql server jdbc driver) to a backup location Modify the buildomatic/default_master.properties file as follows: # 1) Setup Standard SQLServer JDBC Driver## Uncomment and modify the value to nativejdbcDriverMaker=native## Uncomment and modify the value in order to change the default# Driver will be found here: <path>/buildomatic/conf_source/db/sqlserver/native.jdbc#maven.jdbc.groupId=sqlservermaven.jdbc.artifactId=sqljdbcmaven.jdbc.version=4.2[/code]Note: jsinstall will look for sqljdbc-4.2.jar which is non-existent so we renamed the jar file from sqljdbc42.jar to sqljdbc-4.2.jar to workaround this error. Open the file: ../buildomatic/conf_source/db/sqlserver/db.template.properties Comment out the existing 4 lines of connection string admin.jdbcUrl=jdbc:tibcosoftware:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance};sendTimestampEscapeAsString=falsejs.jdbcUrl=jdbc:tibcosoftware:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance};databaseName=${js.dbName};sendTimestampEscapeAsString=falsesugarcrm.jdbcUrl=jdbc:tibcosoftware:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance};databaseName=${sugarcrm.dbName};sendTimestampEscapeAsString=falsefoodmart.jdbcUrl=jdbc:tibcosoftware:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance};databaseName=${foodmart.dbName};sendTimestampEscapeAsString=false[/code]Copy the 4 lines and modify so that they include the connection string for native sql server together with the SSL connection parameters according to example below: From Microsoft, the connection string format is (see reference below): String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;" + "databaseName=AdventureWorks;integratedSecurity=true;" + "encrypt=true; trustServerCertificate=false;" + "trustStore=storeName;trustStorePassword=storePassword";[/code]After modification, it looks like this : admin.jdbcUrl =jdbc:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance}; sendTimestampEscapeAsString=false;encrypt=true; trustServerCertificate=false; trustStore=storeName; trustStorePassword=storePasswordjs.jdbcUrl =jdbc:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance}; databaseName=${js.dbName}; sendTimestampEscapeAsString=false; encrypt=true; trustServerCertificate=false; trustStore=storeName; trustStorePassword=storePasswordsugarcrm.jdbcUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance}; databaseName=${sugarcrm.dbName}; sendTimestampEscapeAsString=false; encrypt=true; trustServerCertificate=false; trustStore=storeName; trustStorePassword=storePasswordfoodmart.jdbcUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://${dbHostOrInstance}; databaseName=${foodmart.dbName}; sendTimestampEscapeAsString=false; encrypt=true; trustServerCertificate=false; trustStore=storeName; trustStorePassword=storePassword[/code]Note1: 'trustStore' must contain the full path including the file with extension. Note2: A keystore can also be used as a truststore which means the values for 'trustStore' and 'trustStorePassword' parameters is that of the keystore. Rerun ./jsinstall.sh [minimal] Related Articles:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/connecting-with-ssl-encryption?view=sql-server-2016 ref:01652273
  7. Issue:Why are there two versions showing in the "About TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio" window ? See screenshot below : [toc] Solution:The second number (6.4.31) is not the version of Jaspersoft® Studio, but the version of TIBCO JasperReports® Library which is internally used. This was explicitly added to help customers quickly identify which version of JasperReports is shipped with that version of Jaspersoft Studio and it was introduced when we decoupled the Jaspersoft Studio Pro and JasperReports® Library versioning number. Related Articles:JSS-1730: Two versions showing in "About TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio" leading to confusion
  8. Check Java version is correct. Please see this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22489398/unsupported-major-minor-version-52-0
  9. Not sure what your execution involves but if you are exporting to XLS format then the error can be due to a number of columns limitation in Excel 2003. Can try to export to XLSX instead.
  10. If you are using HTML5 charts, there's an article on this. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/html5-bar-chart-thickness
  11. Issue:Searching a unicode text (eg, using different UTF-8 characters) within an Input Control of an Ad Hoc view / report does not return any results. We are using Microsoft SQL Server 2016 where the columns support all the UTF-8 characters. We have tried to add the -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 option to the Tomcat jvm startup script but that did not help. However, the search results are returned after unchecking "Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports" in the Server Settings -> Ad Hoc Settings page but this is an unsatisfactory workaround due to overall performance implications. Solution:The following hotfix is available to fix this issue in TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.3: hotfix_JRSPro6.4.3_cumulative_20180913_0530.zip Please download this hotfix or the most current 6.4.3 cumulative hotfix and follow the instructions to apply it. The hotfix addresses the problem by prefixing the sql search criteria with a N so that the search text is sent to the SQL Server database as a unicode text. For example: select top 200001 "Custodian_First_Name", "Custodian_Last_Name", "Mapper_Id_1", "UTF8_Code_block", "custodian_flname", "custodian_lfname"from "dbo"."utf8test"where ("custodian_lfname" like N'% <utf8text>' and 1 = 1)[/code]The above search of '<utf8text>' will return 1 row whereas without the prefix N, it will not return any rows. Note: Although, the defect can affect other versions as well including version 7.1, the hotfix is only available for TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.3. The defect will be addressed in the next major release. Related Articles:JS-34157: Searching UTF-8 characters in an Input control results in an empty report ref: 01620099
  12. Issue:In TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio, can the tFileInputExcel component process Excel Binary File Format (.xlsb) files ? Solution:The ETL components are based on Apache POI which does not support reading of the xlsb files. Please refer to this article : https://community.talend.com/t5/Design-and-Development/resolved-Can-I-Process-xlsb-files-in-Talend/td-p/99443 which contains the following statement: "The Excel components in Talend (and mostly in Talend Exchange) are based on Apache POI. This project has not been planned to support this format. The only advantage of this format is less file size but it is not documented well enough by Microsoft. You should consider converting them to the XML based format xlsx (or xlsm in case of macros)."
  13. Issue:We used to be able to download the DynamicReport libraries such as "dynamicreports-5.0.0-project-with-dependencies" from: http://www.dynamicreports.org/ But the website is no longer working. Where can we download the DynamicReports Project ? Solution:DynamicReports is a community open source project which can still be downloaded from github. The URL which contains the main information and libraries is: https://github.com/dynamicreports/dynamicreports The website, http://www.dynamicreports.org/, was not affiliated with TIBCO Jaspersoft.
  14. Issue:As illustrated, the gaps between the columns of a HTML5 Column chart are not of equal distance. How can this be fixed ? [toc] Solution:Set these two properties below to 0 should produce evenly spaced columns : plotOptions.column.groupPadding plotOptions.column.pointPadding Example source code : <hc:chartProperty name="plotOptions.column.groupPadding"> <hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[0]]></hc:propertyExpression> </hc:chartProperty> <hc:chartProperty name="plotOptions.column.pointPadding"> <hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[0]]></hc:propertyExpression> </hc:chartProperty>[/code]
  15. The error is too generic to be able to deduce the problem. I would suggest to ensure each dashlet in the dashboard runs fine first, and then check the jasperserver log entries for errors if the error persists.
  16. Currently Java 8 is installed with the latest version of Studio 7.2. A higher version of Java may be considered for future releases but that information has yet to be released.
  17. This is a generic error. Usually need to check the jasperserver.log file under jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs for more specific error messages.
  18. Issue:The following issues may be observed after configuring the ehcache component as per the section "6.3.3 Sample Configuration for Failover" of the TIBCO JasperReports® Server Ultimate Guide: Note: The setup assumes two JasperReports server instances (nodes Server A and Server B) deployed in a cluster environment as outlined in "Chapter 6 - Designing a Cluster". i> Changes in permissions are not replicated at all on the second server node, Server B. Example Use Case: Changing permissions to a folder "test" for ROLE_USER to 'No Access' on Server A. When logging into Server B as a "testuser" (whom is a user with ROLE_USER role), the "test" folder is visible with permission of "No Access" but the user is able to create a new folder under it. ii> For RMI configuration, the following stack trace may be visible in the ../WEB-INF/jasperserver.log file : _2018-08-06 16:25:32,693 ERROR RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator,Replication Thread:129 - Exception on flushing of replication queue: null. Continuing... java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.listRemoteCachePeers(RMISynchronousCacheReplicator.java:335) at net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.writeReplicationQueue(RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.java:312)at net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.replicationThreadMain(RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.java:127)at net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.access$000(RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.java:58) at net.sf.ehcache.distribution.RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator$ReplicationThread.run(RMIAsynchronousCacheReplicator.java:389)_ [/code]iii> Permission replication works on server B but there is a delay of about 100 secs. Example Use Case: Log in to Server A as 'superuser' and log in to Server B as 'testuser' (whom is a user with ROLE_USER role). Create a folder "test" on Server A and change the permissions for ROLE_USER to "Administer". On Server B observe that the "test" folder has "Administer" permissions. On Server A, change the permissions of "test" folder to "No Access" for ROLE_USER. On Server B, observe that "testuser" has to wait about 100 secs for the "test" folder to disappear. During this period, "testuser" is able to create a folder inside the "test" folder despite "test" folder showing as "No Access". Note 2: Issue iii> is a follow-on defect uncovered after attempting to resolve issue i> and ii> through manually backporting the configuration changes from JRS-16858. Note 3: Issues are resolved after the Tomcat server's temp directory was cleared and restarted. Solution: All the above issues are now resolved through a 7.1 hotfix which needs to be applied to all 7.1 nodes in the cluster: hotfix_JRSPro7.1.0_cumulative_20181019_0826.zip As part of the hotfix, there were changes to the following files: WEB-INF/ehcache.xml WEB-INF/ehcache_hibernate.xml WEB-INF/classes/ehcache_hibernate.xml Please log into the Support Portal to download this hotfix (or a later 7.1 cumulative hotfix). After applying the hotfix: 1> For WEB-INF/ehcache.xml, WEB-INF/classes/ehcache_hibernate.xml, comment out or remove default "NO CLUSTERING". 2> Then choose a distribution option (RMI, JMS, AWS) to uncomment : - For RMI distribution, uncomment the RMI section on every node, and make sure the properties are correct for user IP multicast. user can also add the hostname property with the value of the real IP address - For JMS distribution, install the JMS server on one computer in cluster. Then uncomment the JMS section on every node and set the providerURL properties to the ip address of JMS server. - For Amazon SNS/SQS, uncomment the AWS section on every node. Using Amazon SNS/SQS may incur additional costs as Amazon charges customers per API call. Amazon SNS/SQS support is experimental; the ActiveMQ JMS distribution also works for AWS and is the preferred method for Ehcache distribution. 3> Restart the JR server instances Note: You can copy the WEB-INF/classes/ehcache_hibernate.xml to the WEB-INF/ehcache_hibernate.xml of every server node since they should be identical. Related Articles: JS-34144 Clustering - Folder Permissions replication delay for a long period
  19. Issue:TIBCO JasperReports® Server Ultimate Guide has a section on "Customizing the Login Page" but the examples detail on how to customize the left "Welcome to Jaspersoft" pane of the login page by editing <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/login/login.jsp. This article serves as a guidance only to illustrate how to add a simple text message to the right login pane so that a text can appear within the Login form. Solution:On the application server, edit the file "..jasperserver-proWEB-INFjsptemplateslogin.jsp"Add the following line as illustrated in the screenshot : <h1><spring:message code="Hello World" /></h1>[/code] The text will appear on the login form as shown on the left after saving the changes. Note 1: You can simply enter <h1>Hello World</h1> and it will have the same outcome but using "spring:message code=" tag allows the option of placing the text in a code key for look up instead which is consistent with the other entries in the jsp. Note 2: This is a change to an existing delivered jsp script and hence is considered as a customization. ref: case 01645426
  20. Issue:How to integrate the Talend Open Studio Spatial Extension into TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio ? Solution:The following steps details how to integrate Talend Open Studio Spatial module version 6.0.1 into TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio 6.4.1. Steps: Download the Talend Open Studio Spatial plugin from the "Talend Spatial Module" site (See Related Articles section for link). For TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio 6.4.1, the appropriate plugin to use is TOS-Spatial-6.0.1.zip and this file is attached to this article in case the above site is no longer accessible. Extract TOS-Spatial-6.0.1.zip to a temporary directory and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file to copy the files from the Talend Open Studio Spatial plugin directory to the TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio plugin directory, C:Jaspersoft6.4.1studioplugins Edit the config.ini file from the configuration directory, C:Jaspersoft6.4.1studioconfigurationconfig.ini and append the following plugins to the "osgi.bundles=" parameter: ,org.talend.libraries.sdi@start,org.talend.sdi.designer.components@start,org.talend.sdi.designer.components.sandbox@start,org.talend.sdi.designer.routines@start,org.talend.sdi.repository.ui.actions.metadata@start,org.talend.sdi.repository.ui.actions.metadata.ogr@start,org.talend.sdi.workspace.spatial@start[/code]Start TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio 6.4.1. To verify the plugins have been installed, carry out these 2 checks: Under Help -> Installation Details, check the existence of the plugins Under the Pallete, check existence of Geo group of components To test the Talend Open Studio Spatial integration, download the DEMO workspace which includes sample jobs to run (See Related Articles for link). A copy of the DEMO is attached to this article which can be imported into TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL Studio. Related Articles:Talend Open Studio Spatial module download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sdispatialetl/Sample project: https://github.com/talend-spatial/workspace-demo-spatialref: 01633395
  21. Issue:We have an Ad Hoc View with filters that we saved as an Ad Hoc Report. How do we pass the filter parameters via the URL to run the report ? Solution: When an Ad Hoc view containing filters is saved as an Ad Hoc report, the name of the parameter/s is not displayed on the properties of the report. But if you export the report to a zip file and extract the contents, then there will be a report xml file that you can open to find out. For example, if the Ad Hoc Report is saved as "Ad Hoc View Customer Report" then in the zip file there is a file named "Ad_Hoc_View_Customer_Report.xml" under the report folder, resourcespublicReports. Within this xml file you can find the name of the parameter under the inputControl element : <inputControl> <localResource xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" exportedWithPermissions="false" xsi:type="inputControl"> <folder>/public/Reports/Ad_Hoc_View_Customer_files</folder> <name>country_1</name>[/code]In this example, the filter was created as country and country_1 as the name of the parameter. You can then pass this in the URL with the following format : http://<server>:<port>/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/public/Reports/Ad_Hoc_View_Customer_Report&standAlone=true &ParentFolderUri=/public/Reports&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin&output=pdf&country_1=USA This will then output the Ad Hoc report to PDF format with the parameter in effect. Note 1: If you have multiple filters / parameters then you can pass them as well by appending them to the URL, such as ..&country_1=USA&city_1=Seattle Note 2: This is not the same as passing filters to open the Ad Hoc View which is covered in Enhancement Request incident JS-32359. Related Articles: JS-32359 Ad Hoc views doesn't accept input controls to be passed on URLs as reports do ref: 01612109
  22. Issue:On a Win 2012 R2 Standard server, we ran the TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.3 Bundled Installer, TIB_js-jrs_6.4.3_win_x86_64.exe, as an Administrator. After selecting the default options (such as "Install All Components and Samples") to include a bundled PostgreSQL, the installer crashed during the unpacking of files, when it reached the step to run initdb.exe. The error message displayed is "initdb- initialize a new database cluster has stopped working". This is followed by another error: There has been an error.Error running initdb.exe -U postgres -E UTF8 -DC:/JASPER~2/JASPER~1.0/POSTGR~1/data: child killed: unknownsignalThe application will exit now.[/code] The details of the crash are: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: initdb.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5a30ed4e Fault Module Name: MSVCR100.dll Fault Module Version: 6.3.9600.18969 Fault Module Timestamp: 5aa29ff0 Exception Code: c0000135 Exception Offset: 00000000000ecf30 OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: ac05 Additional Information 2: ac0507478d1c5bd693cfc4fe3987e900 Additional Information 3: ac05 Additional Information 4: ac0507478d1c5bd693cfc4fe3987e900[/code]Note: This issue did not occur when running the 6.4.2 bundled installer on the same server. Solution:When doing a background tracing of the issue using Process Monitor tool (Procmon.exe), we saw the following entry: Operation: CreateFile Result: NAME NOT FOUNDFile: C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-6.4.3postgresqlbinMSVCR100.dll[/code]This means that the file was missing from C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-6.4.3postgresqlbin. The installer then tried to locate MSVCR100.dll from a few other locations but the result was the same. The reason why version 6.4.2 worked fine is because 6.4.2 bundled installer packaged the MSVCR100.dll in the <jrs_install>postgresqlbin directory. It also installs MS Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable. TIBCO JasperReports® Server 6.4.3 (and 7.1) bundled installers did not install any MS Visual C++ dependencies. The workaround to this is to download and pre-install MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (vcredist_x64.exe) before running the bundled installer. Please note that this is NOT MS Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable but MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable which contains the required libraries, MSVCR100.dll and MSVCP100.dll (needed to execute pgAdmin3.exe) Defect JS-34107 has been raised for this issue and this will be fixed in future bundled installers. Related Articles:JS-34107 6.4.3 and 7.1 Bundled installers crashed during initdb.exe with "unknown signal" errorref: 01610883
  23. Issue:How to hide every alternate x-axis labels as highlighted in yellow below: Solution:Right click on the chart and click on 'Edit Chart Properties'Click on the 'Show Advanced Properties' in the Chart Formatting tabIn Default tab, expand x-axis -> labelsLocate the property name, 'step' and change current value to 2 and click on OK Doing this will add the following line of code in the Source tab of the TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio report designer: <hc:chartProperty name="xAxis.labels.step" value="2"/> [/code] Note: A value of 2 will hide every alternate label. A value of 'N' will hide every N label.
  24. The font jar file needs to be added to ../WEB-INF/lib directory (followed by a JR server restart) For reports in PDF, add the jar to the report as a resource. See this section: 9.3 Deploying Font Extensions to JasperReports Server from the Studio User guide
  25. Issue:Under the Settings -> Configuration page of TIBCO Jaspersoft Administrator Center (TAC), when entering the 'Artifact Repository' details for the first time, we are unable to successfully connect to the artifact repository : [toc] We do not know what the current password is for Nexus. How do we change the password ? Solution:If you do not know or have forgotten the current password for Nexus, the following steps can be undertaken to reset the password: Stop the "TIBCO Jaspersoft Nexus local server 6.4.1" service Back up a copy and then open the file: C:Jaspersoft6.4.1jacArtifact-Repository-Nexus-V2.14.3-02sonatype-worknexusconfsecurity.xml[/code]Search for 'admin' as the user id and enter 'f865b53623b121fd34ee5426c792e5c33af8c227' for the password. This will give the 'admin' user a password of 'admin123'. Ensure the status is 'active'. <user> <id>admin</id> <firstName>Administrator</firstName> <lastName>User</lastName> <password>f865b53623b121fd34ee5426c792e5c33af8c227</password> <status>active</status> <email>admin@company.com</email> </user>[/code]Note: this follows the steps as per the article in the 'Related Articles" section. Start the "TIBCO Jaspersoft Nexus local server 6.4.1" service In order to change the password to a different password, open a browser and log in using the nexus url: eg. http://localhost:9081/nexus with the modified password 'admin123' Note: The default port is 8081 but this configuration uses port 9081 instead After logging in, click on the user 'admin' at the top right of the screen and click on 'profile'. You can then click on 'Change Password' to change the password of your choice. The 'Change Password' button will commit the changes immediately to the security.xml. A restart of the Nexus service is not required. Revisit the Artifact Repository in the TAC Configuration page and enter in the new password. After clicking on Refresh, the checks will now be successful showing all green ticks. Related Articles:https://support.sonatype.com/hc/en-us/articles/213465508-How-can-I-reset-a-forgotten-admin-password-in-Nexus-2-x-
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