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vchiem last won the day on July 17

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  1. Static text cannot be changed. Use a text field with reference to the DB field using $F{U_Tipo_AT} in the expression. The Title can be a text field.
  2. If the version it is not listed in the Platform Support Guide then it means it has not been certified for that version. Whether the error is because of the of the incompatibility between the JasperReports Server and the version of Red Hat is another matter. It does look like an OS error and it might be worthy to google the error for situations where such errors can occur.
  3. The Access Denied exception is because the permissions assigned to the Audit Domain for ROLE_USER is "No Access". If you allow more permissions to this (eg Administer permission) as well as the data sources that the Audit Domain is built upon, then a non Admin user should be able create the Ad Hoc view off the Audit Domain. But as per page: https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions Professional Editions do not have Audit Logging license, although I think this would generate a different error message or even if there is no error message then the feature wouldn't work. The "About TIBCO JasperReports Server" link dialog shows AUD feature code for Audit Logging feature and if you have this code then you have the enabled feature.
  4. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource is inside jasperreports-6.20.0.jar so it is not picking up the jar. Not sure what lib folder you are referring to but maybe it is not the correct lib folder.
  5. Try using an oracle jdbc driver that is compatible with both oracle database versions.
  6. The Ad Hoc Editor has a toggle option to enable users to view the SQL query. This can be turned on in the Ad Hoc Settings under Server Settings. You cannot edit the SQL query in the Ad Hoc Editor as it is generated based on the user adding columns, rows, filters within the UI.
  7. The error is generic. It is best to open the jasperserver.log under WEB-INF/logs and inspect the error associated to the UID. You can check this article for gmail setup: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/gmail-smtp-report-jobs-failing-smtp-authentication-error-despite-correct-username-and-password
  8. vchiem


    You can follow the same approach as this: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/upgrading-jasperreports-server-710-711
  9. Issue:A typical scenario is an upgrade of TIBCO JasperReports® Server from v7.5 to v8.0 where the user runs the following export command from the TIBCO JasperReports® Server v7.5 buildomatic directory: ./js-export.sh --everything --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret --output-zip /tmp/uat-7.5.2-01.zip or (for users only): ./js-export.sh --users --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret --output-zip /tmp/uat-users-7.5.2.zip Under the TIBCO JasperReports® Server v8.0 buildomatic, importing the catalog failed to complete with "Weak password": Buildfile: C:jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-binbuildomaticbuild.xml [exec] Result: 128 [echo] Back-End version: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git-SNAPSHOT [echo] Front-End version: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git-SNAPSHOT [echo] Maven settings: C:/jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-bin/buildomatic/build_conf/default/maven_settings.xmlimport: [echo] --- (import-export.xml:run-import-export) archiveArg = --input-zip=C:/jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-bin/buildomatic/uat-users-7.5.2.zip --- [echo] dbType = postgresql [echo] jdbcJar = postgresql-42.2.20.jar [echo] currentConf = C:/jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-bin/buildomatic/build_conf/default [echo] importExportConfig = C:/jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-bin/buildomatic/conf_source/iePro [echo] [echo] Validating JasperServer database connection at jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxxxxx:5432/<db>. Phase: [import-export-test][advanced-sql] Executing commands[advanced-sql] 1 of 1 SQL statements executed successfully [echo] Connection OK [java] First resource path: C:jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-binbuildomaticconf_sourceiePro [java] Loading configuration resources [java] Initialization complete [java] Using default importCommandBean command bean [java] Processing started [java] Using com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.io.ZipFileInputFactory input factory [java] Using importerPrototypePro importer prototype bean. [java] Invoking module com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.export.MultiTenancyAuthorityImporter@1b70e1bb [java] Updated user superuser [java] Weak password.BUILD FAILEDC:workjasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-binbuildomaticbinimport-export.xml:235: The following error occurred while executing this line:C:workjasperreports-server-pro-8.0.2-binbuildomaticbinimport-export.xml:168: Java returned: -1[/code] Note: This error can occur even if users are internally defined users. The import can also fail if the import was done through the TIBCO JasperReports® Server Import page online. IMPORTANT: For other potential causes of the 'Weak Password' error please see this article: The Command Line Import Stops with a "Weak password" Error Solution: The cause of the problem is the export file content containing a bad/wrong encryption of users passwords. There are two different sets of keystore files (ks/ksp) referenced by buildomatic and by TIBCO JasperReports® Server which is likely to be due to having two different user accounts, one account for installing buildomatic (jasperadmin) and one for installing the TIBCO JasperReports® Server (tomcat): Buildomatic buildomatic/keystore.init.properties has entries: ks=/home/jasperadmin ksp=/home/jasperadmin TIBCO JasperReports® Server WEB-INF/classes/keystore.init.properties has entries: ks=/home/tomcat ksp=/home/tomcat If we take into account that TIBCO JasperReports® Server using one keystore, and buildomatic using another, here is how the export flow will look like: 1. TIBCO JasperReports® Server running - passwords inside repo db are encrypted using tomcat.passwordEncSecret 2. buildomatic export - uses buildomatic.passwordEncSecret and decrypts the user password from db into plain text 3. buildomatic export - uses deprecatedImportExportEncSecret and encrypts the user password, and puts it into export zip In step 2, buildomatic uses a totally different key to decrypt passwords and definitely can produce messed up strings and step 3 will add this string to the exported zip file Even if the import succeeds which can happen if the encrypted password passes the password-matching check, the imported password string stored in the repository will cause TIBCO JasperReports® Server users to fail to log in with password credentials failure because TIBCO JasperReports® Server uses a different set of keys. Steps: On the source server instance (for this scenario it is TIBCO JasperReports® Server v7.5): 1. Backup /home/jasperadmin/.jrsks and .jrsksp before deleting them 2. Confirm there is no environment variables set with ks and ksp 3. Edit buildomatic/keystore.init.properties and set ks and ksp to point to the JRS keystore files: ks=/home/tomcat ksp=/home/tomcat 4. chmod -R 644 .jrs* and confirm that the user which is used during export (ie. the user logged into linux, jasperadmin) can read these files 5. Perform the command line export using the deprecatedImportExportEncSecret key 6. Check that during export, keystore files were not created under /home/jasperadmin On the target server instance (for this scenario it is TIBCO JasperReports® Server v8.0): 7. Import the exported zip file using the deprecatedImportExportEncSecret key Note: Specific to TIBCO JasperReports® Server 7.5 only, there was an extra requirement to update the keystore files which details steps to base64 decode the .jrsksp file, modify the ksPath property and base64 encode the file back. Refer to "Updating Keystore files" from https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/encryption-jasperreports-server-75. This extra step is no longer required from TIBCO JasperReports® Server 7.8 onwards. Note 2: One way of checking whether the keystore files between two locations are the same is to run an md5 checksum on the .jrsks files. ReferencesFor other potential causes of the 'Weak Password' error please see this article: The Command Line Import Stops with a "Weak password" Error
  10. Sample Report: HTML5 ArcGauge Chart with property to increase the arc width (thickness). The arc in the Chart is rendered as a solid gauge with innerRadius set. An example jsfiddle is of this chart is : https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/solidgauge-radius/ The following property can be added to render the size of the arc which is by increasing or lowering the innerRadius. The lower the percentage, the greater the thickness of the arc. <hc:chartProperty name="series[0].data[0].innerRadius"><hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA["20%"]]></hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty>[/code] Report template that can be opened in TIBCO Jaspersoft Studio is attached.
  11. Issue:After exporting an Ad Hoc Report to PDF output, the title of the exported PDF has the name "Ad Hoc Report". How can this title be changed to a different name like "Any Name Report"? Solution:PDF document metadata properties including the Title can be changed with the following available properties: net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.author net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.creator net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.keywords net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.subject net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.title These properties correspond to the metadata information when you open the File -> Properties menu of the PDF document using Acrobat Reader. For report templates created in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio, you can add the following property to the report's main properties: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.title" value="Any Name Report"/> This property also can be added globally to the TIBCO JasperReports® Server's jasperreports.properties file located in the WEB-INF/classes directory. However, if it is specified at the report level then the property at the report level will take precedence. In the case of exporting Ad Hoc Report to PDF, the ad hoc report template has this property pre-defined with: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.title" value="Ad Hoc Report"/> but you can use TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio to navigate to the TIBCO JasperReports® Server repository and open the Ad Hoc Report's report template named mainReportJrxml. Make the change to the property before saving the report and publishing the report to the server. After logging out of the TIBCO JasperReports® Server and logging back in to perform the next PDF export, the title change should be reflected in the PDF document properties.
  12. 404 means the tomcat did not start up properly. Check the Tomcat log files to see the exceptions and work from there.
  13. Best to check the application server log for any errors. eg catalina.out for Tomcat.
  14. Maybe this can help : https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1111616/unable-connect-remote-mongodb-data-source Further you can test in Studio with the test button to test the URL. This is step 2. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/mongodb-japserstudio-connection
  15. Please refer to the Studio user guide on how to create font set. Then export to PDF will pick up the font.
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