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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. What should be the property name for studio? Because this property is applicable to ireport oly
  2. Hi All, I have a report generating 20 million data per day. What should exactly be specifications / required memeory to run this huge data? Any additional configarations should be done to run this huge data? My jasper studio also runs pretty slow when i open 1 st time. it tries to hang. Is this system memory issue? I have 16GB ram. Please help me with above.
  3. I have a chart , where i have opening day balance and closing day balance. So on each day there are 2 points. I want these 2 points to be connected with a line and there should be 1 single line connecting all days. How to implement this?
  4. Transactions chart. Please help me how to implement below chart? In a day there are 2 points. 1 is start of the day balance other is end of the day balance. How to implement this chart in jasper? Please help
  5. Hi All, I have a reportbook. 1st page is Index showing the page number 1,2,3,4. Now i have to navigate to page 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 by creating hyperlinks in index. ( page 1 , page 2 , page 3 , pag 4 are diffrent reports which is placed in Content section of a Report book ) How to achive this ?
  6. HTML5 stacked bar chart x axis labels getting truncated please help me resolve this. I am using Jasper studio
  7. My Report is throwing below error when i run the report on server. Please help me solve this. Error Message There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators.
  8. HI All, Can you please help me with what command has to be given to import the new reports to the existing repository. Im getting this below error Reference Resource "/Organisation/Project/Standard_Reports/Balance_sheet" not found. Im trying to use this below command js-import --update --input -zip "path of my zip" This is a new report i will be importing to my server. please help me with right command.
  9. I have a requeriment to show data in 4 formats. 1. weekly 2. Daily 3. Monthly 4. Quarterly. Now i find the solution to these by date diffrences. If date diffrence is <=7 then show data Daily way. If date diffrence is less then 30, then show data in Weekly format. I want to know how to write this condition in print when expression of 4 diffrent table. weekly has separate table. Daily has separate table. Monthly has separate table. SO when From date and To date is passed, based on the diffrence if should pick only 1 table from above and display. Can anyone please help?
  10. Im working on Studio. I have a cross tab , where the cell headers are splitting by page. How to make it come on same page? emp Years20162017MOnthsapril may june july august sept oct nov decjan feb 1 10 11 12 12 11 77 66 22 11 22MOnths are displayed under every Year. But this Year is getting slipped in 2 pages. Like 2016 comes in page 1 and 2017 comes in page 2. I want everything in single and same sheet. Is there any way to fix this?
  11. 1. download and use Arial Unicode font jar - https://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/files/Report24775-eastAsian.zip 2. add this jar in 2 places - a) webapps-jasperserver-WEBINF-lib (add here) b) in Ireport u need to add in classpath. (tools-options-classpath) 3.set font name as "Arial Unicode MS" and keep same property set in ur xml <font fontName="Arial Unicode MS" size="12" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Arial Unicode MS" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/> 4. restart ur jasperserver. 5. restart ur ireport.
  12. 1. download and use Arial Unicode font jar - https://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/files/Report24775-eastAsian.zip 2. add this jar in 2 places - a) webapps-jasperserver-WEBINF-lib (add here) b) in Ireport u need to add in classpath. (tools-options-classpath) 3.set font name as "Arial Unicode MS" and keep same property set in ur xml <font fontName="Arial Unicode MS" size="12" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Arial Unicode MS" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/> 4. restart ur jasperserver. 5. restart ur ireport.
  13. 1. download and use Arial Unicode font jar - https://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/files/Report24775-eastAsian.zip 2. add this jar in 2 places - a) webapps-jasperserver-WEBINF-lib (add here) b) in Ireport u need to add in classpath. (tools-options-classpath) 3.set font name as "Arial Unicode MS" and keep same property set in ur xml <font fontName="Arial Unicode MS" size="12" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Arial Unicode MS" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true"/> 4. restart ur jasperserver. 5. restart ur ireport.
  14. I Found the answer myself. I can confirm this bug. The chart reportexecution hyperlink works fine after doing these steps. please follow the link http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/3311 thanks ;)
  15. Im using jasperserver 5.5 community edition. Im trying to give Hyperlink for each bars in the bar chart. I want to pass the values of "Series Expression" to the next report. how do i do that?
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