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Everything posted by vchiem

  1. Performance is a broad topic since there are many areas that could affect it. We have the following references that you can refer to as a starting point. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/tibco-jasperreports-server-performance-tips-and-tricks https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/tibco-jasperreports-server-performance-tips
  2. Hi Tom You are correct since you are following the instructions verbatim. The sentence "You will create the proper "country" parameter in this report." should be before creating the dataset query otherwise I can't see how you can overcome the error. Apart from that everything else looks pretty detailed and should accomplish the main aim of the article.
  3. As a starting point, refer to the Jaspersoft Studio Guide for assistance with using the development tool itself. There are also samples that you can load into Studio which is inside the JasperReportsSamples project that you can open. It contains many report samples that you can browse and run. However, for this specific requirement its best to plan it out on how you want the report to look but it looks like you want drill down from a parent report into a child report.
  4. Issue:We have saved Input Controls option values that can be selected to populate the Input Controls prior to running the report. After selecting a saved Input Control option, we are encountering the following error: [toc]Can't find bundle for base name ResourceBundle, locale de_DEjava.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name ResourceBundle, locale de_DE atjava.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(Unknown Source) at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(Unknown Source) at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(Unknown Source) atnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRResourcesUtil.loadResourceBundle(JRResourcesUtil.java:724) atnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRResourcesUtil.loadResourceBundle(JRResourcesUtil.java:606) atnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillDataset.loadResourceBundle(JRFillDataset.java:580) atnet.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillDataset.setParameterValues(JRFillDataset.java:617) [/code]The error is looking for missing resource bundle with locale de_DE despite logging into the TIBCO JasperReports® Server with English locale. The repository location that stores the resource bundle properties file is located under a folder within organization and contains: ResourceBundle_en.properties ResourceBundle_en_US.properties [/code]Note: When the Input Control values are first saved, the report runs fine and data is displayed. However, as soon as the Input Control saved value is re-selected, the error occurs. We are unable to determine where in the report has references to German locale. Solution:The root cause as to why the error was generated was not determined but there is a workaround that can be followed to overcome the issue. Workaround steps :Create extra two new resource bundle properties file: ResourceBundle.propertiesResourceBundle_de_DE.properties [/code]and store it under the same repository location. This can be done by clicking on Add Resource -> File -> Resource Bundle on the repository folder. Attach these two properties file to the affected report as a resource under the "Controls & Resources" section by adding them from the repository location. After the above steps are performed, re-run the report and select the Input Control saved values. ref: 01757437
  5. Not sure whether this is what you want but you can check it out : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-pass-parameters-url-run-ad-hoc-report
  6. Issue:We have logged into the TIBCO JasperReports® Server under a different language and tried to do a repository search in the upper right search bar. The search text is the report type that is displayed under the "Type:" of the report properties but this displays no results. However, when logged in under English language, we are getting results. Why are we not getting any results displayed for multi-languages other than English ? Solution:The search functionality on the repository searches for the resources by the resource id, name and description. In the TIBCO JasperReports® Server Administration Guide on page 16 under "1.2.3 Browsing and Searching", it states: "The search applies to resource IDs, names, and descriptions." Therefore unless the above search criteria is met in any language, it will not show any results. When reports are predominantly created under the English locale, the report's resource IDs, names, and descriptions may be associated with the 'Report' word and a search for the equivalent under a different language, eg 'Informe' under Spanish, may not display any results.
  7. Issue:We have designed a Chart using the Ad Hoc Editor. We are able to increase the font size of the legend, x-axis, y-axis labels by following the article : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/advanced-chart-formatting However, we are unable to increase the font size of the main Chart title appearing at the top of the Chart. We have tried setting the property "title.style.FontSize" in the 'Advanced'' tab of 'Chart Format' but it does not work. Note that this property works for HTML5 Charts created in TIBCO JasperSoft® Studio. How can we increase the font size for Ad Hoc Chart titles ? Solution:If you use the Ad Hoc Editor to set the title, the HighCharts property, title.style.FontSize, has no effect because it does not recognize the title as a HighChart title. However, there is an easy workaround which is to first set the title using the HighCharts property "title.text" instead of using the Ad Hoc editor to set the title. Example: ref: 01760555
  8. Issue:After enabling the audit logging feature, we noticed that the audit archiving runs every day at 1 am and the audit purging runs at 3am. We would like to change this so that it runs at a different time of the day. How can this be configured ? Solution:Configuring the audit archiving options can be done by editing the ./jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/applicationContext-audit.xml file. Locate the auditEventArchiverTrigger bean and modify the cron expression. Here is an example of a cron expression that will run the audit event archive at 2:10 pm every day : <bean id="auditEventArchiverTrigger" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.JSCronTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="auditEventArchiverJob"/> <property name="cronExpression" value="0 10 14 * * ?"/> </bean>[/code]Similarly, if you want to modify the time and frequency for the audit event purge, locate the auditEventPurgerTrigger bean : <bean id="auditEventPurgerTrigger" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.JSCronTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="auditEventPurgerJob"/> <property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 3 * * ?"/> </bean>[/code]Note that a restart of the TIBCO JasperReports® Server is required for any changes to take effect. To understand the cron expression formats, there is a Format table in the Quartz documentation (See Reference link under 'Related Articles' below). Extract of Format table from Quartz reference: Related Articles:http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.3.0/tutorials/crontrigger.html
  9. Its best to break the layers down to see where the slowness is. For REST API call you can download a free Rest Client such as Postman and use that to test the REST calls on the Jasper Server itself isolating the other components.
  10. I am assuming this is a JFreeChart. If so, check this article: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-display-values-xy-line-jfreechart
  11. I checked jfreechart-1.0.19.jar and the class does exist in that jar file. This jar should be added to the classpath. Check this thread as well. You may need to also have jcommon jar too. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/518767/chart-issue
  12. Issue:When making a connection to an Oracle Database with the component tOracleConnection, upon executing the job, there is an error message relating to the tns.jar file not found. Trying to download the jar file from the Module List, there is a message displaying "No external modules available". ETL tOracleConnection components requires tns.jar after installation Jaspersoft ETL 6.4.1 but this file is not included in the product. Where can I locate this file ? Solution:The tns.jar belongs to Oracle and was not shipped with ETL by default. Attached to this article is the tns.jar file. Related Articles:TDI-26173: tns.jar not found
  13. We have the software requirements as per the Supported Platforms guide but do not have the database hardware requirements as it should be referred to your database vendor upon installation of the database server. This article below may provide additional information. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/hardware-requirements-jasperreports-server
  14. Can't really tell from the surface. Best to check the WEB-INF/log/jasperserver.log file for more information. Maybe its processing a complex query. You can set these to debug under the Server Settings -> Log Settings and rerun the report, then check the log file again SQL query executer Timing for SQL queries run for reports Input control value queries
  15. Not a stupid question. The answer is that you cannot. There is no hyperlink capabilities in Ad Hoc views and reports and we have an enhancement request for this. Reference ticket is JS-7132 which is targetted for a future release. The timeframe is uncertain so I won't mention it. For Ad Hoc Charts you can hyperlink.
  16. It may not be failing on smtp configuration but the job itself. But you can match up the Error UID: c9742072-e8ff-4f0e-97f0-6de26b909272 to the jasperserver.log file to see further information in the stack trace. If insufficient, set the quartz debug and restart the JR server. log4j.logger.org.quartz=debug in log4j.properties or org.quartz via Log Settings page (no restart required)
  17. if you are getting an error like "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid char (/) found at index (21) in sheet name 'blah/blah'" in the stack trace, then yes it is an outstanding problem that currently has no fix for 7.1 (reference incident tickets JS-32417 and JRL-1083). The excel exporter does not allow unsupported characters in sheet names ( : / ? * [ or ] ). Although, I didn't think the ampersand would fail also, but if it failed with the same error then it would be in the same category. There is no absolute certainty as when there will be a fix given the low impact.
  18. Sample:This is a sample JRXML report that converts a ColumnSpline Chart originally having 4 measures displaying 3 Columns and 1 Line to 2 Columns and 2 Lines. Originally the ColumnSpline Chart looks like this: And we want it to look like this: The main change that is required is edit the Chart, navigate to Advanced Properties and add in a property to set the intended measure to be a type "spline" like this: Attached is sample JRXML report which runs off the sample Foodmart database and hence a JDBC connection to the Foodmart database is required.
  19. Issue:We are using the tLogCatcher component in a parent/child job design and have checked on the "Catch Java Exception" option. However, when we encounter the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError java exception, we noticed that this is not being handled by the tLogCatcher. What is the reason for this and what other java exceptions does the tLogCatcher not be able to handle ? Solution:The tLogCatcher should catch all java exceptions. However, it is not possible to catch the java.lang.OutofMemoryError with tLogCatcher because by the time the error is thrown, the situation is already in an unrecoverable state and affects the rest of the job. So if an out-of-memory exception occurs, the whole JVM crashes and the tLogCatcher will not work and catches nothing. The solution is to avoid the error by allocating more jvm memory and optimize the job. There was a reported bug that the tLogCatcher cannot catch tKafkaInput and tKafkaOutput exceptions (TBD-5781) and this was fixed in releases greater than 6.3.1. Related Articles: https://www.talendforge.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=53962 https://www.talendforge.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3137 ref: 01739171
  20. Issue:We are trying to use the REST_v2 'resources' service to return a list of report resources in a folder for an organizational user. The full GET request is: [toc]http://<server>:<port>/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources?type=reportUnit&folderUri=/public/Reports[/code]When request is sent with 'BASIC Auth' for an internal user, such as 'jasperadmin' or 'joeuser' the response returned by the server is error code 401 - Unauthorized. The request works fine if the request is sent with 'superuser' as the basic authorization header. Solution:You would need to pass the organization that the user belongs to in the REST_v2 request as well. Here is an example: http://<server>:<port>/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources?type=reportUnit&folderUri=/public/Reports&j_username=joeuser|organization_1&j_password=joeuser[/code]The folder /public/Reports is accessible across all organizations but 'joeuser' and 'jasperadmin' belongs to an organization (organization_1) and hence organization_1 is passed along with the username.
  21. Issue:In Talend Administration Center (TAC), when starting an Oracle database backup during the upgrade/migration of the administration database, the following error occured: "Database backup failed."Step1: Database backupStart backing up your database"Cannot run program "exp": error=2, No such file or directory"[/code]The same error also occurred if the backup was performed under the following navigation in the Talend Administration Console : Settings -> Backup Solution: The error implies that the Oracle export utility, 'exp', cannot be found by TAC. If the TAC server is on the same server as the Oracle database: 1> Ensure the system environment variable, PATH, contains the path to the location of the 'exp' program which is generally under $ORACLE_HOME/bin. 2> Ensure you are able to manually run the 'exp' utility (via command line) to connect to the database and execute a backup command. The following example shows how to export full database $exp username/password FULL=y FILE=myfull.dmp Note: A restart of the TAC server process (tomcat) is required after setting the environment variable. If the TAC server is not on the same server as the Oracle database: The above 2 steps are also applicable. However, on the TAC server, 'exp' utility does not exist and hence this must be installed first. 3> Download and install Oracle Client tool onto the TAC server and determine the path location to the 'exp' utility. For example: /app/oracle/product/ This would be the path that needs to be included in the system environment variable as per step 1. Note 1: The TAC server process must be started under an account that can recognize the PATH variable and access the 'exp' utility. If the TAC was started under root but the 'exp' was installed and the environment variable set under a different account, then the error may still persist. Note 2: If doing the backup under the TAC console Settings -> Backup, there may (or may not) be a problem with the backup dump file not being generated under the location specified in the "Dump Path". If this is the case, the workaround would be to specify the full path with the FILE argument as such: exp username/password@dbname FULL=y FILE=<FULLPATH>/myfull.dmp ref: 01713565
  22. Issue:After applying TIBCO JasperReports® Server 7.1 cumulative hotfix, the server failed to start with the following error : [toc]19-Mar-2019 10:30:09.339 SEVERE [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [standardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/jasperserver-pro]] at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:167) ...Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to complete the scan for annotations for web application [/jasperserver-pro] due to a StackOverflowError. Possible root causes include a too low setting for -Xss and illegal cyclic inheritance dependencies. The class hierarchy being processed was [tibcosoftware.jdbc.cassandrabase.ddc1->tibcosoftware.jdbc.cassandrabase.ddc4->tibcosoftware.jdbc.cassandrabase.dddb->tibcosoftware.jdbc.cassandrabase.ddc1] at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.checkHandlesTypes(ContextConfig.java:2100) ...[/code]Solution:The cause of the problem was due to the existence of the WEB-INF/lib/TIcassandra-6.0.1.jar file. The readme.txt contains instructions to delete this jar file under the following section: Deleted files: WEB-INF/lib/TIcassandra-6.0.1.jar This file must be deleted to resolve this error.
  23. Issue:We have an issue with conditional styling of crosstab values. The use case here is a conditional style that renders blue for negative numbers and red for anything above 2. The conditions are as follows: - If the value of the field is less than 0 -> blue color - If the value of the field is 2 or more -> red color After publishing the report to the TIBCO JasperReports® Server and running the report on the server, the web output displays correctly. But after exporting to XLS format some (but not all) values less than 0 will incorrectly render red color instead of blue. Screenshot attached showing XLS output versus Web output : The expected outcome is that ALL negative numbers renders blue color as per the conditional style. Note: The output is fine when running the report to XLS output using TIBCO JasperSoft® Studio. Solution:This issue was reported as a defect. The incident reference for this defect is: JS-34417: Crosstab Export to XLS issue with conditional style The following method is available to work around this issue : Set the net.sf.jasperreports.style.forecolor property expression for that element, with a very slightly different value compared to the conditional style value. For instance, use color "#0000FE" instead of "#0000FF". Workaround steps: 1. In TIBCO JasperSoft® Studio, open the Crosstab JRXML report and click on the Crosstab text field element 2. Go to Advanced tab and click on the "Edit Properties" button 3. Add the following property: Name: net.sf.jasperreports.style.forecolorValue: $V{freight_MEASURE1}.compareTo(new BigDecimal("0")) < 0 ? "#0000FE" : ($V{freight_MEASURE1}.compareTo( new BigDecimal("2") ) >= 0 ? "#FF0500" : "#000000")[/code] See attached sample crosstab workaround jrxml report (Crosstab_workaround.jrxml). Note 2: Alternatively, you can export to XLSX format instead.
  24. Issue:We have a report title text that contains a "right single quotation mark" character. The report can be exported to csv file format and when opening it with a text editor it displays fine. However, when opening with Excel program, the right single quotation mark is replaced with "’". What is the cause of this and how can this be resolved ? Solution: When opening the CSV file in Excel, the right single quotation mark character is converted into the "’" symbol. This is because Excel opens the CSV file using the default windows encoding (Windows-1252) and hence the character is encoded as per the Windows-1252 characterset. A comma-separated values (CSV) file is really a delimited text file, but if you want to open the file in Excel then you can re-import the CSV file from within Excel using the "Import data from text file" and choose a UTF encoding. Alternatively, you can use the apostrophe character (') instead of "right single quotation mark" (’) in the report. This is a universal issue with character encodings and is not specific to Jaspersoft.
  25. Issue:When adding a Multi-Select filter (with operator type "is one of") to an Ad Hoc Chart for the first time, it has all values selected as default. But when adding in this filter to a new or existing dashboard for the first time, the default values are not selected and the filter shows that the number of selected values is 0. It is expected that the default values are also selected (highlighted) in the Dashboard filter when adding the new filter. Solution:This only happens on newly added Multi-Select filters. The issue was reported as a defect with the following incident reference: JS-34410: Newly added Ad Hoc Multi-Select Filter default values are not carried through to Dashboard The workaround is to manually select all values (without clicking on "Deselect All" and "Select All") in the Ad Hoc Chart and save.
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