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Everything posted by ajinkya_c

  1. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 Hi I raise this bug in 4.7 also, but I handle there by some workaround what i did is value axis tick label mask adjust from xml code of the report .write a code and save report from xml window then go to the designer window the export it to the repository and remember that make this changes last when report is ready beacouse if you make any change in reports then charts changes revert from the code.
  2. create city_combobox input control as a multiselect list of values or multiselect query. so that list populate with all cities with check box infront of it.So you can select multiple values from list.
  3. Create parameter LastNDays with parameter type single value input control & datatype number. then used it in your query like where Date betwen (to_Char(Sysdate,date) - lastNdays) and sysdate
  4. Refer following query SELECT COUNT(leads.`status`) AS Number_Of_Status, leads.`status` AS leads_status, leads.`primary_address_city` AS leads_primary_address_city, leads.id AS lead_id FROM `leads` leads WHERE $X{IN, leads.`primary_address_city, city_combobox} GROUP BY leads.`status` City_combobox with datatype java.util.collection.
  5. If you made a combined query which you want. From your above requirement e.g. Table 3 can be possible with crosstab. Add name in rowgroup & car in column group. What is your value for measure?
  6. i think one querie is a best option becouse i did that in my report becouse you select one datasource for one table at a time so do combined query and used it in your table or crosstab.
  7. You need to format date before passed it to the another report. E.g Startdate is my parameter whose datatype is date. Whle passing date through url it goes into 20121206000000 in this format so format data before passed it to the url. i.e In hyperlink parameter mapping. set datatype is string & format like extract year, month , date using java functions& arrange like year+"-"+month+"-"+date. So that date passed through url like 2012-12-06 & hyperlink reports get valid date format. This is not a solution, this is workarround which i did in my reports.when i migrate my reports from 4.5 to 4.7
  8. You can passed parameter as well as field to the subreport and also return the variable to the main report so that i think it is achievable by subreport.
  9. Hi, I want export my report which is in tabular structure in excel but it give ERROR: Can't add cell & String can not be cast to number. So I found the problem that I formate a field from table that if field ==null then replace it with NA or N/A text so when i removed that formatting then report get exported very well. I required that formatting & excel export also. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  10. Try with add table in summary band..this may be solved or Explain your requirement more clearly
  11. Class customizer is one option to resolve this so that range axis next value takes 60 and charts looks ok.
  12. Whatever you use table or crosstab Add this condition in field value expression. e.g. $F{Net services provided by physician}==null? 0:$F{Net services provided by physician}
  13. $P{ParamAlarmtype} ? str( $P{ParamAlarmtype} ) : $R{Any alarmtype} In your above expression provide value for $P{ParamAlarmtype} e.g $P{ParamAlarmtype} == "ABC" ? str( $P{ParamAlarmtype} ) : $R{Any alarmtype}
  14. Add more than one detail band or the band you required , then write different structure on each band , handle each band using print when expression like true/false.
  15. for last two column write a condition that $F{Field}==null?0:$F{Field}
  16. Check that if you use parameter in report then that parameter should be in crosstab parameter also. If you are using separate dataset for crosstab then add parameters in crosstab parameter mapping. May be other issue... Group report by product id?
  17. I not sure but this looks difficult in table, looks achievable in crosstab.
  18. Add report group band, Where you can group by Product code. Then add crosstab in product code report footer. So that you will get separate crossatab for each product code.
  19. Hi, Try this to_char(DATE,'YYYY') || ' - ' || to_char(DATE,'WW') as WEEK, to_char(DATE,'WW') as WEEKNO, to_char(trunc(DATE,'WW'),'DD-MM-YYYY') as WEEKSTRT, to_char(trunc(DATE,'WW')+6,'DD-MM-YYYY') as WEEKEND use somthing like in your detail report query.
  20. You can used conditional formatting in report. create conditional style & apply it to the perticular fields in your crosstab report.
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