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Everything posted by norcenmarco

  1. Try to have the same version of jasperserver and iReport!! And then let me know! Ok? I wanna help you!! ;) Cheers Marco
  2. And just to understand the problem: -are you tring to upload a normal report or a report with a logo or image? -which version do you have of iReport? Cheers, Marco
  3. I'm sorry but i didn't find a solution.... But if i find something i will post here! By the way, post the javascript error! Cheers, Marco Post Edited by norcenmarco at 02/21/2012 12:02
  4. Did you try to load the report with the iReport plugin? Cheers, Marco
  5. I never had this problem!! You have really loto of data! I don't have a solution now... but what you think maybe adding another single select query and add the main pharmacy maybe divided by city? Could it work for your purpose? Cheers, Marco
  6. Which error?? You mean that you have 20000 value in the single select query?? How could you think that someone help you, if you didn't explain the problem?
  7. Just log in like superuser and you can delete everything except the folder Themes! But why you need that?
  8. Hi kbonheur, I din't understand very well your problem but let me guess: do you want that clicking a piece of the piechart you want to run another report? It is right? The problem is the link. I guess that GenderDashboard is the report with the piechart, so under the folder Gender and not resource upload a new report named Dash_GenderReport_EmployeeDetail. Then referring to your repository modify the value of the parameter _report like this: "/Reports/Dashboards/Gender/Dash_GenderReport_EmployeeDetail" Ok? Let me know! Cheers, Marco
  9. Do you pass any parameter to the third report? It's like a cast problem! Maybe from the second report you are passing an integer parameter to the third report and you did'nt change it to Integer.... Let me know! Cheers, Marco
  10. I didn't understand very well what you mean! I try to guess: Do you have report with ID column and clicking them you want to pass it value to another report to accomplish another task without ask again the user input? Is it right? In that case, right-click on the field you want to pass, go to link and set this two parameter: 1) name = _report value = "report to execute" 2) name = "Name of the parameter" value = "Value of the parameter to pass" then when the report is uploaded to jasper select the report modify it and uncheck the checkbox promt as user and there you go! Hope this could help you! Cheers, Marco
  11. Define a new theme and upload the image with the same name!
  12. Hi!! I think you get the null message because you didn't upload the subreport... upload the subreport before and then the master report! Let me know!
  13. I've find a solution: First create a new role on your organization and then create a user depending on that orgazationa and then assign to it the role created. Create a copy of the page homeForNonDemo.jsp and rename it <what-you-want> Then modify the home.jsp in this way: <authz:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_DEMO"> <jsp:include page="homeForDemo.jsp"/> </authz:authorize> <authz:authorize ifAllGranted="PROVA|Da_Re"> <jsp:include page="<what-you-want>.jsp"/> </authz:authorize> <authz:authorize ifNotGranted="ROLE_DEMO"> <authz:authorize ifNotGranted="PROVA|Da_Re"> <jsp:include page="homeForNonDemo.jsp"/> </authz:authorize> </authz:authorize> Hope this could help!!
  14. Ok then! So watch the png attachment! ;) I also attached the overrides_custom.css that you need. You can choose to create your own theme or substitute this file in the default jasperserver theme. I suggest you the first way! Let me know!
  15. You must copy the file in ../jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/lib!! Cheers!
  16. I mean in your report do you use any parameter you know $P{Name} maybe you din't create it in the repository...
  17. Hi!! I think there is something wrong in your string connection! Are you sure about your number port? Try with: jdbc:sqlserver://PC5\SQLExpress:1433/EMR Let me know!
  18. I can't see your link. By the way just drag a graphic component in the report in the summary band for example and then rigth click on it and select edit... Then if you want to pass value fro your database to it, you must have set a query in the master report.
  19. What did you put in your report? Flash maps and other stuff or only text and field?
  20. Hi!! I'm not used in Linux, but you just need to go into the direcory: <installation-path>/WEB-INF/bundles and open the file jasperserver_messages.properties Then find the line LOGIN_WELCOME_OS and change the message! Hope this cold help you!! Let me know!!
  21. Hi to all guys, i'm realy in trouble and i hope in your help!! So i'm a newbie and i'm currently usine jasperserver enterprise and i have multytennancy. This is my problem: suppose that i have created 2 organization named A and B. I would like that when entering with organization A i would like to show two more custom button in the maingraphic, instead when i enter with organization B i just want 1 custom button. How can i achieve my goal? I tried to create anoter page homeForNonDemo but it isn't working, so it would be great if someone could help me!!! Thanks a lot!!
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