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  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I currently don't have access to the laptop but I will try your suggestion first thing in the morning and will update you. figers crossed :)
  2. I have jasperserver installed at one of the server machine at my client site. Strangely, I can connect to the repository at jaserperserver through my iReports Designer installed at my office laptop but it doesn't connect on any other laptops/desktops, though I am using same setting. Error I am getting is: ----------------------------------------- Error: ; nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException ----------------------------------------- I am attaching the error message screenshot and the settings screenshots as well. Can any one please adivce. Thanks in advance.
  3. I have connected successfully from one client computer to the JasperServer Repository at Server but getting Error message at rest of two other computers. But all three of them can access the Jasperserver repository using the URL: Error coming up as: Error: (404)Not Found. Please see the screenshots attached for the error message I am getting and the configuration setting I am using to connect to JaserperServer Repository. Thanks in advance.
  4. I am trying to publish an already built Jaspersoft Report in to the Server Repository. I have three reports and two of them addswithout any error but one of the reports gives this error message righ at the end when I click on Finish in the Wizards. But when I run this report, it runs successfully. Error Message: Error: null Error Message screenshot attached.
  5. I am getting this error while trying to run a report BUT couple of other reports are running fine. Error Message: 1 - An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (6632) java.lang.Exception: 1 - An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (6632) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:403) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:320) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ReportRunner.run(ReportRunner.java:70) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:572) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:997)[/code]
  6. I have login as jasperadmin and created the datasource so I hope it shouldn't be an issue.
  7. First of all, thanks for the suggestions. I have created new connetion with datetime zone set as default and the test was successful as well. The report runs perfectly fine when I click on Preview in iReport Designer but when I try to righ click on the added report and try to run, it gives the same error message. Please see the screenshot attached. Any suggestions. Thanks
  8. I have added the jrxml report files I had created locally in IReport Designer in to the Jaserper server repository. Now when I am trying to run the report, it give me this error message: java.lang.Exception: 1 - Parameter "DATABASE_TIMEZONE" does not exist. I have check my DB Connection and have set the time zone to London and then tried Los Angeles as well, but both times it gives same error message. Any suggestion. Thanks
  9. No. I wasn't passing any parameters but it was just giving error. I just did Save As and it started working. I know strange but this is what happened. Thanks for your help anyways.
  10. I have tried it with an empty database and it worked like charm :). Then I tried it with my old database which has data in to and it worked with it as well. Thanks for the help.
  11. I have two sub-reports with some charts working fine but when I am trying to add a third sub-report it gives me this error: Error filling print... java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean I have trid to saveAs the sub-reports and then attach it again but it still gives the above error. Any suggestions.
  12. I have got it working myself. I have allowed 1433 port out of firewall of SQL Server and I think Jaspersoft server doesn't start automatially, as I was assuming which happens in the case of other softwares, so I have started the service of Jaspersoft Server from here: Start >> All Programs >> Jaspersoft server > Start or Stop >> Start
  13. This is the error message I get: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 is not supported by this driver. Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library, which provides support for JDBC 4.0 I have added the sqljdbc4.jar in the classpath library but it's still giving me error when I click on Test to test the connection. Please check the screenshot attached for further details. Any help will be highly appriciated. Thanks
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