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  1. Hi all! After upgrading JASPERSERVER from version 4.0 to 5.0 all my reports show a line on each page and column headers do not display text.From ireport (5.0) everything is perfect.Attached a sample image.Any ideas or suggestions? ThanksTxema. -
  2. txemacarcar Wrote: Hello! First you must assign value "Style" to the property "Markup" of de text field. Second is the condition, in the text field expression something like: $F{field}<0 ? $F{field} : " " Hope this helps! Tx. It seems that the code has been truncated. The right one is (area code): Code:$F{field}<0? $F{field}: "<style isBold="true">" + $F{field} + "</style>"
  3. Hello! First you must assign value "Style" to the property "Markup" of de text field. Second is the condition, in the text field expression something like: $F{field}<0 ? $F{field} : " " Hope this helps! Tx.
  4. Hi! The sqljdbc4.jar driver must be version 3.0. Is that so? What version is your JasperSever? Tx.
  5. Hi! Have you checked that in tomcat lib directory exists the file sqljdbc4.jar? usually in /var/lib/tomcat6/lib (if linux). I hope this helps!
  6. I have the same problem. Is it possible to make visible or not an input control dynamically? Does anyone have any idea? Thank you very much! Txema.
  7. brooneyx1 Wrote: I got this to work by editting the file: WEB-INF/classes/esapi/security-config.properties And setting: security.validation.input.on=true I had it set it to false previously in order to fix a bug in scheduled email. With a multi user recipient list, scheduling breaks unless I set this to false. So setting it to false fixed that bug and caused this one. Anyone else have a different fix for the email bug ? Can you all check if you have this values set to false also ? Code:Hi brooneyx1!That's it! I had the true value for that parameter because I had the problem of scheduling a report with more than one email address. Now it works! While not fix this problem, each time I have to upload the file jrxml I will put the value to true and after uploading to false.Many thanks for your post!!
  8. Marco, My JasperServer is 4.5.0, the same as iReport. The problem is not between JasperServer and iReport because I can not upload the jrxml to jasperServer directly. Thanks!
  9. Hi Marco! My report has a logo, three graphs and a table. I tried without the logo and is the same result. I also tested with iReport 4.1.1, 4.1.3 and 4.5.0 and always with the same result. The file size of the jrxml is 65KB. Thanks in advance, Txema.
  10. Marco. Yes, in my case it was the first option, but I get the "Error 1 - 0" like the print screen image in attachment. Thanks! Txema.
  11. ehaque Wrote: Very strange behavier by Jasperserver 4.5 Sometimes I can be able to upload files(JRXML), sometimes not, both in LINUX and WINDOWS environment. No hints found in logs, no error megssage. In one world it's "mysterious". Hi! I have two identical virtual machines with Jasperserver 4.5, tomcat 7 and jdk1.7.0_02 on debian 6. In one of them I can upload the jrxml file but in the other one the same problem persist. Someone comes up with something to help? Thanks in advance!
  12. Ankush. You can fill the "Image Expression" whith the value of a field in the database. For example $F{logo}. Obviously the image must be stored in your database. Regards, Txema.
  13. Hi! Yes. Perfect! This is that I was looking for. Many thanks for your help!
  14. Hello all! I discovered that this is a mistranslation. When I access the site with my browser set to English, the options appear correctly. See the attached image. So I wonder where to find the language resource file for translation into Spanish correctly. Any ideas? Thanks!
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