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Everything posted by marianol

  1. Changed Priority from Urgent to Low Changed Severity from Critical to Trivial Changed Reproducibility from Always to N/A Changed Resolution from Open to No Change Required Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous Closing, not a bug. See http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-web-services-guide_0.pdf
  2. That has nothing to do with Jasper it is a MySQL Server error when it tries to run the query with the value you provided, have you tried running the query using the same input (long values) on MySQL directly? It may be also a known issue in MySQL with some special character (maybe acentos en español?) see this MySQL bug report http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=18908 and also this thread http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?103,51906,51906#msg-51906
  3. This looks like a printing/resolution issue. are you sure the size you are printing it meets specifications?
  4. I just replied to your other question and it looks like you are making progress. I do not understand well the questions you posted in this comment. Can you clarify what products form Jasper are you using? If you are using JasperReports Server there is no need to add any of the jasperserver jars since those parameters are only available at the server level so to test your reports you have to test them in the server. iReport has an option for doing that, on the repository navigator window, find the report you need to run in the server right click and select the Run In Server Option. Remember to mark the questions as answered checkmark beside the answer) since this will help other with the same problem.
  5. The syntax looks ok... Check the iReport documentation (ireport Ultimate Guide) on Chapter 6.2 and 6.3 Remember that to use $X the parameter you pass to must be of type LIST or array (normally I use java.util.collection) Chech the errors and stack traces you receive they will normally tell you what is the issue you are running into. So for what you need it should looks something like this: Query: SELECT MyData, MyDataRole From MyTable WHERE $X{IN, MyData, UserRoles} In your report you should have the parameters like this: Parameter Name: LoggedInUserParameter Class: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User Parameter Name: UserRoles Parameter Class: java.util.collection Defaulr Value: $P{LoggedInUser}.getRoles()
  6. If you create a report from that adhoc view, that report will not have the fields & measures panel and will retain the filters you selectd. Just crate a report out of your view (right lick on the view -> create report) and give the user access to the report only.
  7. Indhirani, Dashboards and AdHoc reports are features of the commercial version of Jasper Server and they are not included in the Community Edition.
  8. 1) The fist one is not an error is just your browser telling you that it cannot display the XML response for the REST web service. 2) the second one is also not an error is just the response from the web servie, you are actually asking for an Input Controls (IC) of a report that does not have any ICs , try requesting for the Employee Accounts report that one has ICs to show. Also if you ask for the report resource descriptor it will actually tell you if the report does indeed have ICs REST web services are ment to be use from another application which can handle the requests and act acordingly, there are really good browser plugins that help you doing this tests, try this one for Firefox or this one for Chrome.
  9. To use the logged in user parameters you have to define them in the report. E.g.: 1) create ther logged in user parameter so you have access to the principal object (logged in user) parameters Name: LoggedInUser Parameter Class: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User or in JRXML: 2) from that parameter you can create the other ones. The user interface of the class looks like this: public interface User extends AttributedObject { public String getUsername(); public String getFullName(); public String getEmailAddress(); public boolean isExternallyDefined(); public boolean isEnabled(); public Set getRoles();}[/code]if you need the username you can create a parameter and set the default value to: $P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername() in JRXML : For the roles you will have to use $P{LoggedInUser}.getRoles() and the result will be a set since a user can have more than one Role, so for your query it may be better to use something like SELECT column FROM table WHERE $X{IN, column, LoggedInUserRole} I will recommend you to leverage now online training that Jaspersoft offers http://www.jaspersoft.com/bi-training-center is really good and will give you a really good understanding of the reporting features.
  10. Peter. The Temp folder is not the best place to do that since that is used by Jasper to store temporary report executions (e.g. when you preview adhoc views). This of that folder as a system folder. I will recommend you to create a folder in the repo for saving those scheduled reports and you will have full control of the permisions and settings
  11. I think that patterns are your best option. You can do a quick perl script (or awk if you are a *nix guru) that will add the pattern to all your reports :) Remember that JRXML files are XML so is not that hard to create a script that makes automatic changes to a bunch of them.
  12. I'm pretty sure is a Locale issue. That was a bug in 4.7.0 I think is fixed in 4.7.1 If you already applied the workaround from: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/calendar-picker-stuck-mmddyyyy-v47 Edit the applicationContext-security.xml (inside the WEB_INF folder) and around line 140 you will see the Locale definitions, change the English one (the first) to <value type="java.util.Locale">en_US</value> (see more infor on the available Locales here http://www.scribd.com/doc/47522603/113/Specifying-Additional-Locales)
  13. Do you have the correct mySQL JDBC driver installed in the ireport Classpath? Can you show which URI and class are you using when you setup the connection?
  14. Same way you did with DataA :) the sub-report doesn't share anything from your main report unless you explicitly pass them. Let's say that your MAIN report has a parameter (or field for that matter) named FOO_MAIN1. Create a parameter in your sub-report with the name "FOO_SUB".2. Create a sub-report element in your main report.3. In the Properties of the sub-report element, there is a property called "Parameters". Open up the dialog and add a parameter with the name "FOO_SUB" and the correct value expression. In your case that expresion will be: $P{FOO_MAIN}.4. Now P{FOO_SUB} in your sub-report will have the same value than FOO_MAIN @ execution Repeat this until all the parameters you need are passed down.
  15. No problem! remember to vote the answers so other people can find them :)
  16. You need to use the full class in ireport "java.lang.String" anyway I think that the answer from below is more elegant.
  17. In the Open Source version TOS and JETL are basically the same thing no benefits in using one or the other, aside from some JETL specific comeonents to trigger some actions on the server. As far as releases go, it looks like Talend has very frequent releases, and JETL updates to the last Taled version each time a new Jasperserver version is launched. As of now JETL is 5.0.2 and Talend is 5.2.0 ( do TOS is 2 minor releases ahead )
  18. Yes, you can pass the full query as a parameter if you want. You need to use the $P!{paramName}, the only gotcha is that the fields that the query returns must match with the definition on the JRXML. You also have the ability to drive charts and tables from diferent datasets in the same report and each dataset can have it's own query and fields.
  19. True :) So doing it in Java will be your friend, you can try something like: String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", mySeconds/3600, (mySeconds%3600)/60, (mySeconds%60))
  20. This my help you: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/524254/how-hide-page-x-y-when-report-1-page
  21. You should upgrade to 4.7 :) It has a lot of nice features. I do not now if it works on 3.5 but try adding &decorate=no to the end of the URL when you are viewing a report in JasperServer in the 4.x versions that takes out the decorations and leave sonly the report. There is actually a webinar in the Jaspersoft site that talks about embedding you should check it out http://www.jaspersoft.com/event/the-five-levels-of-embedded-bi
  22. I will get the SQL to give me the correct format, you can use something like this in postgres: SELECT TO_CHAR(yourSecondsField || ' second'::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS') That will convert yourSecondsField into a string with the HH:MM:SS format
  23. There is a Java WebApp sample in the <jasperserver-install-path>/samples/ folder that you can use as a starting point. All the info on using Webservices is in the web services guide http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-web-services-guide.pdf For getting the current scheduled Job list is as easy as doing a GET call to http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/jobs you can even try that in your browser :) If you are using Java, Jersey is a really good rest client.
  24. Yes you can upgrade, there is a specific chapter in the install guide about upgrading form 3.7 to 4.7 ( Chapter 7 and 8 for community and Chapter 9 and 10 for pro) you may need to upgrade to 3.7 before going to 4.7. (http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-install-guide.pdf )
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