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  1. Thanks marianol for the answer. Doing the suggested solution will depart the drill-down functionality. The user will no longer be able to drill through the data (expand/collapse) to see the aggregated attributes from different angles. Please suggest something now
  2. Hi All, I am in a situation where I want to hide the left Domain panel from Ad Hoc Editor for certain roles. The panel which shows fields and measures attributes. It will only be shown to the organization admin in order to design the report. Once the report is designed I want to give a read-only view to a certain group of users which also have drill-down feature. Or is there any way to always open Ad hoc view in Display mode for certain group of people? Please suggest is there any way to hide that? I am using JasperReports Server PRO 5. Kind Regards, Jawwad
  3. Hi All, Can anyone please comment on my question that can we have drill down option for reports that are build on Ad Hoc View. I am using JasperServer PRO version but unable to have this option. Drill down option is only shown in Ad Hoc View editor but when this view is exported as Report the option for drilling simply departed. Your feedback is really appreciated. Regards, Jawwad
  4. @jtotaf .. please share the custom jar of 4.5.1 compatible with JRE 1.5
  5. Hi, I want to know that is it possible to deploy JasperReport server 4.2.1 community project on Websphere application server and create the jasper repository in Oracle 10g instead of MySQL? And if it is possible what are the required steps should I follow to configure it. Please reply and thanks in advance Regards, Jawwad
  6. Are you using Sub-reports? Or it seems that report continues to fill. Whats your data-source size?
  7. Just put $V{REPORT_COUNT} in a text field. REPORT_COUNT is the built-in variable that holds the count of records that are read from the data-source. Post Edited by jawwadfarooq1 at 02/06/2012 11:19
  8. One suggestion here, its better to have compiled reports in your project and just fill them at runtime.
  9. This is because the last item is first processed and then moved to the next page in this case record of Bob is processed, set pageLastItem variable and then moved to next page. One way is to call the Scriplet class from variable expression of pageLastItem variable and set pageLastItem to second last item instead of last. OR you can try resetType="Page".
  10. Which version of Jasper Reports are you using? And the approx size of your data?
  11. I am using Jasper Reports to create TIme Series chart. Problem: If the days are less than 7, days get repeated on Time Series chart. Lets suppose my data consists of 20, 21, 22 April, then on chart i get 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22 April alongwith x-axis. And the time period attribute is set to 'Day'. Please tell how this dupplication can be removed. Thanks in advance... Regards, Jawwad
  12. You have to specify 'Left Indent' and 'Right Indent' properties of text field. These fields are introduced in 4.1.1 version. So modify your jrxml files
  13. I tried JRXlsExporter but it doesn't use temporary files on disk. I am able to generate excel file with max of 15000 rows with around 250 columns with JRXlsExporter. Going to higher number gives Out of Memory error. Whereas with JExcelApi, I generated around 19000 rows with 250 columns. This shows that JExcelApi is performing better.
  14. I am trying to run 'openflashchart' sample that comes with JasperReport bundle. But as soon as I open the JRXML file 'OpenFlashChartReport.jrxml' in iReports, I got an error: Error loading the report template Message: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/openflashchart.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>. Level: SEVERE Stack Trace: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/openflashchart.xsd', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not. What could be the reason? URL: "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/openflashchart.xsd" is not accessible that is required for openflashchart tags. Any thing I am missing here? Plz help
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