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  1. Hi, Im running JS 3.5 on Linux platform (PostgreSQL as backend) and its been quite didnt follow the trend to keep it updated to latest version. Now JS 4.7 is available and im thinking to upgrade my existing JS 3.5 to this latest version. So, can i simply upgrade from 3.5 to 4.7? or i need to upgrade in sequence? Will there be any issue with existing reports / schedule after upgrade to 4.7? Does the permission all will be intact?
  2. To remove/edit the menu, refer to file WEB-INF/classes/JI-menu.xml To change the menu location, refer to file WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp Hope this help you.
  3. Simple way, test the connection from other SQL tool like SquirrelSQL just to be sure no issues on DB. What tool actually you wanted to use?
  4. Well, you can simply copy the whole JS files and move it to your production server, provided both are same version.
  5. I believe there is some additional steps need to be done for Glassfish. Let me try find it or hope our Admin help on this.
  6. If your tool not on the same server where the Jasper DB is running, than use the actual IP address instead of localhost /
  7. @hu97224 Refer to attachment section, after "References"
  8. Well, i do not understand your question exactly. Some of the data do have the Indexes (you also can create if required). Those Indexes are to speed up the process "searching" / "accessing" the data. Is this clear?
  9. As far i know, nobody asked this question before, so i not able to give any clue on this.
  10. This is related to Tomcat, perhaps permission issue. Do you install using JS bundled? or JS WAR file? I would suggest to install Tomcat separatly and install the JS using WAR file. You might follow the instruction on my blog http://www.raj2u.net/jasperserver-35-with-postgresql-83-on-linux.html
  11. I wonder how the JS bundled can sucessfuly installed as the port will conflict (provided your earlier Tomcat run on different port) You can install this service as different name, execute like this in command prompt (jasperserver is the new service name) -> service.bat install jasperserver
  12. Its nothing to do with CSS as only 1 common css for all the menu. I did tested, and its render nicely. In your JI-Menu file, you do have duplicate menu (for menu.home). Please check your Ji-Menu file again, and if possible, send me the print screen
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