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  1. i search something like that: jdbc:postgresql://$P{LoggedInUsername})&socketTimeout=60 it would be perfect to see in postgres monitor the user who exec reports: is there a way to do this?
  2. i got it... install a postfix also on the same server like jasper runs and set jasper to this localhost... thx! Erik
  3. hi, is it possible to put mails in a queue when the mail server is not available and jasperserver will sends reports again when mail server is back? Thx! Erik
  4. Hi, i search so long, but i dont find any solution... Is it not possible to schedule some reports with a dynamic filename? For exampe testreport_26102014_blabla.csv where date is the dynamic. the dynamic part should be parsed from a paramter. thx! Erik
  5. http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/3255
  6. here is a solution: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/3255
  7. Hello, when i schedule a job with a report output format "excel no pagination" in the filename appears "*.nopag.xls". how can i remove this? Thank you!
  8. okay here the answer: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.4=columnFooter in the apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFclassesjasperreports.properties has to be inaktiv!
  9. Hello, on every export i see my column footer row (sum row), only in excel is nothing shown. why? thank you!
  10. i solved the problem, in my java class i have to set: cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY); because the jasperserver runs on a english windows server and the the week starts on sunday. thx!
  11. Hello, i wrote me class to get some dates for "Yesterday,Last Week and Last Month". Yesterday and Last Month works great, but Last Week give me in jasperserver the wrong date (-1 day). in ireport works great. here is the code: if("Last Week".equals(dateChoice)){ cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR,-1); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK,cal.getFirstDayOfWeek()); } Why is it not working in jasperserver? i read something to set the datasource timezone to defautl, but it also stands on default ...
  12. Yes of course i definded the controls in the setting of the report (i also have much more parameters). But the hole parameter list ist empty. after i delete the control and the parameter in ireport the report on the server works...
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