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Everything posted by ernestoo

  1. Yes it's possible but you will have to either use a query to decode as a string or use Java to process it!
  2. Few things to do here: The best one of course is a faster database - take a look at columnar database technology, this will give you a very fast boost! MySQL, SQL Server and now Postgres have columnar datastores available for them.There's the possiblity to work "in memory" instead of in-database as is the default mode. See the "Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports" options documented here http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/configuring-ad-hoc-cache You might consider the "no data mode" by default - I'm sure that toggling this requires some change in javascript or jsp somewhere in the server (not sure where!)
  3. My suggestion is to try to use Jaspersoft Studio instead of iReport, Studio has a built in "IF" function that would be helpful for you. I have an example here: IF($F{product_family} == "Food","http://images.clipartpanda.com/food-clip-art-Burger1_Food_Clipart.png","http://images.clipartpanda.com/drink-clipart-drink_06.gif") Otherwise youll have to use a teryary statement as explained in this post: https://raymondhlee.wordpress.com/2012/10/06/if-else-in-jasper-reports-expressions/ Regarding the image in legend: you probably need to ask in a different question and be specific about which charting library you are using! Probably easier to make the legend manually outside of the chart element
  4. This isn't an entire answer but more of a direction to take: Look at Data Snapshots in the Admin Guide + ehcache-data-snapshots.xml to evict them
  5. You will need to import the the commons library: new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decodeBase64($F{Signature}.getBytes())) [/code]
  6. What about setting the evaluation time of $V{record_count} as report then comparing it with evaluation time of now?
  7. There is no limit that Jaspersoft imposes, but yes there are Excel limits that will apply
  8. I suppose you could use the REST APi to create your users Do a PUT to http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/organizations/organization_1/users/ernesto with something like this: { "fullName":"Joe User", "emailAddress":"juser@example.com", "enabled":true, "externallyDefined":true, "password":"mySecretPassword", "roles":[ {"name":"ROLE_USER"}] }[/code]
  9. Not 100% but you can see how testProfileAttribute is declared and that might give a clue
  10. Ah ok, you have to change the type per this article http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-use-relative-dates-jrxml-static-reports
  11. Good news! it's built in and works with schedules, ad-hoc, reports, you can see "Relative Dates" here https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-user-guide/using-filters
  12. Is this using SOAP or REST? You seem to have wrapped around our services, not nearly enough for me to offer help I'm afraid
  13. Yes within the Domain secuirty file you can call Groovy code with groovy('YourFunctionHere()')
  14. Just an update - since version 6 there is this Report Workbook feature that lets you stich different "parts" together into one report. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/book/index.html#parts
  15. Yes, you can do this - you'll need to create a list type input control with the options like "Yesterday" with a value of DAY-1
  16. So instead of regular dates you can use this method: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-use-relative-dates-jrxml-static-reports Then when you scheule you can say things like DAY-1 for yesterday
  17. One last comment - if you purchase Jaspersoft Studio it becomes a regular commercial license that you can do anything with.
  18. Hm. I really don't know...you'd need a lawyer to really answer the question :)
  19. I made a wiki page some years ago for IReport - does it help you? https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/creating-percent-field
  20. You can get it from GitHub https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client
  21. Studio is bound to GNU Affero License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html - You can do what you'd like as long as you abide by that license
  22. You're probably running into this - have a read through http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/setting-behavior-custom-domain-functions
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