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Everything posted by slow

  1. :) it's a simple but useful trick that helps with complex graphic elements... remember to give me karma points :) listening Massive Attack - Angel
  2. in a previous work I used a little trick to solve your issue... I used the background band where I put a schema of the document...a graphic layout, and then I used the normal band to print the data from DB. in this case you can use only a background image for the vertical lines of detail band, if you prefer, removing the lines from the vertical one
  3. Are you sure you place the chart correctly? I did a test this morning and it worked perfectly, even putting the chart in the background band... obviously if I put the chart in the detail band it's repeated more and more times.
  4. there are many bundle.properties in the installation folder of Ireport... one for each modules of the application... but try to modify this: \iReport-3.7.3\ireport\modules\com-jaspersoft-ireport.jar open winth a zip/rar application viewer... and take a look to \com\jaspersoft\ireport\locale\bundle_de.properties next, yuou can try to find " *_de. " in the installation folder and subfolder... you can se a lot of jar localized for DE locale. give us a feedback...
  5. As you suggest with your topic I try some scriplet basic... I'm using IReport 2.0.3 you must include in your IReport classpath the tool.jar java library to compile on the fly the scriplet code. then you can create you scriplet with eclipse, texpat, notepad :) simply create class and past it in the scriplet editor in your IReport... each time you run the report, if it is configured to use the scriplet, then it compiles also the scriplet code...
  6. Hi glassner... can you be more clear? it's a strange issue... what does it print on the subsequent pages?
  7. try this: in etc/ireport.conf find the row similar to this: default_options="--branding ireport -J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m... and append: -J-Duser.language=de give us a feedback if it works... _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Nine Inch Nails - Hurt
  8. you can chosso several trick to avoid this problem... the first is to pass a String in the format (0,1,2,3,4...) in the sql using the $P!{} syntax SELECT CODE, NAME FROM CLIENTS WHERE CODE = $P{clientCode} AND COUNTRY IN $P!{countryCodes} the second is to use a scriplet that converts a List (in which you have the data you want) in the format ('0','1','2','3','4'...) etc. to do this you can use this general method I create for my reports: public String convertToString(List list, String prefix, String separator, String delimiter, String suffix, String nullList) { if (list==null) { return nullList; } if (list.size()==0) return prefix+suffix; Iterator i = list.iterator(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(prefix+delimiter+i.next().toString()+delimiter); while (i.hasNext()) { sb.append(separator+delimiter+i.next().toString()+delimiter); } sb.append(suffix); return sb.toString(); } in this case: prefix = "(" separator="," delimiter="'" (if you pass integer and not string values, the use "") suffix=")" nullList="()" _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Nine Inch Nails - Hurt
  9. you can choose to place the chart in other bands different from detail band... the detail band is printed 16 times because there are 16 row from the db...
  10. galaxyz Wrote: Hello, I do not understand why the variable has value_collector VARIABLE EXPRESSION ($V{value_collector}+"|"+$F{codigoDivida} ? And as I boot up "? On Initial Value Expression? Just put "" Really? Why do that when he returns NULL can you be more clear in your question? doesn't it work? Did you follow all the steps that have been shown to you?
  11. /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/omg_smile.gif install JAVA!!! http://www.ehow.com/how_5148048_install-java.html
  12. Hi Izafarid... welcome... I haven't a way to test your code, but reading it I suppose the problems are those: the code you post generates the start and the end date of a single month of the year passed as argument... only the subreport creates the single dates in the months. in the Oracle code I posted, I have used this construct: TRUNC(TO_DATE('20100101','yyyymmdd'),'DAY') that gives as result all the day in a week, but also the days of different months... so, it returns all the days in the 01 month including the days in the weeks that starts and ends the month (from 2009-12-28 to 2010-01-31)... so I used them to create a gap from the first column to the column that prints the real first day in the month. Try to emulate this with MySql to solve your problem... and post here your feedback. read this, maybe it can help you... http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/2006/09/22/mysql-find-week-startend-based-on-week-number/
  13. try this: use a textfield with BigDecimal format and use this pattern: #,##0.##;-#,##0.## give us a feedback... _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Beautiful Burnout
  14. if you have created properly your personal JRDataSource implementation with the two methods public Object getFieldValue(JRField jRField) public boolean next() with a correct JRDataSourceFactory then , after you create the connection, simply declare the field you want to use and create the report, and run it. I think you can try to use the JavaBean set datasource to make all more simply if you have beans to print. listening: Nine Inch Nailes - Only
  15. it's the xalan.jar library. you can download it from the web or find it in the IReport general distribution (Other platforms iReport-3.7.3.zip ) under the path: \iReport-3.7.3\ireport\libs\xalan.jar leave us a feedback...! _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Nine Inch Nails - Only " Sometimes I think I can see right through myself Sometimes I can see right through myself" (nin)
  16. @bukkwheat: I'm sorry but in this period I'm working only with Oracle... so the time to translate all in HSQL it's too little... @scottj314: thanks again for the translation/'googling' work...
  17. remember to set the first variable to : $V{value_collector}+"|"+$F{codigoDivida} and the initial value to " " and NOT to $F{codigoDivida} the final "\n" make a line jump... remove the entire "\n" to avoit it. remember the karma points! :)
  18. ok... try this: suppose you have two fields coming from DB with others fields (the fields related to the item of dataset), val1 and val2 where val1 is the key of the legend, val2 is the legend description... define the first variable (call it value_collector) , of type string with the expression: $V{value_collector}+"|"+$F{VAL1} and default value "" define the second variable (call it legend) , of type string with the expression: ($V{value_collector}.lastIndexOf("|"+$F{VAL1})>=0)?$V{legend}:$V{legend}+" "+$F{VAL1}+" - "+$F{VAL2}+";n" and default value "" so... you can use the variable legend where you want in the footer I tried it creating this example-solution and it works fine... leave us a feedback...! _________________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________________ listening: Nine Inch Nails - Complication Post Edited by slow at 07/01/2010 15:42
  19. you're able to be incredibly unclear :) the LEGEND of which you write is static or dynamic? I suppose dynamic... ad if it is, what is the rule to calculate it? can you be more more more clear?
  20. slow

    Minim Value

    try this: define another variable of the same type of PriceA e PriceB (I suppose BigDecimal), "calculation type": nothing using this expression: ($V{PriceA }.intValue()<$V{PriceB }.intValue()?$V{PriceA }:$V{PriceB }) the use this variable to show the lowest value... leave us a feedback...! _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Stereolab - French Disko "It said human existence is pointless As acts of rebellious solidarity Can bring sense in this world La Resistance!" (stereolab) Post Edited by slow at 07/01/2010 12:39
  21. Hi... there is always a simpler solution ... to get the format YYYYMMDD from a sysdate try to use (for the String format) new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(new Date()) to get it in the BigDecimal format use: new BigDecimal(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(new Date())); to compare two BigDecimal use the equals() method and not the == operator. leave us a feedback :) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: CSI - Io Sto Bene "è una questione di qualità o una formalità non ricordo più bene, una formalità" (CSI)
  22. sei italiano... :) ciao! the split method works fine if you use it properly! :) try this: MyData.split("\\.")[0].length() the argument of split method is a regular expression... MyData.toString return a string rapresentation of the BigDecimal with '.' decimal separator, so you must use the regex '\\." ricordati i punti karma! :) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: CSI - Io Sto Bene
  23. you can use the "subreport return values"... to get values from the subreport using them in your master report.
  24. the correct question is "the method "split " in JAVA exist?" use this: MyData.substring(0,MyData.indexOf(',')).length() _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Beautiful Burnout (Mark Knight remix)
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