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Everything posted by slow

  1. how long are your strings? I use this properties without problems... are you sure the columns and cells are perfectly aligned to create working excel cells?
  2. Stretch with Overflow Property and net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text are different function... read here: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=35245
  3. have you tried to use the keep.full.text properties? in the properties of text field search property expression, open the dialog and add: property name: net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text property value: true try this and send me a feedback... Post Edited by slow at 05/24/2010 07:24
  4. you can create a report with multiple pages and then create one sheet per page... you can also insert a pagebreak between subreports, so it has multiple sheets. tools->options->ireport->export option->excel-->one page per sheet=true _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Prodigy - Narayan Post Edited by slow at 05/21/2010 15:06
  5. your post has some layout problems... uhm... for subreports, try to compile it separately... then , if you haven't a query to do in the main report, set the query as: select printorder from ( select 1 as printorder from dual union select 2 as printorder from dual union select 3 as printorder from dual ) sublist order by sublist.printorder (if you have Oracle as Db , otherwise use a similar syntax) then put the subreports in a band, such us detail band, ad in each one set the print when expression as: new Boolean($F{printorder}.intValue()==1) for the first one... new Boolean($F{printorder}.intValue()==2) for the second one... and so on... _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: The Chemical Brothers - The Sunshine Underground
  6. if you use a variable of string type, then you can use the value "+" as test... so in the print when expression write: new Boolean ($V{OPENING}.trim().equals("+")) if you prefer BigDecimal values, then be sure that your variable is initialized with the correct value then in the print when expression write: new Boolean ($V{OPENING}.intValue()>=0) ------> you have a zero or positive number _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Placebo - Where is my mind
  7. Long class doesn't have method to perform division... so you can use primitive values: $F{fieldName_A}.intValue() / $F{fieldName_B}.intValue() or $F{fieldName_A}.longValue() / $F{fieldName_B}.longValue()
  8. for the sum try to study variables (calculation type: SUM)... for division the syntax changes if you use Integer or BidDecimal or ... the types that you use to represent the fields from your DB. try to be more clear in the question... a very simple way is: $F{aFieldName_A}.intValue() / $F{aFieldName_B}.intValue()
  9. what you mean for "mulitple reports in one file" ? you are talking about pdf file? excel file? you can use subreport, a powerful "tool" to make complex report structure... try to take a look to it.
  10. Unfortunately you are not clear ... I'm going to go away from work so 'can not investigate further. However, you could use instead of BigDecimal textfield , you can use texfield of type String and set the value of the string (which contains 0)you don't want to see to "" and "0" the others...
  11. try to draw a table indicating which fields you want to see and what not, perhaps it would be more easily give you an idea rather than trying to give in general, maybe wrong ... also ask questions is an art, right? :)
  12. ehm... you must implement a logic to distinguish the value 0 from the "real" value 0... as you want... a miracle in informatic doesn't exists... so use your fantasy :)
  13. $V{wylMeasure} in a BigDecimal? then use: ($V{wylMeasure}.intValue() ==0) ? null : $V{wylMeasure} _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Beautiful Burnout
  14. suppose A is an int and B is a BigDecimal : B = new BigDecimal(A); so... new BigDecimal(0) Post Edited by slow at 05/13/2010 09:35
  15. Ottimo :) have you other karma points to give me? :) is it for a university research study?
  16. try to set: Preview--->XLS Preview (using JExcelAPI)
  17. it's simple: List<Cat> cats= new ArrayList<Cat>(); cats.add(cat1); cats.add(cat2); ... ... ... JRBeanCollectionDataSource datasource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(cats); JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("yourreportpath.jrxml"); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, new HashMap(), datasource); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, "yourreportpath.pdf"); in the report be sure you use the proper field name registering them. _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Air - La Femme D'Argent
  18. "...but I consider it really important." yes... It's REALLY important. :) thanks ( o grazie). slow.
  19. goodmorning... have you set tools-->options-->iReport-->export option-->excel-->AutoDetectCellType = TRUE ? I suppose you haven't :) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Pixies- Where is my mind Post Edited by slow at 05/12/2010 09:11
  20. when you write: SUM(B2:B5) you know that you want sum cells from B2 to B5... writing "SUM(B2:B"+($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()+1)+")" I sum cells from B2 to BN, where N is a number equal to the number of record of the detail band ($V{REPORT_COUNT}) plus one (+1)(the one cell occupied by the column header). (i don't know the N value when i write the report code... so writing that makes the report generic) it' a simple trick create to make your example dinamic... it's not mandatory. Thanks for karma... :) I guess a lot of things for work...so I read the small details... :( Post Edited by slow at 05/11/2010 13:31
  21. "I assume in setting the property value we can use the names of the variables/fields we want to sum, right ?" NO, i think... :) i think you're confusing the use of varible to sum values, how to diplay that variable and the exporting excel formula... in your example why export a formula if you have the sum to display? or... if you want to display formula... you must think in "excel mode"... not in iReport one... so you must set formula as: SUM(A1,a7) so, when i use formula, i export it referencing the excel cells name that i know only after a preview of the report in excel format. Post Edited by slow at 05/11/2010 12:32
  22. Error An exception is raised when loading the image. Blank The exception is ignored and the image displays as blank. Icon The exception is ignored and an image replacement icon is displayed. I think IReport use the default jasper Error. here a list of all you can desire... http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/schema.reference.html _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening Underworld - dark and long (dark train) Post Edited by slow at 05/11/2010 09:50
  23. set: tools-->options-->iReport-->export option-->excel-->AutoDetectCellType = TRUE for each texfield you want be a formula in excel set: properties-->properties expression-->add----> ADD: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula as name a formula (without =) (example: SUM(A1,A2) ) as value pay attention to use the correct cell type (String, Integer etc) and cell name in formula (A1,A2...) etc. _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Beautiful Burnout Post Edited by slow at 05/11/2010 09:26
  24. ($ V (v114D). IntValue () == 0 ? new BigDecimal (0) : $ V (v114D). Divide (new BigDecimal($ P (value)), RoundingMode.HALF_UP)) BigDecimal <==== new BigDecimal(String) ____________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) ____________________________________ listening: Underworld - Beautiful Burnout
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