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  1. Yes, I put it in the background band, and the same result, the chart appear in blank. I don´t know what is the reason. In your test, are you use a query similar to mine? for example with the SUM property and a GROUP BY clause? Thanks again
  2. Hello Slow, thanks for your answer. Yes, I have tried to place the chart in other band, for example at the Page Header or at the Column Header, but in both cases the chart appear in blank. Yesterday I have found a medium solution, with the property "Print when expression...", so if I put $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue()==1 the report appears in two pages, at the first, the report with the chart excelent, but the second page (That I don´t need) appears in blank. What do you think? Thanks again.
  3. Hello, I have a problem with a chart... Description: I have a graphic on my report that appear in various pages and I want that it appears only at first page. Explanation: My SQL is: SELECT a.deportista_id,d.nombre, d.apellido,SUM(a.ausenteInjustificado), SUM(a.ausenteJustificado), SUM(a.lesion), SUM(a.presente), SUM(a.tarde), e.tipoActividad, c.nombre NOMBRE_CLUB, e.categoria FROM asistencia a, deportista d, equipo e, club c WHERE $P{fechaDesde} <= a.fecha AND $P{fechaHasta} >= a.fecha AND a.deportista_id=d.id AND a.equipo_id=e.id AND e.nombre= $P{equipo} AND e.club=c.id GROUP BY a.deportista_id ORDER BY deportista_id This query returns 16 rows, so the report shows 16 pages with the same chart in all pages. So my question is, How can I print only the first page (with the graphic) of my report? Thanks a lot. Facundo
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