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Everything posted by slow

  1. a very small improvement... now the calendar language is parametric... so you can choose the calendar language simply setting the parameter LANGUAGE to one of the Oracle NLS_LANGUAGE: AMERICAN, BULGARIAN, CATALAN, CROATIAN, CZECH, DANISH, DUTCH, ENGLISH, ESTONIAN, FRENCH, GERMAN, GREEK, HEBREW , HUNGARIAN, ICELANDIC, INDONESIAN, ITALIAN, JAPANESE, KOREAN, LATVIAN, LITHUANIAN, MALAY , NORWEGIAN, POLISH, PORTUGUESE, ROMANIAN , RUSSIAN, SLOVAK, SLOVENIAN , SPANISH, SWEDISH, THAI , TURKISH, UKRAINIAN, VIETNAMESE, etc etc... _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb Pulse 1994 (Live) "When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse Out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone I cannot put my finger on it now The child is grown, The dream is gone..." (pf.) Post Edited by slow at 06/09/2010 09:24
  2. try this: in the main report use a dummy query similar to this ( I use Oracle!... find something similar for your DB): select '1' as num drom dual union select '2' as num drom dual on the "print when expression" of the first report set: new Boolean($F{num}.trim().equals("1")) on the "print when expression" of the second report set: new Boolean($F{num}.trim().equals("2")) then put the two subreport in the detail band one on each other. _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: MUSICA NUDA - Sacrifice
  3. I read your question as a little challenge ... and so I created a small example of calendar ... (Includes also the highlight of Sundays! :) ) Since I work with Oracle, I used it to generate the data set for the report ... but there aren't limits, you may create it by using equally JRDataSourceProvider or I think, other DB. See it as an example of the unrestricted imagination and how IReport (JasperReport ) is a great tool. NOTE that the calendar is parametric... so you can choose the start date and the end date in the YYYYMMDD format... so you can create calendars spanning over multiple years, starting from the middle of a month, or of one month only the attached PFD is in italian language... but if you run the report with an active oracle connection, it creates a report with the language set in your environment. _________________________________________ if you enjoy it ... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Afterhours - Quello che non c'è (Live) ("rivuoi la scelta, rivuoi il controllo, RIVOGLIO le mie ali nere, il mio mantello..." (aft.)) Post Edited by slow at 06/09/2010 09:06
  4. read this: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=8388
  5. analyzing the iReport directory structure seems that the supported locale are: de es fr it ja pl pt_br sq zh_cn zh_tw _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Afterhours - Quello che non c'e'.
  6. thank you for the reply... help someone,even if unknown, has a special charm... listening: Nine Inch Nails - HURT.
  7. unfortunately I don't use charts created using iReport so I can't help you in this... but i think there is a way to pass the locale you set to JFreeChart (engine that create the chart)... read this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1588196/passing-locale-details-via-jasper-reports-to-jfreechart or similar. if you find a solution, post it :)
  8. sorry, I thought the problem was the interface of iReport... try putting this in the data map you pass when you compile and run the report: Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US") <--- change this. metadata.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, locale); remember KARMA points :) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Placebo - Where is my mind
  9. uhm... the char: , represents a grouping separator . represents a decimal separator... so you can't exchange their position... you must set a pattern like "##,#00.00" an the change the LOCALE according to the format you expect: change the LOCALE from - build-->setReportLocale-->choose one (from ireport 2 and similar) - Tool-->Option-->Compilation and Execution-->Execution Option -->Select Report Locale (for ireprt 3.7 and siimilar) (i prefer OLD VERSION of IReport...! ) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: MUSICA NUDA - Sacrifice
  10. the syntax is: ( condition ) ? exp on true : exp on false where condition can be a logical condition with logical operators... so you can use &&, ||, ! etc and conbine more condition ($F{mail} == 1 && $P{mail}== 1)? "NOTHING" : $F{address2} it is correct... but if $F{mail} and $P{mail} are in format different from integer, you must use other equals statement. (pay attention to ( ) ) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: MUSICA NUDA - Sacrifice
  11. it seems that the code that from jasper invoke the Ean128 generation calls the method createEAN128 instead of the method parseEAN128 (read this: http://barbecue.sourceforge.net/apidocs/net/sourceforge/barbecue/BarcodeFactory.html) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: MUSICA NUDA - Sacrifice
  12. have you tried to define parameters with default values and then when prompt for parameter value use the "default value" button? with this test you can try to verify if there is an issue passing basic string value. when you define default values, use: new String("S1100") without ''
  13. :) use this for your desidered pattern: M/d/yy @ h:mm aaa _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Jesus And Mary Chain - Snakedriver Post Edited by slow at 06/01/2010 07:31
  14. you can use the syntax $P!{parameter_name} with $P!{} you can pass values that aren't treated as values to be transfered to a prepared statement, but it represents little "sql-piece" of the query you use... so you can create a very dinamic query passing the correct sql code. _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Jesus And Mary Chain - Snakedriver
  15. It seems that current versions of ireport/jasper report don't support creation of dynamic definition with parameters... but you can use styles... create your text field and then create a style with two condition... the first applied when the field you print has less than 50 char, the second form more than 50 chars... each style can use different font size... in this case you have only two condition so it's a good solution. read this... http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=72656&topid=72679#72679 _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Rez/Cowgirl Post Edited by slow at 05/31/2010 10:14
  16. " AND APMST_DLR_NO = $P{dlrNo} AND DLORG_DLR_NO = $P{dlrNo} " are you sure APMST_DLR_NO and also DLORG_DLR_NO are varchar ? have you tried select * from rbapmst_tb where DLORG_DLR_NO = 'S1100' ? it seems to be a conversion error... with string parameters don't use ''.
  17. you can use the checkbox "remove line when blank" to make a report portion free to be occupied by other elements, and the "position type"=float to make a frame floating... BUT... in my test, if I punt each frame one after the other, then, with the first frame it works, with the others seems that the first "remove line when blank" doesn't work. (it's a BUG? try to ask it to GIULIO...) I solved the issue putting the frames, if them are similar and mutually exclusive, one over each other.
  18. I think you don't pass the correct value: " erro de sintaxe em ou próximo a "[" " it seems that you pass an array... to use this methos you must pass a String in the "(1,2,3,4....,10)" format and use the "$P!{value}" syntax (NOTE THE !)
  19. i think the best way is passing a String that contains the list you want... so parameter is a String: "(1,2,5,63)" and the SQL use the syntax: SELECT * FROM table WHERE Cod in $P!{cods} (note the ! syntax) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Placebo - Where is my mind
  20. using variables: define a variable temp = (($F{field_1}!=null?$F{field_1}:"")+($F{field_2}!=null?","+$F{field_2}:"")+($F{field_3}!=null?","+$F{field_3}:"")+($F{field_4}!=null?","+$F{field_4}:"").........) then in the textfield: $V{temp}.startsWith(",")?$V{temp}.substring(1):$V{temp} thanks for karma... :) _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Juanita/Kiteless [Everything, Everything] Post Edited by slow at 05/27/2010 10:13
  21. double post... I'm having problems with jasperserver forum :) Post Edited by slow at 05/27/2010 10:04
  22. I think you're committing something wrong with java String concatenation... try this: (($F{field_1}!=null?$F{field_1}:"")+($F{field_2}!=null?","+$F{field_2}:"")+($F{field_3}!=null?","+$F{field_3}:"")+($F{field_4}!=null?","+$F{field_4}:"")) if you want delete the first "," if it apper you can use: (($F{field_1}!=null?$F{field_1}:"")+($F{field_2}!=null?","+$F{field_2}:"")+($F{field_3}!=null?","+$F{field_3}:"")+($F{field_4}!=null?","+$F{field_4}:"")).startWith(",")?(($F{field_1}!=null?$F{field_1}:"")+($F{field_2}!=null?","+$F{field_2}:"")+($F{field_3}!=null?","+$F{field_3}:"")+($F{field_4}!=null?","+$F{field_4}:"")).substring(1):(($F{field_1}!=null?$F{field_1}:"")+($F{field_2}!=null?","+$F{field_2}:"")+($F{field_3}!=null?","+$F{field_3}:"")+($F{field_4}!=null?","+$F{field_4}:"")) or you can use a variable the simplify this notation... _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Underworld - Juanita/Kiteless [Everything, Everything] oh... :) I'm posting this and in the while you have posted a reply to... :) well :) Post Edited by slow at 05/27/2010 09:53
  23. the best way is doing it with java: ($F{field_1}!=null?$F{field_1}:"")+($F{field_2}!=null?$F{field_2}:"")+...($F{field_8}!=null?$F{field_8}:"") another way is to use DB function... in Oracle try nvl: select ... nvl(field_1,' '), nvl(field_2,' '), nvl(field_3,' '), ... nvl(field_4,' '), ... from aTable _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ listening: Placebo - Where is my mind
  24. you can use a JRDataSourceProvider in java, that creates the data you need passing it to your report or, if you use Oracle (I use it so i suggest this method...) you can create a report that receives two parameter... start date and end date (in yyyymmdd format) with this query: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TRUNC(TO_DATE($P{startdate},'yyyymmdd'),'DD')+ROWNUM -1 DATES FROM ( SELECT 1 FROM Dual GROUP BY CUBE (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2,2,2) ) ) WHERE TO_CHAR( DATES, 'yyyymmdd') <= $P{enddate} whit this query you have a list of all days between the two date you want... if you use other DB try to search something similar to create or emulate date generation. _________________________________________ if it works... give me KARMA points please! : ) _________________________________________ Post Edited by slow at 05/26/2010 08:37
  25. have you tried to run the 3° subreport separately? it works normally? if it works, try to change the 2° subreport with the 3°... if it doesn't work properly, then there is something wrong in the subreport... such as dimension, margin etc.
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