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  1. Hello, I do not understand why the variable has value_collector VARIABLE EXPRESSION ($V{value_collector}+"|"+$F{codigoDivida} ? And as I boot up "? On Initial Value Expression? Just put "" Really? Why do that when he returns NULL
  2. Hello friend yes it worked thank you very much even that was what I wanted, but I'm still having a problem, it lists this: --------------- Detail Sit | Op | Name 0 0 Marcia 0 0 Marta 0 0 Elenita 0 0 Raquel 0 0 Marta 0 0 Juliana January 1 Lucia 3 0 Lins 3 0 Kleber --------------------- Then he is doing: 0 - Active; 0 - Active; 0 - Active; 0 - Active; 0 - Active; 0 - Active; 1 - Inactive; 3 Détibo And so I had to do to succeed: defines the first variable (call it value_collector), of type string with the Expression: $ (F) codigoDivida the other way was returning null and defines the second variable (call it legend), of type string with the expression: ($ V () value_collector. LastIndexOf ("|"+$ codigoDivida F ())> = 0)? $ Legend) (V: $ V (legend) + "" + $ F () codigoDivida + "-" + $ guiasrecolhimento_descricao (F) + "n" and the final + "n" it should not jump the line? I wish he restricted to a single code and not repeat as shown. Thanks and I look forward if you know about anything else.
  3. Lol, hello, the LEGEND is dynamic come from the bank, where he and a detail of what is listed DETAIL shown that my client information, the rule would be as follows, if I have two clients with status 0 active, my LEGEND that will show in PageFooter have to show me only once, because the problem I have is the following It lists in detail: 0 - Kleber 0 - Maria 1 - Goose 1 - Bill Gather 3 - Sakasaki Then he shows in my PageFooter only the latter being thus: Ledenda: 3 - Debtor The correct that I need would be: Legend: 0 - Active; 1 - Inactive; 3 - Debtor; If you have a solution thanks, and sorry for not being clear, is that I am Brazilian and I'm still scratching in English. Tks
  4. Hello friends, what I needed in my report is that the band he DETAIL eg to show the data in the table below: ------------------------------------------------- --------------- detail Sit | Op | Name 0 0 Marcia 0 0 Marta Pebbles 2 0 3 0 Lins 3 0 Kleber ---------------------- In my PageFooter he should list the data in a column like a legend, if someone could help me thank you, would be more or less like the table below shows PageFooter. ------------------------------------------------- --------------- detail Sit | Op | Name 0 0 Marcia 0 0 Marta Pebbles 2 0 3 0 Lins 3 0 Kleber ---------------------- PageFooter --------- Legend: 0 - Active 2 - OFF 3 - Cancelled -------------------------------------------------- - I created a group for this and it worked but it lists all the 0 for example Sit and list the details and its caption, so I would like to be listed at the end all. Hope have been clear. Grateful
  5. Hello everybody as I'm in iReport to $V{LEGENDA} would like the variable expression eg she received: $V{LEGENDA} = $V{LEGENDA} + $F{codigoDivida}+ " - " +$F{guiasrecolhimento_descricao}+ " | " For doing the loop it saves all the values and display all the data listed in detail, the $V{LEGENDA} is shown in PageFooter. ie, actually would be the following, if it lists the field detail 0,0,0,1,2,3,3, then it lists the PageFooter 0 - Active; 1 - Idle 2 - Canceled; 3 - Protestee would more or less so, because he is concatenated with another country that is their respective status. Grateful Post Edited by galaxyz at 06/28/2010 14:18 Post Edited by galaxyz at 06/28/2010 14:59 Post Edited by galaxyz at 06/28/2010 15:08
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