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  1. Hello everyone, I'm want to create a report that consume data from an API... The idea is get an Array of String with the values of a tag in a given period, and then create Graphs of them. So I tried to create a Custom DataSource: I implemented JRDataSource, and then a Factory for it. Then I generated a .jar, put it in iReport's Classpath, created a new Connection/Datasource pointing to my Factory and the static method createDatasource, and when I click on Test, it says "Connection test successful". What do i have to do next? I tried to "Report query" to get the fields, using the tab "DataSource Provider", but i get a warning: "The active connection is not a JasperReports DataSource provider". Do I have to create a Provider too? If so, what kind of Field it should have, considering the kind of data I want to get? Thanks, Rodrigo Post Edited by rodrigoecai at 07/01/2010 17:19 Post Edited by rodrigoecai at 07/01/2010 18:22
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