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Everything posted by ckampshoff

  1. Hi, this sounds like an error caused by calculating something "unexpected token: All @ line 195, column 40. 1 error ". Do you use Groovy or Java for the expressions? You can choose Java, Groovy or JavaScript for "Report Language" . You find this property in the Property window of the report. HTH Christina.
  2. Hi, I work on an oracle database with iReport 3.6.0 and jasperserver 3.5. I have multi-select querys for many reports and parameters on the jasperserver. I implemented the multi-selects with String and with BigDecimal and they work. I don't think that it won't work with Integer. I 'll do a test on it. You can change the field types of the database fields in iReport. Go in the Report Inspector to Fields. There you can select the Field Class in the properties of the selected field. If you change something in the query and retrieve the new fields automatically from the db, it would revert your changes. Regards Christina.
  3. Hi, try to use the print when expression of the band "Page Header". HTH Christina.
  4. Hi Ingrid, I think it has something to do with the filling of your collection. It seems to me that there are no Integer values in the collection ("Operator existiert nicht: integer = character varying"). The same would cause the other error ("Syntaxfehler bei »[«"). How is the collection (you use in your query) filled? I never had such problems (errors) when I used a collection for a multi-select parameter. Regards Christina.
  5. Hi, I did it in the following way: In the properties of the text field search for "Properties expressions". After clicking the "three points" button a new window is opened. In this click "Add" a search for "net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text" (in my case it is the third entry). Doubleclick on this text. Then add in the field "Property value" true. Close the two windows with Ok. That should do the trick. HTH Christina.
  6. Hi Ingrid, that sounds like something is wrong with the filling of the parameter. A java.util.collection is always printed with the leading "[" and an ending "]" (if you print it via iReport). What about trying to cut off the [ ] before filling the parameter of the SQL-Query? Regards Christina.
  7. Hi, I'm sorry, that I wrote it in that way. What I want to know is: Is it necessary for you to use the column and the page footer? Won't it work with only the column footer or the page footer? If you put both rectangles in one footer either the column or the page footer? Regards Christina.
  8. Hi vaxim, ok, that's not nice. Are you able to put both of the rectangles into the page or column footer? Regards Christina.
  9. Hi vaxim, the page footer is always printed on the bottom of the page. It leaves the rest of the page blank an prints it on the last lines. Perhaps the "Position Type" of the Properties of the rectangle helps you. Try to put it to "Fix relative to Bottom". HTH Christina.
  10. Hi, Which error message do you get? And where did you get it? Regards Christina
  11. Hi, you can use something like this: ($F{amount}.doubleValue() >= new BigDecimal(1000).doubleValue() ? "Group 1": ($F{amount}.doubleValue() > new BigDecimal(500).doubleValue() && $F{amount}.doubleValue() < new BigDecimal(1000).doubleValue() ? "Group 2": ($F{amount}.doubleValue() > new BigDecimal(100).doubleValue() && $F{amount}.doubleValue() < new BigDecimal(500).doubleValue() ? "Group 3": "Group 4"))) Put thos piece of code into your "Group Expression". An other workaround is to do this in your SQL query (if you're using SQL). Create a CASE .... WHEN expression like this: (CASE WHEN amount >= 1000 THEN 1 WHEN amount > 500 AND amount < 1000 THEN 2 ... ELSE 0 END) AS SORT. If you then put $F{SORT} in your group expression it should work like you've expected. HTH Christina.
  12. Hi, you have a build-in variable for your created group: YOURGROUP_COUNT. HTH Christina.
  13. Hi, I found out that if you set the property "Print order" in the report properties to "Vertical" the field flows over (if you checked the property), if the content doesn't fit. If you put the detail band height to the height of your fields (in this case 15) you won't get an empty space between your lines. HTH Christina.
  14. Hi, this might be the wrong place for your question. Try the Jasperserver forum instead. Regards Christina.
  15. Hi, I'm sorry if I didn't understand your needings the right way. In my case I put a field on the detail band and set the height of the deatil band that it fits the height of the field I put on it. I checked the option "Strech With Overflow" in the properties of the field. If I run the report, the field overflows, if the content is bigger than the field height and the band height grows up, too. So I might understood you the wrong way. Perhaps you can post your jrxml so that we can have a look at it, and try to find out what's going wrong. Regards Christina.
  16. Hi Chandu, which version of iReport do you use? In version 3.6.0 you'll find the Styles in the Report Inspector. There you have to add a Style (the way the field normally should look like) by right clicking on the word "Styles". After that you can add a conditional style. HTH Christina.
  17. Hi Kitti, what about the option "Strech With Overflow" in the field properties? I think this will do exactly what you're searching for. HTH Christina.
  18. Hi, what about setting the height of the subreports to 0? Then they shouldn't be shown. Try to put the height of the detail band to 0 too. I think this should work. How should the summary band look like? What is wrong? No data? Wrong data? HTH Christina.
  19. Hi kamalisto, what kind of field is your $F{ELAPSED}? As far as I know this will only work with double or int Values. So if your field is a BigDecimal just try the following term: ($F{ELAPSED} .doubleValue() < new java.math.BigDecimal(1440).doubleValue() ? "":null) Please note that this will work with Java, not with Groovy. HTH Christina.
  20. Hi, in you report inspector right click on the reports name and choose "Add Report Group". After that a wizard guide you to create a group for your report. Keep in mind, that your report should be sorted by the field you refer to in your group. HTH Christina.
  21. Hi, what about the Page Header/Footer Band or the Column Header/Footer Band? Then create a variable with a sum function of the values you want to sum up and put the variable into a field on the Header and Footer. I think the Evaluation time for the Header should be "now" and for the Footer "Page". HTH Christina Post Edited by ckampshoff at 02/18/2010 11:35
  22. Hi jslater, for this you can use the "Print when Expression" of the band you want to show. You don't need to set the band height to 0. In this case you will get some errors in iReport. For the Print when expression you have to write something like this: new Boolean("Your expression when you want the band to be shown"). HTH Christina
  23. Hi Ala, what about variables for each field you want to compare? Try as calculation "Nothing", as Reset type "Report", as Increment type "None" and set for the default value the name of your field. I don't know exactly if this would work. Or order your data hisID, ID, date, info, status and create a group for every field. Group 1: hisID, Group 2: ID and so on. The group header is printed every time the group field changes. Perhaps this helps you. Regards Christina
  24. Hi alaveth, which of the data do you want to compare? The info, the status? Perhaps this will help you: create a variable for each field of your database (in this example 5): var_hisID, var_ID, var_date, var_info, var_status. Try as calculation "Nothing" and set for the default value the name of your field. Now you can work with the print-when expression in the field properties. Like this: new Boolean(!$F{date}.equals($V{var_date})) HTH Christina
  25. Hi kaspar, the code snippet I posted was for java. You use groovy in your report, right? I'm sorry but I don't know how the if-statement should look like to use it in groovy. Regards Christina.
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