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  1. Hi Christina, thanks for your reply. After a lot of trial and error I found another solution: an SQL-statement that gives me the new and the old values in one record. In my report I can then use a simple condition to decide if the field shoud be printed. If anyone is interested, I'll post a (simplified) version of this statement later. Greetings, Ala
  2. Hello Christina, thanks for the quick answer. I want to compare all fields in my table (I just limited the sample to two to save me some typing). This means that for every record in my table I somehow need to get hold of the values of the previous record so I can decide if that record data should be printed or not. Of course I'll need to set up the proper conditions for the report, but I know how to do that. My main problem right now is how to get hold of the data I need. We use a "dumb" Oracle 9i database (just tables and a few procedures). I already tried to find out if Oracle could do that comparison for me, but so far our database experts have no answers for me. Thus my hope that someone here ran into a similar problem and could give me a hint where to start. Greetings, Ala
  3. Hello everyone I have created some simple reports before, but with my current task I feel a bit overwhelmed. We have a database table that records changes on the data in another table. The (somewhat simplified) data looks like this: hisID | ID | date | info | status 1 | 3 | 2010-01-31 | Test | green 2 | 3 | 2010-01-31 | Test | yellow 3 | 3 | 2010-01-31 | Testdata | red The hisID is the ID of our historical table, the ID refers to the record in our main table. Now my task is to set up a report that prints not the complete historical record (we already have that one) but only the fields that have changed from one record to the next. The finished report should read something like this: 1 2010-01-31 status: yellow 2 2010-01-31 info: Testdata, status: red I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a pointer where to start with this. Thanks a lot, Alaveth
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