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  1. you can print the parameter by draging it to report page. please make sure in report properties set "When No Data" Property to "All Sections No Detail" so that report is empty message do not appear.
  2. The input controls creared are correct. please check which value is being passed to report from input control.In one of the version(3.5 not sure)I found that selected date-1 is getting passed to the report query... Thanks Charul
  3. Hi, I want last month end date as default selection in date prompt. can someone please help me. Thanks Charul Pandey
  4. Hi, I want to pass all Fund_Id to a drill through target report. Fund_Id is a column in my report. actully my drill through should pass all rows of fund_id to target report. and apply filter on basis of these passed values. for this i am trying to create a string in parent report that includes all fund ids sapereted by a comma eg('Fund_Id1','Fund_Id2','Fund_Id3') and use this string with IN clause of SQL. but I am not able to create any such string. Can someone Please guide me on this? Thanks Charul Pandey
  5. Hi Is it possible to create prompts those appear at the top of subreport. i am using jasperserver 3.7.0 CE. I do not want ot create these prompts on parent report because i have 2 subreports with different prompts at the top of these. Please help Thanks Charul Pandey
  6. Hi, How can we insert macros in excel output of the jasper report. Please guide Thanks Charul Pandey
  7. right click over chart and do following chart Data>Details>pie Series>section hyperlink> Link parameters _report="/root/report_name" p_Country=$F{country}
  8. hi i have a requirement in which i have 3 drop down prompts like prompt A, prompt B, prompt C. first one(prompt A, ) is the master prompt . if i select value B then only Prompt B Should be displayed and if i select value C then only Prompt C Should be displayed. (Please note this is not a cascading prompt problem) Please guide if you have some ideas on this Thanks Charul Pandey
  9. hi i have a requirement in which i want two prompt pages those come one after the other. can someone please guide me to solve this problem Thanks Charul Pandey
  10. you will get this error in iReport, if you publish this report to jasperServer it will run fine.
  11. Hi , Is there any way to remove lables from Pie Chart. I am using Jasperserver-CE-3.7.0 Thanks Charul
  12. Guys I got the solution I removed the comments those were inbitween the code. now its working fine.
  13. Hi, I developed one report using iReport 3.7.0 . when i see Preview it is running fine when I run it on jasperserver-pro3.7.1 .I get the error java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00903: invalid table name I am connecting to oracle database. however same report was running fine in my earlier installation. Please help. Thanks Charul.
  14. Hi, I am using Jasperserver-pro 3.7. In my pie chart I am not able to hide pie lables. Can someone plese help me? Note: I do not want to use flash chart. Thanks Charul Pandey
  15. Hi, I have one calculated field on my report. which is a result of calculation applied in 2 data items. i want to apply prompt / Filter on this data item. Can someone please guide me how to achieve this. Thanks Charul
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