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Everything posted by codyjasperForge

  1. Do you have the option of placing a "NO NULLS" constraint in you dB? To me this seems like the only way to avoid such a problem...
  2. Try to restore the window (top right corner) and see if the contents appear. If that doesn't work, I would just uninstall the app. Then re-install in a separate directory. I had a similar problem w/iReport 2.0. I did the previous steps and my problem was solved. Hope this helps.
  3. I'm not too sure about which version the bug applies to. The only indicator that you can observe is the date that the bug was reported. I would assume that it applies to the newest version made available (to that date) and on. For example, if version 1.3.2 were made available on 10/2006, the bug could possibly apply to 1.3.x. Still, this isn't a wise assumption to make. Have you posted this problem in any other forums? Sometimes you can get a sense of direction by doing that as well. This is really frustrating me! :evil:
  4. Check the samples page in the JasperReports Project home page (Wiki)
  5. Well, I don't have a solution yet, but I did find something similar in the iReport Tracker... Check out artf1694, I don't know if this is the same problem, but they may be related... keep investigating...:huh:
  6. I was able to add the date but when I move my $V{adddate} to pramenter $P{newDate}, I am getting null value inside newDate This raises the question: Which value gets filled first, variable values or parameter values...? How is it that you know the 'null' value exists? Are you displaying it in a textfield? If so, try changing the evaluation time of your textfield, see if that will give you the value of $V{adddate} inside of $P{newDate}.. Does this work?
  7. Use nested ternary expressions: ($V{cars}.equals(new String("BLACK")) ? $V{carName} : ($V{cars}.equals(new String("RED")) ? $V{carMake} : ($V{cars}.equals("blue") ? $V{carModel}) : etc, etc, etc...)
  8. You're right, I thought that was it but I was wrong... You may want to contact an admin for this issue, I'm not the most familiar with XMLDataSources... BUT, I will keep investigating. Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/07/26 20:47
  9. Found it. Change the foreground color of your text inside the static text field. Let me know if that is it.
  10. Could you send me your source code? I would like to duplicate it as well, this could tell you if the problem is local to your machine, or if it really is a bug. This is quite confusing because I am able to place and view elements in the page footer of iReport 2.0. With you source I may be able to debug your report and tell you what happened...
  11. Use subreports in your group headers... Otherwise you cannot get the 'Detail' band effects. (Headers will only display the first row retrieved)
  12. Try using the 'Line' element. Insert two lines on either margin of the 'Detail' band. Does this help?
  13. ...although with JR Viewer is the output not blank. What is the output in JRViewer? It could be that pdf does not support your links. What pdf version are you using?
  14. What font type are you using? Is it one that is supported by your exporter? This is really strange... :S
  15. Check the iReport src folder for the Excel exporter class... Or something thereOF... IMO, The exporter class is what you need to investigate.
  16. Is there anything in the band's 'Print when expression'? Have you double checked the source? Are any options enabled that would not allow this (Blank When null, etc) Have you tried using the summary or other bands near the bottom? Just a few ideas...Does this help?
  17. If the userID is coming in as a parameter, you could use it inside of the specific bands 'Print when Expression'. Remember, this has to evaluate to a Boolean expression though. It could possibly look something like: new Boolean ($P{userID}.equals("value")) If you need to check for multiple values, then nest another ternary expression inside of the first. Like so: $P{userID}.equals("value1") ? Boolean.TRUE : ($P{userID}.equals("value2") ? Boolean.FALSE : ($P{userID}.equals(etc...))) Remember to close your parenthesis' at the end also... Does this help?
  18. Use java code to convert your data types. If it is coming in as a 'String', then convert it to a float using conversion methods... .valueOf() .longValue() .parseLong() These are some examples, research 'Floats' and their conversion methods, then convert them in your field expressions... does this help?
  19. There should be some option for this under EDIT->REPORT PROPERTIES->MORE...(tab)->WHEN NO DATA...
  20. Maybe you should post this topic in an SQL forum? It sounds like the configuration of your server is the problem...
  21. Can you elaborate on what exactly converter.DecimalLocaleConverter is? This would help a great deal in debugging your problem...
  22. Use the scriptlet editor. Create a function in your scriptlet that does the calculation of your field values. (Change seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, etc) Call this function from a variable's expression (a variable which you need to create, call it 'TotalTime' or something of the like) The variable's expression should be something like: $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.calcTotalTime($F{hours}, $F{min}, {$F{seconds}) Display the variable in a textfield in your report. P.S. Make sure you name the scriptlet class with this syntax: public class (ReportName)Scriptlet extends... Let me know if this works...Hope it helps
  23. Lucianc wrote Do you actually need to set the parameter value in the scriptlet? Yes, ideally this is what I would like to do. The only problem with the 'natural approach' is the amount of data manipulation that occurs inside of the functions that I am using. I am converting PL/SQL functions/procedures into java code equivalent, to do preprocessing on my variable/parameter values. For example, I have the following parameters: serviceTypes 1-5 (Integers) Office id (Integer) sortBy (String) status (String) start date (date) end date (date) where clause (string) order by(string) I have the following variables: order by -> depends on sortBy param value Where clause -> depends on (status, office id, servicetype, start date param values) display_status -> depends on status param value display_officeName -> depends on office id value display_serviceType -> depends on which service type parameter is used (1-5) The main function calls two procedures depending on the values of the input params: if sortBy == "value1" orderBy += "new Value" if officeid!=null call MakeOfficeNames() whereclause += "another value" if serviceType1!=null call MakeServiceLists() whereclause += "yet another value" etc. I have came to the conclusion that it would be best to avoid using the scriptlet to do the preprocessing, but it was a courageous effort in trying. I want to say thanks for you patience with my posts, and for all of you help, as I have a new found appreciation for scriptlets in iReport! :) Thanks again Lucianc...
  24. The only way that I can think of would be to exclude zero values from your query. For example if you are using SQL, you can use a CASE statement inside of your query to disregard zero values. One other possibility is to put a ternary expression in the variable's initial expresssion: $F{fieldname}.equals(0) ? $F{fieldname}= $F{fieldname} + 1 : $F{fieldname} I would try using the 'CASE' statement first though, it seems more practical. Hope this helps.
  25. First of all, most of the java.util.Date class's methods have been deprecated by java.util.Calendar methods. So my first suggestion is to use java.util.Calendar.-But thats just a suggestion. If I understand you correctly, you are receiving a 'Date' object from your parameter. Change this to java.util.Calendar. I would create a variable: Name = daysAdded Class = java.util.Calendar() Reset Type= NONE Calculation Type = NONE Increment Type = NONE Initial Expression = $P{Name of your incoming parameter} Variable Expression = $P{NameOfYourParam}.CalendarFunctionToSetDays() I don't know the exact function you need for the underlined above, but here is the link that you need. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/Calendar.html#method_summary Then create a Parameter, Call it newDate. Parameter expression should be $V{daysAdded} Use this parameter in your query... Let me know if this works...
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