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Everything posted by codyjasperForge

  1. Enter the two fields into a variable's expression. Base your group on the variable instead of either field. WHen the variable changes, the group will change. Tell me if this works... Hope it helps...
  2. try reading this: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=27569&catid=9
  3. Forgive me, I am having problems running iReport... From what I can see: Open main report. Open subreport properties (right click -> subreport(other) Change your return values to match your variable names. FOr example: Change subreport variable from _IMPRIMER_LIBELLE to _SOLDERETOUR I will have to continue testing...iReport giving problems to me now :pinch:
  4. I replaced the .jar (axiom-api-1.0.jar) but still get the error. Any other ideas..?
  5. I'm glad you found a solution to this. Xpath huh...? interesting Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/07/18 13:24
  6. I am sorry, is there any way that I may see your .jrxml? This would be very helpful to me...
  7. Make sure that your subreport either: 1. executes a query that actually returns the $F{field} 2. has incoming parameters from the main report containing $F{field}... Does your report meet either of these req'mts?
  8. The only other option that I'm aware of is to use subreports/subdatasets to execute a seperate query from that of the main report. If you create a subreport and execute your query witin it, you can return the results in a variable to the main report. This too can be done using scriptlets... Be sure to read up on the Samples page. I will have to research some more... Hope it helped :P
  9. In the _SOLDECOURANT variable expression, you should have the subreport return variable -> SOLDE_RETOUR Does this make a difference?
  10. My only guess is that the evaluation time of LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS in your main report needs to change from 'group' to 'Report'. That is, if you want the total of EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS. One other possible solution would be to write a scriptlet within sub2, which finds the total of TOTAL_HOURS. Call this scriptlet within your variable expression of: TOTAL_HOURS Could possible look like: Code: $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.calcTotalHrs() return $V{TOTAL_HOURS} to sub1 then return EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS to main report. It has to be a timing issue... Remember in your scriptlet class, the default methods. If your results are still the same using a scriptlet, try using one of the default methods beforeXXX or afterXXX to do the calculation. Hope this helps.
  11. Yes Shertage, axim-api-1.0.jar is packaged with the application. I have 2 previous versions of iReport installed on my machine(1.3.2, 1.3.3) Each of which is using java 1.5... I will replace the current axim-api-1.0.jar with a previously installed version and see what my results are... Thanks for the replies...
  12. what is in the group expression of LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS 's evaluation group? A(main) $V{LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS} B (sub1) $V{EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS} C (sub2) $V{TOTAL_HOURS}
  13. Hey all, I know this is the wrong forum for this post, however, I figured it increases the odds of someone actually responding... I have just downloaded iReport 2.0. I have it running from jre 1.5. I am able to open previously saved reports, but they will not compile. My error message is this: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: error: error reading .libaxiom-api-1.0.jar; error in opening zip file Note: D:JasperReportsver1.3.3reportsreport1.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 1 error Am I missing something? I have my classpath variable defined correctly, the installation of iReport 2.0 is in the same directory as my previous version. ANY suggestions would be more than appreciated. thx.
  14. Hey everyone, I just installed iReport 2.0. My previous version was 1.3.3. I can open any of the previous reports, but I can't compile them... I get the following error, which to me looks like the path to the compiler needs to be defined ?! net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: error: error reading .libaxiom-api-1.0.jar; error in opening zip file Note: D:JasperReportsver1.3.3reportsAlleged32Perpetrator32Disposition32Letter_1184696112953_170731.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 1 error Can anyone tell me what specific .jar files that are located in the 'lib' directory of iReport 2.0 need to be updated? axiom-api-2.0.jar possibly? Post edited by: codyjasperForge, at: 2007/07/17 18:48
  15. The way that I have achieved this in the past is by creating an subreport, executing it's query, then return the results using variables(which I created)... Inside the subreport there is NOTHING... No FIELDS, Static text, etc. To some this is bad practice, there should be a more efficient way to accomplish this.
  16. Well, it may be possible using a scriptlet... :( But, what I meant, was to write java source code and include it in your iReport library. To me, this seems like an external task. However, I'm not qualified to say this for sure... I was simply making the suggestion. For better advice, I would search around the forum some thing similar to your problem (sorry).
  17. Actually, I intended the scriptlet code to set up the necessary methods to independently execute the seperate query. Once this is done, the results need to be converted to the proper java format (i.e. Strings, Integers, Booleans etc), and returned. Inside a textfield that is positioned within your table, the textfield expression should be something similar to: Code: $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.doQuery() Where doQuery() returns the properly formatted results of the query...Does this make sense? Try this link for your examples... http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/Samples
  18. First have the main report window active. Right click on your subreport and choose properties. Go to 'SubReport (other)' tab Below is a tab 'Subreport return values' Make sure that the variable names match each created variable. $V{sub_return} -> Destination Variable $V{return_main} -> Subreport Variable inside the variable definition of $V{return_main} the variable expression should be $V{calc_var}, which has your calculated value inside it. Once you've done this, you should be able to view the contents of your returned value inside the 'Main' report.(using $V{sub_return}) Hope this helps...
  19. Teodor, I have previously read posts pertaining to new functionality for <super> and <sub> tags for the 'StyledText' attribute... Have these ideas progressed any further, or have they been thrown out? The reason I ask is because this may be a situation where they could be helpful for the .pdf export...
  20. I do not beleive there is an option for this... Subdatasets can specify a seperate query from the main report query... You could write scriptlet code to execute a query independant of iReport, then call the scriptlet function from within your subreport's textfield expression. Hope it helps...
  21. Use the same variable that is used for your pagewise totals, but change the evaluation time to 'Report' , that way it won't get filled with the value until the entire report has finished processing.
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