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Everything posted by codyjasperForge

  1. Depending on what DataSource you have, you can return the Record Count as a field. For example in SQL: select field1, field2, rownum from table where... rownum = the # of the row that is getting returned. (You'll need to SUM this value in a variable) Does this help?
  2. Is this what you are asking? You have two fields... $F{f1} = value $F{f2} -> Print when expression = new Boolean ($F{f2}.equals($F{f1}))
  3. You could use a subreport. Place the 'subreport' element inside the pagefooter band, (the height can be as small as 1pixel). Then inside your subreport place only the necessary elements that you wish to display (either in the page/column footer of it, or what ever band suits your needs) Then apply your 'Print when expression to the subreport element. (Or the pagefooter band itself) This way if the subreport does not display any elements, it will only occupy 1 px of space in the page footer... Does this make sense?
  4. You could create variables that calculate that page #, then pass them to your subreport(s) using parameters...
  5. Create a variable. Name: newValue Class Type: (Type of $F{sales_a}) -Double? Reset Type: None Calc Type: None Initial Expression: 0.0 Variable Expression: Code: $F{sales_a} <= $F{sales_b} ? (new Double ($F{sales_a}.doubleValue() + $F{com}.doubleValue())) : $F{sales_b} This should be correct. Let me know if it isn't... Hope this helps. P.S. Make sure to remember you evaluation time of the textfield that you place the $V{newValue} inside of.
  6. Check to see if the versions of Adobe (pdf) are the same on either machine. Also make sure that the pdf Font is supported in each version. Also check to see that they share the same encoding. If those test pass, start checking the textfield properties. Things like (Transparency vs. Font Color) (Send to Back, Bring to Front) (Blank When null) (When no Data) ETC. I hope this helps.
  7. Isn't that the same as I suggested? $P{dateCalculated} should contain the default values of the newly calculated date, right? :huh:
  8. It sounds like you need to define the columns as something other than 'floats' from within your data source. (The types are defined when you create the data source) ???
  9. Have you searched through the bugs in the iReport Project Home, you can find out a lot there.
  10. i have tried in many ways but i can't Can you elaborate further, How have you tried? Create variable. Name: SumOfFields Type: (Integer) -OR- (Double) Calc Type: None Variable Expression: $F{1} + $F{2} Inital Expression: new Integer(0) -OR- new Double(0.0) There are other ways to do this as well. This is one possibility. Does this help?
  11. If you are using parameters, you could place code in the textfield expression to decide what the value should be. Textfield expression: Code: $F{flag}.equals("Y"«») ? "C" : "" I am not the most familiar w/JRResultSetDataSource(s), but this should be somewhat similar to what you may need. Be sure that you have looked at all of the samples located in the 'JasperReports' Project Home -> Wiki page. These samples cover many topics. Hope this helps...
  12. You could create two parameters, one to hold the value of the input data, the other to do the calculation on that parameter. $P{inputData} expression = the users input $P{dateCalculated} expresssion = ${inputData}.doDateCalc() OR $P{dateCalculated} expression = java.util.Date() .setTime() .getHours() .getDate() .setDate() ... You could do the calculation using a scriptlet, or just embed you code in the parameters expression. All of which you would need to use Java API's to do so. e.g.(Date class, Calendar class, DateFormat class, etc) Does this help?
  13. One other option would be to try viewing them using a different browser. With so many browser options these days there could be some kind of conflict with the browser you're using to view it with. One possible workaround is to export to something like .pdf format, then view that .pdf using your browser. I don't think that it is a bug. There is something that is occurring that we aren't aware of... ???
  14. Right click on your textfield element and they're the options located at the bottom of the list... Hope it helps...
  15. Are your textfields set to 'Transparent' ? Have you tried 'Send To Front/Back' options? Are your URLs correct? Just a few ideas...
  16. Yes this is correct, (forgive me). I usually use the internal scriptlet editor, and when I was first learning about it I encountered this error multiple times. I assumed that csplrj was doing the same thing... However, it is a possibility if you are using the internal scriptlet editor.
  17. Look here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/Samples
  18. Insert a clause into your query to handle 'NULL' values or, 00:00:00 time values... If your are using SQL you can use: NVL, DECODE, CASE, and other statements similar to these. Does this help?
  19. You need to be more specific in your problem... What is the exception? What type/value is your parameter? What util class are you using? (did you write it?) Maybe a stacktrace or some source code? This would help in solving your problem...
  20. You can use "X" in your 'Print when expression'. Something like: new Boolean( $P{X}.intValue() > 0)) This should print for every value of 'X'. Does this help?
  21. Print when expressions have to evaluate to a Boolean value. add new Boolean( your expressions ) In your variable class, or inside the expression itself, you need to change the type from BigDecimal to something else. (Integer, Double, etc) BigDecimal is not a predefined datatype in Java, that is the cause of the error. Even though the expression validates your input(sometimes it can be misleading). You should change your expression to a valid java expression: (($V{TOTAL_SUM_REG}.currencyValue()>0;"DEBIT";"CREDIT") Change this to: Code: (($V{TOTAL_SUM_REG}.currencyValue()>0 ? "DEBIT" : "CREDIT"«») Let me know if this helps.
  22. Scriptlet filename must match that of the main report. MainReport.jrxml -> MainReportScriptlet.jrxml Does this help?
  23. Also, make sure that the filename of your scriptlet matches that of the main report. For example, if your main report filename is myReport.jrxml, Then your scriptlet filename should be myReportScriptlet.jrxml This is a common error when using scriptlets. They both should be saved in the same directory as well(90% of the time).
  24. Try to find java.Math in you JDK lib folder. Copy the necessary .jar's into your iReport lib folder, then set your Classpath to those .jars from within iReport. This might work.. Let me know if it does...
  25. You might want to see artf1488 of iReport Bug Tracker. Don't know if this is it, but it may be similar.
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